They are all foxes who have become fine, and this hand in Liaozhai you come and go, no one's expectations have been fulfilled.

"Hmph, hypocrisy!"

hang up the phone.

The two greeted each other inwardly.

After Lin Zhi complained to the man, she paused, "Do you think I'm too petty?"

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is normal for children in the same community to go to school and leave school together, and it is indeed very late for evening self-study.

However, the son is more resistant
Song Yuanqiao put the documents on the bedside table, pressed his temples, and said, "The child is older, and he knows how to do some things by himself. As parents, we should let go properly." He added, "Didn't you always do it before?" Are you doing well, and your son is also very independent, why have you changed a little since you met your college classmate, can she be more important than our family?"

Lin Zhi: "."

Rolling his eyes, he retorted: "It's not because of others, I'm not all for my son."

She leaned close to her husband, leaned her head on his shoulder, and sighed, "It's not that you don't know about your cub. He has a cold personality and has a poisonous tongue. He didn't like to play with girls when he was a child. I have long suspected that he has Misogyny, how can it go on like this, relying on him alone, let alone have grandchildren, we won't even have a daughter-in-law."

"I'm worried" I was so worried and anxious.

"When I think about it in a few years or ten years, people of the same age will have grandchildren, take their children out to play every day, go to school and leave school, just me and you, guarding a broken company, hopeless, I earn that one What is the use of hundreds of millions of years, and for whom. People will grow old. When we get old, we will retire and have no grandchildren. How boring. I can only travel around the world. Today m Country F, country F tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will eat lobsters from country A. When I get bored on land, I will take a cruise and go out to sea for ten and a half months. Go to the north to escape the heat in summer, and go to the South Island for vacation in winter. Freshly picked coconuts, in front of the beach and the sea, in the afterglow of the setting sun, only you and me, so lonely"

"Chen Yuxin's daughter is cute and cute. I like her from the bottom of my heart when I saw it. I can tell that she is also very fond of our brat. As the saying goes, women chase men, and layer yarn. I also want to plan ahead. Even if it doesn't work out, having more friends is fine."

But she really underestimated her son.

So more than just a layer of yarn?

iron sand!

The kind that has to be melted at a high temperature of [-] degrees.


It's too hard for her to be a mother!

Song Yuanqiao tried his best to hold back his laughter, and coughed lightly, "Song Shi is still young, so you worry about whether he will die alone in the future, don't worry, our son is just a late enlightenment, and the most important thing for him now is to study. There must be better girls waiting for him, don't worry, if you let your son know that you are urging marriage and giving birth, what if he really fears marriage in the future, right?"


He couldn't say that he really yearned for the good life after retirement.

Besides, he really didn't like that Shu Jiao.

I hope my wife will stop here and stop messing up the mandarin ducks.

the other side.

Chen Yuxin was also in her daughter's room.

The two summed it up.

I still feel that I should take advantage of this last chance before the high school,,, exam to get along more, otherwise, when Song Shi goes to college, what will happen.

"By the way, do you have his phone number? Give it to Mom."

Shu Jiao read out a series of numbers directly.

Chen Yuxin glanced at her, her eyes were full of ridicule, "It seems that my baby really likes him, tell mom, how long has it been?"

"Mom!" Shu Jiao said dissatisfiedly, covering her cheeks with round eyes.

"Okay, Mom won't laugh at us Jiaojiao." He said as he rubbed her hair, "Go to sleep, you can go to and from school with him tomorrow."

"Well, thank you, Mom." Shu Jiao smiled sweetly at her while lying under the quilt.

"Go to sleep."

After talking about the future with her daughter, she went back to her room and talked about it with her husband.

Shu Chengzhi was not disgusted.

"The Song family is pretty good."

Adults are not afraid to talk about interests.

My daughter doesn't have any worries about going to college, so it's better to seize the opportunity to find a potential stock.

Worry free for the rest of your life.

He has only one daughter, and the daughter has a good home, and their parents can feel at ease.

So the next day, Song Shi received a call from a stranger.

It happened to be during the end of get out of class.

He accepted it and regretted it.

It was Chen Yuxin calling.

Her original words were as follows: "When I was young, Auntie, I would like to ask you one thing. I will wait for my Jiaojiao when I come home from self-study next night. She is a girl and timid. Auntie is really worried. You are a boy. It's safe for two people to have a companion, and I've told your mother about it. Auntie knows I'm bothering you, thank you, auntie, if Jiaojiao is as obedient as you, auntie will be satisfied."

Song Shi was expressionless.

So, your daughter is disobedient, does it have anything to do with me? ?
You didn't teach it well, so you just threw it to me?
What logic!

"Auntie is so worried, you can pick her up every day in person. I heard from my mother that you don't go to work, Auntie, so you don't want to come to pick up Shu Jiao for her evening self-study at home?"

So if you say that you love your daughter and love your daughter, you will take practical actions if you have the guts.

Chen Yuxin: ". Isn't there something going on at Auntie's house?"

"Auntie, you are wrong. What matters at home can be more important than your child's safety. You would rather entrust him to me, the son of a college classmate who has only met once. I am still a child. If it is true When something happens, it’s too late for me to run by myself, and I don’t care about others. You don’t expect me to sacrifice myself to save your child, then I definitely can’t do it, and it’s not appropriate to walk alone Besides, your daughter used to go back by herself, isn't it a bit late for you to realize that she is not safe now?"

As he spoke, he struggled to make another suggestion, "Auntie is really worried, why don't you call the teacher and ask him to avoid Shu Jiao's evening self-study? Just take the test at the end."

Chen Yu was so angry that he cut off the call with a smile on his face.

He slapped his phone heavily on the coffee table.

Little rascal!

What's the meaning!
Does it mean that her daughter's poor grades have reached the point where she can give up? ! !
Do you really think that your grades are great?

Her heart hurts!

Her darling was maliciously slandered by bad things outside!

It can be seen that Lin Zhi is not a good thing!

What a good mother to have such a son!
At that time, her baby will not have to suffer much grievance when she gets married.


At that time, she will have to live with the past to be at ease.

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