Song Shi put his cell phone into his trouser pocket, turned his head and met Xiaopang's horrified face.

"what happened?"

"You, what were you just now?" Zhu Xiaopang's eyes widened, isn't he afraid that his mother who is the last one will rush to school and slap you in the ears?
Shaking his head.

Sure enough, the god of learning is the god of learning.

Although learning makes people go faster than they can, but their emotional intelligence is worrying, and adults do not know the simplest and most basic politeness and hypocrisy to gain a foothold in society. In other words, that aunt will not sue the mother of the god of learning.

Fatty looked worried.

It seems to have seen the women's singles where the Xueshen came home.

Song Shi looked at him indifferently: "Then what can I do, I can't really be a bodyguard for others, do I need to study, the key is, I don't know them well, no matter how I think I'm a blood loss, just like her Results, to put it bluntly, it’s better to sleep at home until you wake up naturally every day. It’s more cost-effective. I don’t want to come to pick it up, and I try to torment others. I know who the No. 1 IQ and selfishness follow. gone."

Then he sneered again.

Did you even move out the fuck, thinking he would listen?

After all, I still don't understand the situation.

These days, whose children will obediently listen to the adults, it is all the various compromises made by the parents.

Jingle Bell.
Class begins.

The two entered the classroom.

Within a few minutes, the homeroom teacher came in, followed by a girl in a white dress. The girl had an oval face, fair skin, smooth hair draped over her shoulders, her eyebrows were like distant daisies, and her eyes were like crescent moons. She immediately attracted the whole class. gaze.

"This is Yu Xinran, a new classmate transferred to the class." The old class said, and turned to look at the girl again, "Let me introduce myself."

The girl pursed her lips and smiled generously, "Hi everyone, my name is Yu Xinran. I'm new here, please take care of me."

She tilted her head, playful and sweet.

The old class put the textbook on the podium, looked around the classroom, and said, "You can sit next to Song Shi, I wish, you go and sit with Zhang Qi."

Song Dynasty: .
I wish Xiaopang:
No, when this new classmate comes, why does he have anything to do with me!

He had an expression of 'Old Ban, are you crazy?'.

"What are you still doing, act, act!"

No matter how unwilling Zhu Xiaopang was, he couldn't confront the head teacher, he muttered, and stood up slowly to clean up.

Song Shi pulled Xiaopang back, "Mr. Li, I'm used to being at the same table as Zhu Zhu, you can let this classmate Yu sit in another seat."

Old class: "."

I was really taken aback.

He never expected that Song Shi would disagree.

"Song Shi, Yu Xinran has just arrived in our class and is unfamiliar with the place of life"

Anyway, it's just unprofessional chicken soup.

I just came here and I am not familiar with anything. The students in our class should carry forward the spirit of unity and friendship to help new students adapt to the new class.
Brother Gan, who is a master of soup, certainly doesn't care. How can a stranger have a relationship with him?

The point is, "Teacher, we still have one month to go to the high school, high school and college entrance examinations. Time is life, and the review is not enough. You actually let us waste such precious time on others. The new students are not used to the class. Is it important before the college entrance examination? She probably did not transfer to make friends or adapt to the class. Besides, it is not a wise move to transfer at this juncture. Since she has made this choice, she has to prepare well to adapt to the new class. If you are ready, you have to bear the consequences of not being able to adapt to the new class. There is no reason why she will harm the interests of our former classmates as soon as she comes. You in the old class are not afraid that I will be at the same table with Zhu Zhu. If I can’t adapt to the new class, it will directly affect Gao,,, Test?"

Old Ban: "Uh, probably not, Song Shi, are you overreacting?"

Yu Xinran bit her lip, a thin layer of red appeared on her cheeks, she was ashamed.

Song Shi pulled Xiaopang to sit down, "In the old class, you should take care of the new classmates. I don't feel safe if I don't sit outside with Pangpang."

Zhu Xiaopang was so moved that he almost cried.

"Ms. Li, I'd rather not move. Anyway, it's only been a month. Let the new students overcome it. Don't affect the normal study of our class. The time will pass soon."

Therefore, it is impossible to have a deep friendship with the classmates in the class.

The old class didn't agree with them.

I have to forget it.

Others are also unwilling to make any changes at this critical juncture, especially those sitting in the front row or the golden seat, let alone change.

There was no other way, the old class had no choice but to let Yu Xinran sit in the back row by the window.

Such a good girl is obviously the most suitable to sit next to Song Shi.

Boys are too young to know how to pity and cherish jade.

Lao Ban didn't realize how weird his idea was at all, he opened the book, "Now, let's turn to"

Yu Xinran lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covered the dissatisfaction in her eyes, Song Shi, I remember you!

This is Riko Express.

A beautiful transfer student came to the class.

But it has only been fresh for two days, and everyone is still the same as before.

The star-studded crowd that Yu Xinran had imagined did not appear.

Secretly hate.

What's wrong with this class?
Just like the stinky stone in the latrine, except for studying and doing problems, there is no joy in life at all. What's the point of living like this.

There is no enthusiasm for students in other classes.

And that Song Shi, who had a handsome face in vain, hangs out with a group of stinky boys every day, so he can be close to the water.

What kind of shitty straight man is late!

Soon, the three-diagnosis exam is approaching.

And at this increasingly tense moment, a rumor appeared in the school for some reason.

"Eh? Have you heard that Song Shi from the express is in love with Shu Jiao?"

"What, my childhood sweetheart, has been engaged for a long time!"

"No, why didn't I hear that?"

"Both parents agreed."

"Wow, from the school uniform to the wedding dress, it's so beautiful!"

"Are you guys crazy or am I crazy, the first in grade is the last one?"

"Love is like a tornado. In front of true love, everything else is external to you except love."

"I'll go! No wonder that girl waits outside the express every day."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! My love is dead!"

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