Chapter 109 No. 26 Sugar Cane [-]
The Song family is busy moving their family.

The live broadcast platform network war also came to an end not long after.

The Zhao family should not lose too badly.

no way.

Who told the hospital to win the case?

Although Su Xiaoyan was not sentenced due to insufficient evidence, she still had to pay for her mistakes. In addition to paying compensation to the hospital, she also had to apologize publicly.

The trial was conducted in public at the strong request of the court.

In order to restore its reputation, the hospital, in addition to announcing the court judgment results on the homepage of the website, the official account, the large LED screen at the entrance, and the bulletin board, also specially held a press conference with great fanfare, and pushed all the responsibility on Su Xiaoyan.

Zhao Tongxuan's ex-wife and business rivals also stepped in.

unambiguous evidence.

The anchor who was hired to whitewash the facts was finally off the air in a hurry, and dared not open the live broadcast room for a few days, for fear of being attacked by a group of netizens who were beaten up.

The assistant went to ask Zhao Tongxuan for instructions.

But to no avail.

In the end, I had to let it go.

Mr. Zhao is very busy, busy fighting against the old man for his true love.

The old man originally looked down on Su Xiaoyan, but now that she has caused all these troubles, the Zhao family's reputation in the circle has dropped again and again, and they have become a laughing stock. Prototype novels, really.
"I have to leave! If you don't leave, get the hell out of Zhao's house!"

Mr. Zhao gave the order to die.

It's no wonder Zhao Tongxuan would listen.

It is impossible to walk.

Although he has nothing else but the domineering president Fan Er and the ability to attract bees and butterflies, he has been in the company for more than ten years anyway, even if he is a straw bag, isn't there still two straws.

The old man hasn't interfered with the company's affairs for many years.

He can win!

What's the point of being a prince? It's cool to sit on the top of the country and scold Fang Qiu!

Otherwise, even love cannot be kept.

So the Zhao family started fighting among themselves.

Su Xiaoyan only knows how to cry, she doesn't care about her own son who just returned home.

Can't care.

When Song Zhe was still Zhao He, she was very well-behaved and sensible, and she was also an excellent person. She didn’t need to worry about not only studying, but also living and dealing with people. Of course, she didn’t worry about it. Life is all under the vinegar adjustment.

She was used to it.

The child is crazy, to put it bluntly, she is not as important as the pet dog at home in her heart.

Anyway, the only child of the Zhao family came out of her womb. Based on this alone, she was no longer afraid.

One can imagine what kind of situation Zhao Chenrui is in.

Everything that Song Zhe had encountered in school was repeated on him. As the saying goes, he enjoyed the benefits brought by the family, but at the same time he had to bear some bad ones.

Day by day, his mental pressure was too great, and his body couldn't bear it anymore.

In the end, he was directly admitted to the hospital.

It is obvious that the operation can be performed in a few years, but after the examination, it must be completed within a year, otherwise, the Zhao family will really lose their children and grandchildren.

Mr. Zhao:
Zhao Tongxuan, Su Xiaoyan: .
? !!

After being shocked by the mother, the old man didn't care much. They thought it wasn't a big deal, just a chicken that needed to be matched. There are so many people in the world, and there are always people who will do anything for money.

Mr. Zhao was also an upright and strong person when he was young, but he didn't raise his children well, his son was not up to date, and the grandson was in the same situation.

But they didn't dare to go to the Song family.

The Song family who runs a small supermarket is simply too,, cheap, more dog than a dog, more social than the society, for the slightest benefit, he would make a big fuss, if he hadn't insisted on hosting some homecoming dinner this time, those Internet celebrities It won't be like a smelling fly, biting his Zhao family and not letting go.

really want to find him.
Heh, Mr. Zhao has a premonition that the Zhao family will definitely end.

Can't find it!
I have to stop two idiots from looking for it!

However, it is so easy to find a suitable chicken. The original scumbag couple waited for many years but they didn't find it. It doesn't make sense that the Zhao family is so lucky.

What is written in the law cannot be done.

There are so many eyes staring at the Zhao family now, once one wrong step is made, it will be a disaster.

Mr. Zhao sat in the study all afternoon. He made an appointment with a private doctor, and a few days later, he got a report.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhao Group parachuted a president, and the former president, Zhao Tongxuan, was also sent to explore overseas markets. Half a month later, Zhao Chenrui adjusted well after the operation. In a certain ward on the same floor, Su Xiaoyan was lying on a white bed. On the hospital bed, his eyes were full of hatred.


At least, the rest of her life is guaranteed.

