Chapter 123 No. 13 Sugar Cane [-]
Even though the otherworldly soul and the system were belching farts, Yuan Zha's body seemed to be contaminated with some kind of strange magnetic field. Brother Gan cane seriously doubted that he would finish all the plots and meet all the women.

This is very brain-breaking.

By the way, can I install an 'Aventure Shield' on my head?

Really don't bother.

There are quite a few people who are registered in the register and have a stable relationship, not to mention those marriages that passed by on the road.

The consistent principle of the Song Dynasty was 'As long as my heart is not shaken, the copper wall and iron wall will be indestructible', so even though Qin Ziai, the easel girl, met several times in the village under the arrangement of a special magnetic field, the two of them did not touch each other. Make a little spark.

On the contrary, Qin Ziai didn't have a good impression of him.

This boy is cold and selfish.

He actually watched her, a girl who fell down and didn't say anything, walked by without looking sideways, and finally disappeared directly around the corner.

And she waited for a long time, until her ankle didn't hurt anymore, and she didn't wait for anyone.

At once.
If Song Shi knew what she was thinking, I'm afraid she would complain. Miss, you have been abroad for many years and you may not know that there is a rule in our country that everyone knows well regardless of the fact-no help.


To be precise, I can't help it.

Especially this kind of stranger.

As long as you stretch out your hand, you will lose the gold mine throne at home.

He didn't want to have such a bond that represented trouble.

It happened that Zhu Xiaopang was so idle at home that the grass grew and ran to him to play.

The two walked around the county town.

The little fat man actually dragged him into a bar called 'Golden Wind Terrace', where he pretended to be a regular customer and ordered two glasses of wine that sounded like a lot of money.

Song Dynasty: .
I have been at the same table for more than two years, but I never thought you would be such a chubby boy!

Zhu Xiaopang nodded, and unceremoniously accepted the look up from the god of learning.


He felt that it was looking up, and his expression was quite proud.

Song Dynasty did not drink water of unknown origin.

"Fatty, you sit here for a while, bro go to the bathroom."

After speaking, he asked the waiter and walked towards a dark corridor.

The bar is not well lit.

Sometimes the corridor is dim, and sometimes the lights are colorful and flickering.

Song Shi's eyes were dazzled.

He turned and turned, and he didn't know where he turned. There were two people talking in a low voice in the corridor in front of him.

"How does the new product work?"

"That's needless to say, it's guaranteed to make people become immortals in place!"

The two walked into a room talking and laughing, and came out with a tray after a while. After they left, Song Shi slipped into the room to take a look, and saw several boxes filled with 'candies' wrapped in rainbow candy wrappers.

This situation must be reported to the police.

After repeated confirmation on the other side of the phone, being very cautious, Song Shi simply asked for the contact information and directly added a friend to take a photo and send it to him.

opposite:! !

How urgent is it?
Dang even arranged for someone to come over as quickly as possible.

The bar was caught off guard.

Many people are still shaking their heads happily.

As a result, it was taken over by one pot.

The owner of the bar was wearing a pair of bright bracelets with a confused look on his face. What's going on, why didn't he receive any news this time?
Immediately afterwards, the police,,, and Fang found a bunch of unspeakable things in the bar, and now the evidence is overwhelming.

The boss was defeated, and one of the younger brothers under him did not escape.

Finally, pull out the radish and bring out the mud.

Straight to the source.

A special task force was set up above, all kinds of wits and courage were fought, and the dark forces entrenched in County D were quickly uprooted.

Even caught a few big fish hidden under the water.

Anyway, on the day Song Shi received the admission notice, he called his hometown to announce the good news, and Song's mother said that one day two police cars drove up from the village to take Qin Ziai and her aunt. gone.

The village was shocked.

There were a lot of people around the Zhou family's old house, and no one knew what had happened. In the eyes of the villagers, Qin Ziai was as elegant and beautiful as a fairy girl, and he was completely different from the people in the village.

But, if the police come to your door, there must be something wrong.

The whole village gathered in front of the renovated small white building. The iron door opened, and a girl screamed hysterically from inside.

"In the end, the village chief entrusted his relationship to inquire about it. My dear grandson, you don't know that Qin Ziai's parents were both subordinates of a man named Hei Liao. That Hei Liao was a gangster who raised many Thugs, and open a bar to sell a lot of bad things, tsk tsk, I didn't expect such a person to come to our village, Qin Ziai is not a relative of Lao Zhou at all, that house is where they went to find Lao Zhou's nephew who loves to gamble bought"

As she spoke, she breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if you catch them. There are so many old people and children in our village. If those bad guys come over, it will be very dangerous."

"You gossip with the village as long as you gossip, what to say to the children, you are not afraid to scare the children."

Father Song's complaining voice came from the phone.

Song's mother also reacted, quickly changed the subject, asked about Song Shi's school, and said that she would come up with the old man in two days, and the family would send him to school together.

Song Shi did not object.

"You can go early, and you can still play in the local area for a few days." Eat specialties and so on.

Hanging up the phone, Song Shi sighed.

That Qin Ziai.
He searched in his memory and finally found the corresponding content.

Suddenly his face turned black.

A few years later, Yuan Zha graduated. Of course, at that time he was relatively successful with the support of the system. When he went back to the countryside to experience farm life, he ran into an elegant girl from the only foreign villa in the village. The ground is on fire, the tortoise takes a fancy to the bastard.

The two quickly got together.

Later, borrowing Qin Ziai's father's influence in City D, he took advantage of both black and white, expanded his business territory, and attacked many established families, rookies, and ordinary people who got in the way.

He has a system.

The system has many good things that today's technology has not yet achieved.

The Qin family is now cleansed.

Even the police, police, and Fang who have been staring at him can't find any loopholes. They are obviously the bosses of the underworld, but they are at large.

So, just another rotten peach blossom will rot?
Song Shizhen felt that he had done nothing.

He just made a report call, and if he wanted to say the hero, yes, the hero should be Xiaopang. He chose that bar, and everything was God's will.

As for Song Yuanqiao and his wife after they learned that their son had accidentally done another big thing.
It's the same horror.

Want to get hangers.

Brat, are you bored?
Can you stop meddling in your own business and be careful not to get burned.

After holding the school entrance banquet, Song Yuanqiao took his wife and children to travel. According to Lin Zhi's itinerary, they first went to Taihe Temple to burn incense and worship Bodhisattva, had a fast meal, and stayed at the farm for two days to experience it. The local customs, before leaving for a famous ancient town nearby.

This ancient town is famous for its collection of antiques.

(End of this chapter)

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