Chapter 112 No. 2 Sugar Cane [-]
The conditions of the Song family are good.

Father Song made some money by going to sea in the early years, so he bought this villa in the old southern city. It is a small two-story western-style building with a sun room on the roof. It also has a small garden at the front and back. He is well-organized, and he likes to drink coffee and have afternoon tea in the yard when he has nothing to do, not to mention how comfortable he is.

Sure enough, Shu Jiao exclaimed as soon as she saw the garden.

"Wow, it looks so good! What kind of flower is this!"

As she said that, she rushed to a plant with bright red flowers, and quickly picked one off before Song Shi could stop it.

I put it under my nose and sniffed it, with an intoxicated expression on my face, "Brother Shi, it smells so good!"

Song Shi: "."

That's right, I'm feeling cold all over.

He looked indifferent, and said unceremoniously, "Didn't anyone tell you not to touch other people's things when you are a guest? I thought everyone was not a child anymore, and they would not do such uneducated things long ago." .Also, please call me Song Shi."

Shu Jiao's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe that such unkind words came from him, she pursed her lips, "I'm sorry."

The flowers in my hands have also become hot potatoes.

Take it is not.

It is not lost.

Song Shi glanced at her, went straight to the stone bench and sat down, took out the Bluetooth headset from his pocket, and began to listen to the original text.

Shu Jiao gritted her teeth, looked down at the flower in her hand, and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it just a flower, what's the big deal, you care so much about girls, you don't look like a boy at all."

"It's still Yuyang Xueshen, you're killing me!"

Tucao finished.

He couldn't help but look at Song Shi who was listening to English with his eyes closed. The sun shone on his face, making his already fair skin emit a soft light.

So handsome!

Can't help but walk over and sit opposite him.

"Hey, Brother Shi, what are you listening to?" She leaned her elbows on the stone table, her small face was resting on her white palms, her head was tilted, her big eyes were flickering, and she was innocent.

Song Shi ignored her at all.

did not hear.

This person is used to talking to himself, and she is even more enthusiastic about talking to her.

Shu Jiao didn't get any response, she pouted her mouth unhappily, she played with the flowers in her hand, and started to wander in the garden.

With Song Shi's reminder, she didn't dare to pick it randomly this time.

The sun rises.

It was also hot in the garden.

Song Shi got up and entered the room.

In the living room, I don't know what Shu Jiao said, which made the two of them laugh out loud.

Seeing him come back, Lin Zhi complained, "It's good for you to accompany Jiaojiao around, you don't forget to study for a moment. My son is not raised by me. In his heart, studying is more important than me."

The latter sentence was addressed to Chen Yuxin.

Chen Yuxin smiled and said, "That's not good? If the child is willing to learn by himself, the parents should worry less. I think you are in the blessing and don't know the blessing. If my Jiaojiao is as worry-free as your family Ah Shi, I will dream of it." Waking up laughing."

"Jiaojiao is such a good child. She is cute and lively, and I like it. Didn't you say that the child is also studying in Yuyang, and her grades are always good."

After all, it was the best high school in the city.

Those who can come in have two brushes.

She only thinks that her old classmate is being modest, but if it were her, no matter how good her son is, he should be demoted in front of others, so as not to end up with a reputation of arrogance.

Not nice.

Chen Yuxin grinned bitterly, "Girls, their minds are not always on study, they love beauty and play, how can they calm down, oh, you don't know, my old Shu and I are worried that she will be so obsessed with learning. It's broken, what can I do, the child can't learn, she is anxious, we are also anxious, and I can't bear to be ruthless to teach her a lesson, she is the only one in the family, and she is going to take the high,,, exam in a few months, oh It doesn't work. I have to send her overseas. It doesn't matter if I spend a little more money. I'm afraid that she is a girl outside, so far away from home, and there is something that the family can't keep up with. They say it is better to raise a daughter, but raising a daughter is better than raising a daughter. How many times does my son worry about it?"

"That's true."

What can middle-aged women say together.

Either complain about your parents-in-law, or your husband, or your children.

The two couldn't stop talking.

Shu Jiao rolled her eyes, bored, watching Song Shi go upstairs.

Her eyeballs rolled and followed.

Lin Zhi joked with a smile, "The two children have just met and their relationship is so good."

"That's a good thing, maybe we can be in-laws in the future. Your family Ah Shi is handsome and good at studying. I will definitely make money." Chen Yuxin also laughed.

The second floor.

Song Shi heard footsteps behind him and turned around, "What are you doing here?"

Just, really rude.

Shu Jiao raised her chin, "I'm your guest today, as the host, shouldn't you entertain me well?"

Song Shi looked at her for a second, "Okay, come in."

As he spoke, he stepped into the room first.

Shu Jiao clenched her fist and whispered 'Oh yeah', then hurriedly followed in.

The main color of the room is light green.

Very refreshing.

There are piles of books on the desk by the window, physics, chemistry, English, biology, she just looks at it and gives her a headache.

He casually sat down on the chair, "It's already a holiday, why are you still reading?"

I got a strange look from the other party: "We are all in the third year of high school, it is normal to read books anytime and anywhere."

Shu Jiao choked, turned her face away in embarrassment, and said with a dry smile, "This, isn't that you are a god of learning, a god of learning only needs to rely on talent."

Her voice became lower and lower amidst Song Shi's slightly mocking smile.

I can't speak anymore.

What the hell!

Let her die on the spot.

If my best friend knew that she was so stupid in front of the male god, she would definitely laugh at her mercilessly for 100 years.

Song Shi pulled out his chair and sat down at the desk, "I'm going to do the paper now, do you want to join me?"

Shu Jiao's face froze.

Instant petrification.

Even if you go out as a guest, can't you escape the domination of the sea of ​​questions?
Help! ! !

She rejected Sanlian in her heart, but actually nodded, "Okay."

"Are you majoring in liberal arts or science?"


Song Shi was silent for a moment, "Here is a chemistry test paper, which is very basic. You should do it first, and we can discuss it after you finish it."


God knows that Shu Jiao's hand holding the paper was trembling uncontrollably.

"Here, pen."

"Oh yes, thank you."

"you are welcome."

Soon, the only sound left in the room was the rustling of strokes on paper.


Lin Zhi and Chen Yuxin retreated lightly.

Both had satisfied smiles.

"Look, these two little truths are getting along well, thanks to you still worrying."

"Isn't that my Jiaojiao is naughty, am I afraid that she will disturb Ah Shi's study? Unexpectedly, your family Ah Shi brought my family to study." Chen Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ann, our two families live so close, just let Jiaojiao come over to play, and ask Ah Shi if you don't understand anything. Although my family Ah Shi has a cold temper, he is still good at studying."

"Then I will take it seriously."

"How many years have we been friends, and you still say this to me?"

They are happy to talk.

What she didn't know was that in the room, the tip of Shu Jiao's pen was about to be chewed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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