The two days of high school and exams were passed peacefully.

In addition to reporting to the invigilator that Yu Xinran at the back desk always pokes him on the back with a pen, Shu Jiao in the front row hits his desk with a chair when the teacher walks to the back, and the spirited guy with yellow, yellow and red hair next to him throws two from time to time. A ball of paper came here in a vain attempt to connect with each other, and when the three of them were taken out, his world would be clean all of a sudden.

In the subsequent exams, these three never appeared again.

The classmates in the same examination room looked at him with horror, as if they were looking at some prehistoric giant crocodile.

No one spoke.

Both revealed two, wolf off!

After the exam, Song Shi also went to the carnival after the exam for the whole class, went to dinner again, and sang the song "April Day in the World" with Xiaopang, and finally called his father to pick him up in a car.

"Are you back?" She took the schoolbag from her son and urged him to take a bath quickly. "Drink some soup after washing, and then eat something."

Wait for Song Shi to go up.

She pulled her husband to complain about meeting Chen Yuxin at the gate of the community today, "You don't know, she looks at me as if she is going to swallow me alive, and it's not our family's fault, who told her daughter to be here?" The cheating in the examination room almost didn't affect our son's performance. My mother hasn't settled with her yet, and she is still talking nonsense in the classmate group. Heh, I don't even think about it. If there is no cheating, the teacher can pull her out? Are you full?"

"Fortunately, my old lady's combat strength has not diminished, so she immediately scolded her bloody head, let's see if she dares to bubble up in the group in the future!"

After finishing speaking, she complained to herself: "Me too, the relationship was very ordinary before, and I didn't say a few words. I was out of my mind and let her come to the house."

How much trouble has been caused to the family for more than a month.

"Old Song, tell me, has our son been influenced by that Shu Jiao?"

"If you're really affected, what can you do? Now that the exams are over, it's too late to say anything. I can only pray that the child will perform normally and get a good score in the exam." Song Yuanqiao said.

He also sighed.

I feel so nervous at home this year.

The son may have personally witnessed the scene of the murderer two days before the exam.

"Go to the temple to worship when you have time."

As a businessman, I still believe in this more or less.

Lin Zhi nodded again and again, "It's time to burn some incense. It just so happens that the child has finished his exams and the weather is starting to heat up again. Why don't you ask your parents to go on a trip together and find a place to escape the heat? I've wanted to go to Songcheng for a long time. Taihe Temple is said to be particularly spiritual."

Leave this place of right and wrong for a while.

Go out for a stroll first, and then come back after the child checks the score and fills in the application.

So when Song Shi came down from upstairs, they both had their itinerary set.

At once.

After drinking two large bowls of Ai's chicken soup, and gnawing on a leg, two wings, and a pair of chicken feet, Song Shi half-lyed on the sofa with his stomach in his arms.

It was a bit boring.

Usually at this time, he is still struggling with the questions in the bedroom, and he can't finish the questions.

I slept at home for two days.

Early on the morning of the third day, Song Yuanqiao took his wife and children back to the countryside.

He can't help it.

Neither of the two elders is willing to leave their hometown, saying that they have bad legs and feet when they are old, and they don't want to travel far, so they are willing to stay at home.

Song Shi simply made a decision.

"Stop traveling, go back to my hometown to accompany my grandparents!"

Song Yuanqiao and Lin Zhi: "."

These two can't stay in the village. The company has suddenly become busy recently. I bought a trunk of things in advance, such as clothes, snacks, daily necessities, skin care products for the elderly, etc., and delivered them to them. I stayed for one night. gone.

Son is fine here.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Song's father and Song's mother only have this precious grandson. In the past, the child was very busy with his studies and could not come a few times a year because he was afraid of delaying his homework.

This is just great.

Right under your nose, you can see it anytime.

Mother Song killed chickens today, caught ducks tomorrow, and stewed geese the day after tomorrow.

There was also a shelf of grapes on the open space in front of the house, with big thumbs, which were still green, and Mother Song was so angry that she stared at the bunches of grapes and cursed: "Can't you understand the wink, why don't you hurry up when my grandson is here?" It's so ripe, no wonder you can't become a person, you can only be a bunch of grapes!"

Grapes also have something to say about this: If I were a human being, Lao Pu, would you dare to eat it?
The grapes are not ripe.

She went all over the village looking for peaches and plums.

They are all seasonal fruits, without pesticides, and grow naturally, not to mention how fresh they are.

The neighbors in the village knew that the children of Lao Song's family in the city had returned to their hometowns, and they all seemed to be surprised, asking about their grades and their targets.

Song Shiquan
Well, to deal with these old ladies, he doesn't even know what he's talking about.

Ask who is the object, ask if the exam is okay, let the child go.

"By the way, the new girl from our village is really handsome, why don't you tell me about it?" The old lady waving her cattail fan grinned, showing her uneven teeth.

Song Shi quickly shook his head.

He shook his head like a rattle, expressing his determination to refuse.

"You old woman is really funny. The girls in that family are all in their twenties. I heard that they came back from studying abroad. They are several years older than Xiao Ahshi of the Song family. They are not suitable for their age." An old lady unceremoniously broke the stage, "Besides, do you know him very well?"

"That's not familiar with me, isn't it kind of me?" Wang Po muttered.

"I heard that the girl is a distant relative of the old Zhou's family. Why do you think she came to our village? Living in the city is so comfortable, but the countryside is so inconvenient. We don't have anything we want in the village," said the aunt.

"It seems to be here to recuperate."

"Healing? It's normal for me to look at her. Besides, you can't go to the hospital if you are sick? It can't be some infectious disease that can't be cured?"

"It shouldn't be, otherwise, can the village chief agree?"

"The girl's family is not ordinary at first glance. When did the old Zhou family have such a relative? I have never heard of it."

"As for her auntie, she has a very strict mouth. Last time I pulled her into a conversation, I didn't find out a single word that was useful. Instead, it was my family's business. I was caught by her routine when I was not paying attention. It was very annoying! "

"Who told you to underestimate the enemy, hey, stop talking, someone is coming."

Several people hurriedly shut up.

Talk about something else.

Song Shi glanced back, and saw an elegant and light figure walking slowly on the small road not far away. She was wearing a wide-brimmed sun hat covering most of her face, revealing her pointed chin. A light yellow dress with a white shirt over it, with a delicate bow tied at the waist, a pair of small white shoes on her feet, and a big easel on her shoulders.

The temperament is soft and pure, like wild lilies swaying in the wind in the mountains.


"Tsk tsk, it's really pretty. It looks very different from our rural girls."

Watching her leave gracefully, someone pursed his lips and sighed, his tone sour and full of envy.

Mother Song is not envious at all.

Her grandson has good grades, so when he goes to university, are he afraid that he won't be able to find good girl papers?
People are like that.

Children are always the best in their own family, the best in the world, no one else can compare.

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