Chapter 110
Spoiler - Wang Min
My name is Wang Min, and I am 84 years old. Recently, I always feel weak and don’t want to move. I lie on the bed but can’t sleep all night.

I felt even worse after waking up.

Surrounded by a great sense of loss... or depression.

The grandchildren came back to see me with their great-grandchildren. I touched the children's heads and looked at their immature faces, but I was in a daze.

Familiar and unfamiliar.

In the evening, my son Song An called me and said that he was discussing with Song Zhe to go home and stay with me for a while.

Song An was stunned for a while, "Mom, I retired last year."

I suddenly realized.

Oh yes.

Both sons are retired and have a lot of time. They once said they would take me out for a trip, but I refused with a smile. How can I find my old man?

hang up the phone.

I sat in the living room for a while, and Sister Li reminded me that it was time to rest.

Speaking of which, my life has been really comfortable.

When she was young, she was raised by an old man. When the old man died, the two sons wanted to take her to live with her. For this reason, the two children with very good tempers quarreled several times. In the end, she herself did not agree, saying that she was used to living here. I don't want to move.

She lives here.

Here she dies.

She is not going anywhere!

I went to sleep at night, and as expected, I dreamed again.

This time when I woke up from the dream, I did not forget the content of the dream.

Yes. Before
I dreamed of Xiaokang, dreaming of Xiaokang crying and asking me why the operation was cancelled.

Yes, Xiaokang used to be my son, my precious son, I only cared about him in my heart, and he touched my heart whenever there was any trouble.

I worry about him, love him, and everyone has to stay behind.

However, he is not actually my son.

That was a mistake, a disgusting mistake!
He asked me why I canceled the operation. I thought about it, oh, yes, it was the old man. The old man had a car accident. He was always superstitious and felt that the meaning was bad, so he went to the temple to burn incense?No, the operation was cancelled?But I clearly remember that the whole journey went smoothly, the car drove all the way to the hospital without any incident, Song An begged me and the old man with tears, he knelt on the ground, kept kowtow, kowtow
What happened later?
It's been so long, I can't remember clearly.

Song An, I never saw him again after that time, he lived.

He was lying on a white bed with his eyes closed, a long scar on his abdomen, and his forehead was bruised, but he would never cry or laugh again.

Song Anhe. Have you ever laughed?
Why can't I remember his smile at all.

No, it must be fake.

Song An smiled cutely, especially when the old man was still around, he would come back every now and then. He was obviously doing research, but he especially liked helping the old man in his small supermarket, and he was always smiling when he saw everyone.

In a daze, I fell asleep again.

in a dream.

I saw Song An died, I saw Song Kang being recognized by the Zhao family couple, and I also saw Zhao He who looked exactly like Song An, who was indifferent and insensitive. That was my other son who grew up in the Zhao family.

Xiaokang went back.

But his destination seems to be forgotten by everyone, it's subconsciously blurred.

He was in an extremely awkward position.

I, I don't know what's going on, I just watched with cold eyes, the old man is more indifferent than me, he said that after the child is well in the Zhao family, he might still be in charge of the Zhao family. A grocery store owner?

I am speechless.

In fact, I agree with the old man's words from the bottom of my heart.

After that, what happened after that. Oh, the child died.

dead again.

He was lying on the white bed, his face was covered by a white cloth, I slowly pulled it away with trembling hands, he closed his eyes tightly, at that moment, I was pulled back to a few years ago, at that time, Song An was just like him.


He is Song An.

Song An, died again.

Song An, have you ever died?

I am completely insane.

At the end of the dream, Song Kang stood in the darkness with a pale face, red tears flowed from his eyes, and he rushed towards me ferociously.

I can't breathe.

I thought, I'm going to die.

Extra Story - Song Kang
I thought, this time, I am really going to die.

The doctor has issued an ultimatum, if no suitable chicken can be found
But where can I find it,
My biological mother gave me one a few years ago and now she can't maintain it herself, hers is broken and I can't use it.

As for my domineering CEO's father, heh, he hasn't been home for a long time.

No one knows in which country or which gentle village he fell asleep in the moonlight den.

Three years ago, my grandfather passed away suddenly.

I didn't fight my father.

But he is indeed not the kind of material that guards the country. The company has shrunk by half in just three years since it was in his hands. The furnishings in the house have lost their brilliance. Scold my father, scold the Song family.

She is getting older.

Obviously, the first time I saw her, she was fair-skinned and delicate, with a girlish sweetness in her eyebrows and eyes, and no wrinkles on her face. It was only a few years ago, and she was surprisingly thin, with drooping eyelids. Sometimes it looks like a poisonous snake.

Her nails haven't been done in a long time.

Her bag is still the style of the year before last.

She no longer goes out to do face shopping with the ladies, and she will complain that she has suffered a lot.

I know what she means.

But I don't care, I don't care anymore.

My life is coming to an end, and I can't care about others anymore.

I got someone.

I know it's useless to ask my adoptive mother for help now, even if she wants to help me, she can't help me.

So, I got someone.

It's the kind of person who can't live happily anymore.

I promised him a lot of money, I need him to help me create an accident, if it works, I can live.

A few years can live a few more years. Let's live a few years first.

There is hope only when people are alive.

Backed by the Zhao family's money, I don't believe I can't find a suitable Yaoji.

But he failed.

He beat himself to death.

Song An and Song Zhe are all fine.

When the police rang my doorbell and showed up, I knew everything I had done was exposed.

I am at a loss.

Why is this happening?

I just want to live, I don't want to live in a dark tombstone at a young age, am I wrong?
Until I felt the cold touch on my wrist, I suddenly woke up.

I struggled, crazily resisting.

And my biological mother, she stood on the high stairs and laughed out loud, looking crazy.

I know, I'm done.

(End of this chapter)

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