Many people didn't believe it.

After all, the first and the last in the grade, to put it bluntly, and it's not a brainless idol drama, can the two go together?
Can't imagine a picture with the slightest common need at all.

However, the rumors intensified.

It sounds like it's true.

Song Shi did not make any response, while the other party, Shu Jiao, showed a shy face after being asked, which was tacit agreement in everyone's eyes.

The two are indeed in a relationship.

There is a real hammer!
As a result, Song Shi had a rumored girlfriend when he was busy brushing up questions.

Until he finally finds out.
He went directly to the office of the teaching master,,, Ren.

"Teacher, I suspect that someone is going to kill me." This must be someone trying to take away my first place in the grade that I have held for three years.

I want to take Jiangshan from my hands.

The master and Ren are also having a headache because of this incident.

He doesn't care about the girls in 'Love Gate'. The point is, the male protagonist is the most important and popular contestant in the school.

I'm about to go to battle, field, not to mention sharpening the sword brighter and sharper, but...
But I can't tell.

A young man at this age is self-respecting and rebellious, what if it causes him to develop a rebellious mentality, tire of studying, skipping classes, and how will it affect the exam?

Some children's academic performance does not drop after falling in love, but it rises, which makes them especially embarrassing as teachers. Puppy love is not good, but puppy love will make some people improve.


Just annoyed.

I was trying to figure out how to persuade him without hurting the study and self-esteem of the first grader, and he came here by himself.

Also. "Someone is going to harm you? What do you mean?" Lord, Ren was a little confused.

Song Shi pursed his lips tightly, his eyes were full of grievances, "I know that everyone in school thinks I'm a genius, that I'm born to learn, and it's true that my grades have always been good, but my grades are not caused by strong winds. Yes, it’s not that you can get such a good test just by sleeping and playing. I never lose my mind in class, stay up until midnight to do papers at home, and listen to English listening on the bus on the way to school. I wrote several wrong titles in the notebook, so I just looked it up if I have nothing to do."

"I've been living a very regular and fulfilling life."

"The big exam is coming up soon. I will do my best to take the high, high, and high school exams. How can I have time to fall in love?"

"The first time I heard Xiaopang say that I'm going to get married after the exam, teacher, me." He stretched out his hand, "Look at this hand, it's so scared that it's still shaking."

"It's been one class, for a full 45 minutes, I can't write a word, my mind is blank, and I haven't listened to a word of what the teacher said."

"How can I get into college!"

"I'm still a child! Who's being so vicious about me!"

The child is about to cry.

Teach the Lord, Ren, what to do, all kinds of comfort and various guarantees.

Fortunately, he thought he was the first in the grade and wanted to have a last puppy love before graduation. Isn't there a popular saying on the Internet recently, high school, high school, and middle school are incomplete without dating.

He was furious.

"Student Song, you go back to class first, don't be affected by these external factors, the school will investigate to the end and give you an explanation."

See what ghosts and snakes are messing around!

The most important thing for the school right now is to prepare for the high school exams. Who would have the guts to commit crimes against the wind at this time!
"En." Song Shiwei left aggrieved.

The director made several phone calls with a gloomy face.

The instigator was found before school was over in the afternoon.

Shu Jiao was called into the office of the teacher, teacher and teacher.

"Did you spread the rumors in the school these days?" The director stared at her seriously and asked.

Of course Shu Jiao denied it.

She bit her lips tightly, feeling bitter in her heart. She really didn't expect Song Shi to sue the teacher directly.

What a broken man!

This kind of thing is obviously taken advantage of by men, okay?At least, at least, I didn't suffer!

Still sue the teacher?

Thought you were still a primary school student?

"I don't. I don't know anything."

Her eyes were slightly red, tears kept rolling, and she looked like she had been wronged.

Anyway, no matter how the teacher asked, she insisted that she didn't know anything.

