The taxi driver is a very talkative person, and he joked with Song Shi while driving: "Young man should be gentle with girls."

This world is bloody.

Who knows if the object of your current indifference will become your wife in the future.

Be a human being.

When the time comes, turn over the old account and let the durian kneel down, maybe just kneel down on the washboard and pass the test.

Song Shi's answer to this is very realistic.

He asked the driver back: "Uncle, if there is an ugly man who chases after your beautiful daughter who is about to take the entrance examination in the third year of high school and stalks her to death, do you want your daughter to be gentle with him?"

The driver shut up for a moment.


Oh, a gentle knife is almost the same.

So the one who didn't cut his leg with the knife will always be watching the excitement and it's not a big deal.

Song Shi returned home, finished drinking Yuan Zha's mother's loving chicken soup, and was about to go upstairs to wash and rest when Lin Zhi called to stop him.

"Yaoer, wait a minute."

Song Shi: "." He was very helpless, "Mom, can you stop calling me Yaoer and call me by my name?"

"Then you are not my youngest son?" Lin Zhi glared at him.

Song Shi sighed, "All right."

Love whatever you call it.

This is the case between mother and child. Either you compromise today, or I will compromise tomorrow.


"Come here, mother and son haven't talked for a long time." Lin Zhi patted the place next to her.

Song Shi went to the sofa and sat down, "What do you want to talk about?" He yawned, "Mom, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Knowing that you have to get up early, my mother asked, how are you studying recently?"

"Not so good."

Lin Zhi: "." She was stunned for a while, "What?! Isn't that great?!"

Did you make a mistake in what you said.

Normally, shouldn't you say things like 'that's it', 'it's fine', 'it's okay', 'don't worry', 'no problem'?
why this time
It was just a routine chat, but I had to cheer up.

"What do you mean? Your teacher didn't call me. Is it because the exam is approaching so I'm a little nervous? Don't be nervous, take it easy. You can learn as you usually do. My family, you know Your father and I have never had high demands on your studies, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Her tone was cautious, like treating a fragile vase.

How can this be done?

I have no experience at all.

Although the stinky boy is a bit out of character, he has never let his family worry about his studies since he was a child. He has always been called "other people's child" by his neighbors.

Why is it going to take the high,,, exam, and the situation is out?
She never said that she must always take the first place in the exam!

Lin Zhi was terrified.

The smile on his face became extremely cautious: "Son, if you have any thoughts or worries, don't hold them back in your heart, thinking about bearing the responsibility of being alone, you are still a child, with your parents around, and your father Mom will help you."

Song Shi looked sad, "Actually, it's not a big deal."

As soon as Lin Zhi heard that there was a door, she quickly said, "It doesn't matter whether the matter is big or small, since it has already affected you, it is a big deal."

High,,, exam, what an important exam!
At this critical juncture, she must clean up anyone who distracted her son!

Song Shi looked at her resentfully: "Isn't it mom, the daughter of your college classmate, she is so annoying, just like that annoying fly, she ran to our class to find me as soon as class was over, and secretly gave me a table. Putting food on the table, now the classmates in the class look at me like that, as if I have something to do with her, I explain, others still don’t believe me, and even tease me, I’m so bored, I don’t even want to go to school !"

Lin Zhi was shocked: "No way."

"Why not, you don't even know how annoying she is." Song Shi waved his hand, "Forget it, Mom, you can't help anyway, so that's it, I'll go upstairs first."

Without waiting for her to speak, he left full of resentment.

Lin Zhi sat on the sofa for a long time.

I went back to the bedroom and told my husband about it, "Do you think my son's reaction is too big? It's okay. I've seen that child Jiaojiao before. She's still very cute and cute. I really don't like it. Just don't worry about it." gone?"

Song Yuanqiao looked at the head of the document and said without raising it, "You said it lightly, the point is, he cares a lot now at Ah Shi, you said that girl is cute, and a well-behaved child will do something like this when others are about to go to high school, exams, etc. What about entanglement? I think you should talk to Song Shi and his class teacher later, and don't let these external factors affect the normal performance of the child."

"Why don't you follow suit and bother the teacher with little things, so I'll send Chen Yuxin a message to ask."

"what ever."

Song Yuanqiao continued to read the file.

Lin Zhi found Chen Yuxin's profile picture on a social platform.

The two chatted for a while.

Lin Zhi seemed to be joking and said: "The exam is over a month away. My family Ah Shi is so busy that I don't have time to drink water. I heard from him that your family Jiaojiao has a lot of free time. I come to see him as soon as class is over. Why, is Jiaojiao already so confident, which university is she planning to take? Maybe the two children will go to the same school by then, and it would be nice to have a care for each other!"

The opposite Chen Yuxin's face was burning hot.

As far as her daughter's grades are concerned, she might not be able to pass the university, huh, if she is given a few more years, let alone be admitted to the same school as Song Shi.

"Enn. Let's see what the child likes." She could only walk over like this.

How dare you say that.

I went to the same university as Lin Zhi, and it turned out that his son was the first in the grade, and her daughter was the last in the grade.


"By the way, old classmate, I remembered something." Chen Yuxin said hurriedly.

Lin Zhi's eyelids twitched, "What?"

"Aren't these two children going to the same school? You see, my Jiaojiao is a girl again. It's ten o'clock in the evening for self-study. Why don't you let her come back with Ah Shi? It's safe, and our parents don't worry. I'll just give you the fare."

Just this baby bump.

It's true that reading doesn't work either.

But it doesn't prevent her from helping her daughter find a good son-in-law. Lin Zhi's son Song Shi is tall and handsome, excellent in studies, calm and steady, has brains and potential, and the family environment is superior. In addition, she and Lin Zhi are college classmates, and her daughter will definitely enjoy a happy marriage. of.

Otherwise, just like Jiaojiao, she will starve to death in the future.

Song Shi is her best choice now, and probably in the future.

Lin Zhi rolled her eyes.

But the voice was very enthusiastic, "Oh, I can't decide this matter. Although I am his mother, my son has his own opinions since he was a child. If I make some decisions for him and he is not happy, he will probably have half a life with me." I'm angry for a month, I'm going to the exam room soon, I don't want to mess with this little ancestor. Aren't you okay old classmate, I'm really worried that the child can wait for her outside the school, I plan to let my old Song pick her up , but my family, Ah Shi, will not do it."

"My Jiaojiao also disagrees, there's no other way, children nowadays like to save face."

"Isn't it? Well, it will be fine after the exam is over. Now, I can't wait to finish the exam tomorrow."

"Me too, suffering day by day."

The two hung up the phone.

Chen Yuxin's face was not good-looking.

Lin Zhi's complexion was not good either.

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