Chapter 106 No. 23 Sugar Cane [-]
Zhou Chi is an employee of Red Sun Performance Company, and he got up at five o'clock today.


The company received a big order and had to go to the Huxin Hotel to set up the venue early.

Lakeside Hotel.

He took a bite of the bread, wiped the sweat off his forehead with his shoulders, picked up the water next to him and poured it down his throat, and it took him a while to recover.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, when will this be hung up?" The new intern Xiao Zhang ran over with a bunch of red cloths in his arms.

Zhou Chi ate the bread in two mouthfuls, and calculated the time, "Hang up now, it's already 08:30, and the guests will be coming in a while. Brother Song said, we must let everyone see it."

"Eh good."

The two were busy for half an hour, and finally hung up.

Looking at the results, Xiao Zhang was silent, "Brother Zhou, don't you think this is a bit too exaggerated."

A two-meter-wide and 20-meter-long banner is placed across the center of the hotel, making it difficult for people not to notice it. The key point is that this word is specially made, and it will light up at night, so it is guaranteed to be clearly visible from the other side of the river.

It's so high profile.

Zhou Chi also felt exaggerated.

It's not the banner, but the place where the banner is hung.

It stands to reason that it is not allowed to hang these things at the entrance of the hotel. Brother Song paid extra money and rented them for a day just to hang these things.

I heard that the rent is quite a lot.

In other words, is it so profitable to open a small supermarket?He wanted to quit his job and change his career.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Song Shi drove his family to the hotel.

He parked the car.

Father Song looked at the banner on the door that was impossible to ignore, and nodded with a very serious expression, "This is not bad, it should be done!"

Song Shi smiled smugly, "That is, it doesn't matter who arranged it."

The corners of Song's mother and Wang Min's eyes twitched.

Song An poked the arm of the older twin brother next to him, winking.

Song Zhe was a little embarrassed, but more helpless.

He had hoped to keep a low profile.

When they entered the hotel, they were even more dazzled by the red in front of them.

"Isn't it a bit too popular?" Song An whispered.

Don't when relatives and friends come in and think that they have walked to someone else's wedding venue.

"It should be so popular. It's a happy event for Xiao Zhe to come back. Both of you have been admitted to a good university. Our family is blessed with three blessings. No matter how popular you are, you can't be too popular." Mother Song smiled, "Look at how positive the color is. Festive, what a good meaning, our family will be prosperous in the future."

Song An silently swallowed the phrase 'in a trance'.

Wang Min is also busy.

Ask the waiter to prepare dried fruit snacks, take kettles, and drinks.

Seeing this, Mother Song stopped chatting and joined the busy camp.

Father Song wandered around with his hands behind his back.

The rest of the father and son stared at each other, looking a little bored.

But soon, they got busy.

The guests came one after another.

Song Shi led his two sons to stand at the door and greeted them with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, brother Wang, sister-in-law, please come in quickly. By the way, my eldest nephew, why didn't you see it? Ah? Going to school oh, look at my memory. Yes, these are two brats from my family. This one is called Song Zhe , This is Song An, yes, who knew someone would be so bad, right, Song Zhe, Song An, this is our neighbor, you call Uncle Wang, this is Aunt Zhang."

"Brother, sister-in-law, you are here. Song Zhe and Song An hurried over to help your grandpa and grandma. They are really tall and big. They have no eyesight at all. What? The banner outside my place is neatly arranged? That's not it, It's clear at a glance, brother, you still have eyes!"

"...This is your aunt and uncle. Yes, these two boys from my family are handsome, don't they look exactly the same?"

".This is your cousin"

"...This is Reporter Lu, but I'm the only one who is a cowhide. My name is Uncle Lu."

".This is Xiaotian. Regardless of his young age, he is already a very well-known blogger. Isn't it that everyone loves to surf the Internet? Internet fate. Can you take pictures? Of course, it is rare to come to the Lakeside Hotel, and let How many fans did you gain?"

".This is Dad's friend. You are not calling Uncle Chen, Uncle Wang, Uncle Zhou, and Uncle Li for nothing. If you need anything in the future, just look for them."

"Oh, Zou Ji, you are here, welcome!"

"Hey, Mr. Chen, you've already started airing it. Oh, don't shoot my two brats, do anything else. If there's anything good about kids, take a look at my banner, don't you hate me?"

Song Zhe and Song An's faces were numb.

"Dad." Song Zhe pursed his lips, "Dad, do you know these friends?"

He asked Song An.

But Song An shook his head, nodded again, and replied in a low voice: "Some have never seen it before, and some have seen it in the store. They came to talk to Dad about stocks."

"Stocks?" Song Zhe was a little surprised, but not particularly surprised. Just like buying lottery tickets, stock trading is normal.


The two brothers chatted together in low voices.

Song An helped him identify relatives again.

In front of the hotel gate, a middle-aged man was greeting his mobile phone: "Hi everyone, good afternoon, I am your favorite anchor, Brother Big Niu, I still remember the changer who caused a wave of memories to kill some time ago Incident? I want to tell everyone that the incident has come to an end. The two children have returned to their biological parents' homes. Today is the second day after the former Young Master Zhao returned home. There is a big banquet in the hotel to celebrate his return, don’t worry, don’t worry, Big Niu will show everyone this hotel, look at this banner, Doraemon, warmly celebrate Song Zhe, the eldest grandson of the Song family, who recognizes his ancestors and returns to the clan.”

Netizen: Let’s just say that word
Netizen: Zhao's family is also the eldest grandson, but the goose is not a descendant (laughing)

Netizen: Brother Niu is still your cow

Netizen: Lakeside Hotel?What a big deal, didn't it mean that the Song family just opened a small supermarket?
Netizen: That’s because you don’t understand how deep the water in the supermarket is

Netizen: When will the Zhao family hold a banquet to announce the heir?

Netizen: I'm afraid I won't be able to wait, the Zhao family is having a lot of fun with the hospital and with his ex-wife

Netizen: My little brother is so handsome, look at me! !

Big Niu who fell in love with the sky: "Are there any family members who don't know about this matter? Some deduct 1... well, there are still so many people who don't know, then Big Niu Let the family popularize the science. In ancient times, there was a civet cat for the prince, and Li Daitao was stiff and flew on a branch to become a phoenix. Today, there are true and false daughters, and lovers will eventually become brothers,,, sisters. The story of a boy born in a hospital. The origin of this story is the beautiful encounter between Cinderella and the prince, who fell in love at first sight and agreed with each other at first sight. However, there is a tigress in the prince’s luxurious castle. At that time, the tigress got angry..."

(End of this chapter)

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