The teacher, Ren, who has been a teacher for many years, catches the model and knows what these students are thinking even with their eyes closed. The last one gave up studying and wanted to drag the first grader into the water, thinking that it was wrapped in a layer of sweet love. The coat can hide such an ugly face.

He immediately asked for a few students who were in the same class as Shu Jiao.


They were also the ones who first spread the rumors.

Several people confronted each other.

The girlfriends who were originally on good terms, for their own interests, turned into enemies in seconds, accusing all kinds of truths.

"That's what you said!"

"I didn't, I never said that!"

"You said it!"

"I do not have!"

Shu Jiao didn't have any evidence to prove her innocence. Under the testimonials of her classmates, this matter finally got to the point of inviting her parents.

Chen Yu's heart was relentless.

It is not that the school deliberately misinterpreted the feelings of the two children.

"My mother and I are college classmates, and we have a good relationship. My family, Shu Jiao, has a good relationship with Shi, and they live in the same community. It is inevitable that we get closer. As parents, we all know this. Yes, I'm happy to see it come to fruition, the two families know the basics, even if there is anything in the future, I don't know who is so vicious to slander my daughter so much!"

The teacher, Ren: "Really, but when we asked Song, he said that he was not familiar with Shu Jiao."

Chen Yuxin explained this by "boys are always shy and not good at speaking".

"No matter what, this incident has had a very bad influence on student Song. The college entrance examination is about to take place. I hope that you, the parents, will urge your children to focus on their studies and not to think about what is there or what is not. , I don’t want to learn, and I don’t want to delay other people’s exams.”

In fact, he hoped that these messy crane tails would be more peaceful.

If you don't want to learn, that's fine.

Lie down.

It would be abominable to affect the enrollment rate of the school.

Bang bang bang!
The door was knocked.

"Come in!"

As the door opened, a boy in a white T-shirt and blue denim cropped pants walked in.

"Teacher, I want to ask how the investigation of the rumor is going?"

"The school has found out, and has decided to give the instigators of the rumors and spread them a demerit, and they will make a public apology to the whole school at the court meeting on Monday, so as to make an example of others," said the teacher, Ren.

Song Shi was satisfied.

Chen Yuxin's eyes widened in shock, "No, teacher, what do you mean? What does this matter have to do with my Shu Jiao? Those students obviously did it." She turned her head to look at Song Shi again, "Ah Shi , What is the relationship between our two families? You just watched Jiaojiao get demerited like this? You two have a good relationship, but it’s normal that you get misreported. Just explain clearly. Besides, my Jiaojiao is cute and cute, where Not worthy of you!"

"But she is stupid, her IQ is too low." Song Shi was also very innocent, "I'm sorry, Auntie, I look at people from the inside, and I don't have a good relationship with her, we only met once."

"I'm a very superstitious person, and I'm not very courageous."

"I'm about to take the university entrance exam. If I get infected by Shu Jiao's mental retardation, I really...really won't be able to cry when the time comes."

Who knows if stupidity is contagious.

There is no conclusion in this world.

"How is this possible? Ah Shi, you studied science, so how could you believe that? My Jiaojiao's grades are not good, but she has always been a kind and good child."

Song Shi was noncommittal: "Didn't it mean that people who fall in love have zero IQs? She must want to drag me into the water, corrupt me, and make me fail in the exam. Then I will be like her."

"I didn't do well in the exam. I must be depressed."

"She seized the opportunity to comfort me and give me warmth. In that special environment, maybe I was touched, and then ignored the IQ problem, and agreed to be with her."

"I'll go!"

"This is a chain meter!"

"Aunt Chen, your Shu Jiao is not stupid at all. If she plays Gong Dou, she will definitely survive the first episode."

Chen Yuxin:
The teaching master, Ren also took a breath of air.

"Song Shi, you should go back first, class is about to start, listen carefully."

"Well, teacher, then I'll go first."

As for how to negotiate with Chen Yuxin, that is the school's business.

On the eighth day, I lost my sense of smell and could not smell anything

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