Chapter 113 No. 3 Sugar Cane [-]
The mothers had planned very well, but in the room, Shu Jiao was about to collapse.

She stared intently at the chemistry test paper in front of her, and unconsciously rubbed the pen with her fingers. She knew every word on the paper, but...but why didn't she understand what it meant when it was linked together.

Then he secretly meowed at Colonel Song who was concentrating on brushing up the questions, and became even more desperate.

It's over.

This time I am ashamed to go to grandma's house!
She hated it secretly, and scolded herself for being stupid. When she asked about science, she should have said that she studied liberal arts just now.

Forget it.

No matter, just choose a number with your eyes blindfolded.

Isn't there a saying that luck is also a kind of strength, and girls who love to laugh will never have bad luck.

Shu Jiao gave herself a V comparison.

Song Shi had already noticed the little tricks of the person next to him. He finished his paper quietly and began to answer the questions.

"You, are you done?" Shu Jiao, who had been in a daze for a long time before filling in the answers to several multiple-choice questions, was dumbfounded.

"Yes, how about you?"

"I still haven't finished writing." She gritted her teeth and hurriedly continued writing.

Try to fill in a few more questions so that you don't look like a pig.

Song Shi secretly smiled.

In fact, Yuan Zha, this little sun, is not only annoying, but also clumsy. There is nothing wrong with him, just like all seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls, youthful, heartless and carefree.

Check the answer.

Shu Jiao's heart was at peace.

Well, it's considered good luck for her to be able to guess more than ten points.

After all, she loves to laugh so much.

Then I comforted myself in my heart, the difficulty of the examination papers of the God of Learning must be unusual, and she was able to achieve such a result, which is really an eye-opener.

Song Shi leaned over and his eyelids twitched when he saw the large blank area on the paper.

"You can ask me if you don't understand?" He was polite and gentle.

It was even more difficult for Shu Jiao to speak.

His face flushed red.

In the end, he pushed the test paper in front of him as if giving up on himself, "Hey, tell me, I can't do this, this, these, all of these."

Song Shi showed an expression of "Are you kidding me, are you trying to mess with me on purpose".

It is clear.

It's hard for Shu Jiao to ignore it.

She has always been confident and proud. Even if she didn't study well, she never felt inferior. Song Shi's disgusted eyes seemed to give her a slap in the face.

He snatched the paper, crumpled it into a ball, threw it directly on the ground, and stomped on it a few times.

"Knowing that you have good grades, it's amazing, let's do it, how can a scumbag like me deserve to waste your precious study time, I don't want you to help with homework, my family is not short of money, and I can afford a tutor!"

After speaking, he rushed out of the room and went downstairs.

Lin Zhi and Chen Yuxin were still chatting in the living room, when they heard the voice, Shu Jiao rushed down.

Chen Yuxin hurriedly held her back, "What's the matter? What does it look like to be frizzy!"

When he saw her, his eyes were red.

The whole face is full of grievances.

"You, what's wrong with you? Aren't you doing your homework with Ah Shi?"

My mother's heart is about to break.

He also didn't care that the other party was the precious son of an old classmate. He just thought that his daughter was the best and the most cute in the world. It must be something else.

Thinking about the age of the two again, the lonely man and widow get along in the same room
In an instant, all kinds of bad pictures flooded into my mind.

She tensed up all over, like a hedgehog with all its thorns standing on end, and even her voice was shrill: "Tell me, what happened, your Aunt Lin is still here!"

It was just short of writing 'Did Song Shi do something to you' on his face.

Lin Zhi frowned.

She is not stupid.

Naturally, she heard Chen Yuxin's hidden meaning, but she didn't think her son would do those things, besides, it was just upstairs, what if she really wanted two children, as long as Shu Jiao yelled, the downstairs would hear it.

Furthermore, the clothes and hair are also very neat, not messy at all.

Shu Jiao just bit her lip and cried unwillingly.

Song Shi also went downstairs at this time.

Lin Zhi hurried over and patted him, "What's going on? Isn't she doing her homework well? Why is Shu Jiao crying? Are you bullying other girls?"

Song Shi ignored Chen Yuxin's eyes as if looking at a life-and-death enemy, and said helplessly, "Mom, if you talk about bullying, I'm the one being bullied, okay?"

Lin Zhi: "."

"Impossible! How could you, a boy about 1.8 meters tall, be bullied by my skinny Jiaojiao! You must be the one who bullied her, otherwise, why would she cry!" Chen Yuxin screamed.

Lin Zhi's face also turned cold.

What happened to this Chen Yuxin, shouldn't the most urgent thing be to figure it out?If you don't listen well to others, you put the black pot on your son.
She suddenly remembered that she didn't seem to be very familiar with Chen Yuxin when she was in college.

"She was crying." I saw the boy in a white shirt exuding a youthful atmosphere pondering for a moment, "It's probably because she lied to me, and I exposed her lie mercilessly. .Well, I cried."

Lin Zhi and Chen Yuxin: "."

? ?
"You said my Jiaojiao lied to you? No—" Chen Yuxin immediately wanted to refute.

"Yeah, lie to me."

Lin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "You child, what are you talking about, Jiaojiao is so obedient, how could she lie to you, you must have misunderstood it."

"Mom, you can doubt my IQ, but you can't doubt my comprehension ability. I have always scored full marks in Chinese and English reading comprehension. It is impossible for me to hear wrong." Song Shidao.

"We were doing a quiz, but when it was over, I told her politely that she could ask me if there was anything I didn't understand, and then she pushed the paper in front of me, saying that I didn't know anything." He laughed, " Isn’t this funny? You’re just playing around with me. Anyway, I passed the Yuyang Examination. Uncle Shu is a cultured person with a good IQ, how could their daughter be so stupid."

"I knew she was lying to me when I saw it."

"I haven't said anything yet, she got angry all at once."

"Didn't you say anything? You just look down on me!" Shu Jiao raised her head from Chen Yuxin's arms and shouted at Song Shi.

"I look down on you. If I remember correctly, today is the first time we met. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a stranger. I look down on a stranger. Sorry, I don't have that much free time."

"You—" Shu Jiao was so angry that tears rolled down her face.

Lin Zhi quickly glared at her son, "Can't you talk properly? You're a boy, be a gentleman and give way to a girl."

"Mom, I don't want to hear your words. It's my first time as a human being. Is it possible that because of my gender difference, I have to suffer more grievances? You can't learn from Auntie Chen who protects her daughter more. Do you follow Aunt Chen to protect your son more?"

Lin Zhi: .
Chen Yuxin, who was hugging her daughter, suddenly felt embarrassed, "Well, Ah Shi, don't blame Auntie for reacting too much, Jiaojiao is a girl, Auntie should always worry about her more."

Song Shi responded lightly, then turned to look at Lin Zhi, "Mom, you've learned it, in fact, you should be more worried about me, it's not very safe for boys to go out now."

"You're still talking nonsense!"

Misunderstanding resolved.

Chen Yuxin was also embarrassed to stay any longer, so she offered to leave.

Lin Zhi pretended to stay for a while.

Neither of them mentioned anything about tutoring.

When there were only mother and son left in the house, Lin Zhi sat on the sofa, put away her smirk, and said seriously, "That Shu Jiao, if you don't see each other in the future, you can't avoid it, just treat yourself like an ordinary classmate."

Otherwise, I will cry again.


Her son can't afford that responsibility.

Speaking of which, she was so hot-headed. Even though her son was about to take the exam, she actually came up with the idea of ​​letting her son tutor others.

It's crazy.

"Yes, I will." Song Shi replied.

 third day of sheep
(End of this chapter)

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