The old man said that as long as she volunteered to save Zhao Chenrui, the Zhao family would accept her and guarantee her a prosperous life in the future, and she would be the only wife of the Zhao family.

She still wins.

The doctor also said that it will not affect life.

Su Xiaoyan closes her eyes, Brother Xuan, where are you, when will you come back, Yanyan misses you, misses you so much, misses you so much.
Song Shi absolutely never thought of being a butterfly. He admitted that everything he did at the Lake Heart Hotel, apart from clarifying and announcing to everyone, did have a bit of revenge.

It's based on the fact that labor and management can't clean up you, but they will also disgust you.

Why did the Zhao family make his family Song Zhe almost fail to go to college? There is no price to pay, not even an apology.

He just wanted to cause trouble for the Zhao family and seek justice for the child.

Come back with revenge!

But I didn't expect that a tsunami would be set off in the Zhao family.

This is so... so good!

With the money from selling the house and shop, the rest of the house can be paid off.

But Song Shi didn't pay.

He chose to pay in installments, three instalments, paid in one year.

The original slag is playing with stocks.

I have devoted myself to research for many years, and I have placed a bookshelf just for the investment books I bought. Many of the books have notes and notes, and the pages of the books are yellowed.

He is a firm trend technical school, but he has also accumulated a lot of practical experience.

Winter is here.

Grasping the last wave of baijiu market, he bought more than 200 lots of a certain liquor. After continuous operation, he lowered the cost, and after a big rise, he sold out the whole position.

This wave alone earned more than 200 million.

He spent a lively new year in his hometown, and next year followed the main force to speculate in new energy and semiconductors. In June, he paid the balance of the house and booked a decoration company.

In the second semester of Song Zhe and Song An's sophomore year, the family moved into a new home.

In fact, when they first heard that their parents had sold the house, both of them were very confused. Their first reaction was whether there was a major accident at home and they needed money urgently.

Almost crying.

They all decided to find a temporary job right away, so as to reduce the burden on the family.

But immediately, "We bought a house in City A. It's a villa with a yard. You can go home after your holidays."

Two people: "."

The mood is very complicated.

At home, do you have so much money?

Houses in City A are not cheap!

Song Shi sighed, "No way, let's get a mortgage. My grandparents are getting old, and I can't leave them in my hometown. It just so happens that there is a small area in front of and behind this house. Your grandma said that when the time comes, grow vegetables and sell them. Help me pay off my mortgage, if it wasn’t for the regulations that you are not allowed to raise poultry, your grandma would have planned to build a shed to raise chickens, ducks and piglets.”

Song An clenched his fists, "Dad, don't worry, I will be able to work in two years, and then I will work hard to make money."

Song Zhe also said, "Dad, me too."

"You are all good boys." Song Shi nodded with satisfaction, "But your dad and I are still young and can do it well. At this stage, you should learn skills from the teacher. When you have skills and find a good job, everything in the family will be fine. It's all up to you."

"Well, Dad, we will." The two nodded heavily.

Song's father watched his son fooling his grandson blankly.

But he didn't refute.

As for children, we can’t have no pressure at all. Let them know the hard work of being parents, so they will work harder, love their parents more, and know how to be grateful.

As for those who grow vegetables, they still have to grow them.

Everything in the Song family is on the right track.

Song Shi sat under the grape arbor with his eyes closed, and the wicker chair shook slightly.

He picked up a cup of scented tea in his hand, took a sip, and sighed the good tea.

"Let's go."

He did everything he could.

For the future, I will leave it to Yuan Zha to solve it by himself.

Hope he can figure it out.

Consciousness flashed.

The man on the wicker chair opened his eyes again, and the core had already been changed.

In Song Dynasty, it was like having a long dream. When you wake up from the dream, things are different.

He lay at home for a few days, and after sorting out what happened during this period, he couldn't help but feel deeply moved and afraid. Fortunately, that person took over his body at the beginning, otherwise, he would definitely regret his whole life. Decide.

And the consequences of that decision alone were enough to destroy his home.

He was inherently selfish.

When I think that my family is a spare tire, and the whole family is making wedding dresses for others, I am so troubled that I can't sleep all night.

For several midnights, I hid in the bathroom and slapped myself.

Call yourself stupid.

When he came out, his cheek hurt so much that he grinned.

This kind of masochistic self-punishment made him feel much less guilty.

Half a month later, he rented a small shop two streets away. He continued to do his old business, opened a supermarket, and the husband and wife guarded it. Father Song and mother Song occasionally set up a stall at the door to sell the vegetables grown by themselves.

The days are plain and beautiful.

Two years later, Song Zhe and Song An graduated. After discussion with the family, they decided to continue their studies.

(End of this chapter)

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