Chapter 124 No. 14 Sugar Cane [-]
Although Taihe Town is just a town, it has existed for more than 1000 years. The most famous street here is the antique street. Many tourists come here specially. Will buy back a counterfeit with all the money.

At this time, a young girl in a white dress walked slowly on the bluestone road that had been baptized by the millennium. She was wearing a sun umbrella, and her jet-black hair was tied into a bun on the top of her head. There was a small shiny pearl nailed on the earring, which made her smooth and fair face glow with a faint brilliance, as if the sun had cast a thin film of light on her face.

Obviously, this is a daughter of a wealthy family who lives in love.

Simple and beautiful.

She moves through the crowd.

glance right and left.

His eyes were anxious and somewhat dazed, obviously looking for something.

what to look for?
Yuan Jia didn't know either.

She just had a voice in her heart telling her that the person she was looking for was here, as long as she was found, the family affairs would be solved easily.

As for who that person looks like
It does not matter.

You will know it when you see it.

Ten thousand years at a glance.

The shops on both sides of the street are simple and elegant, full of the atmosphere of history. From time to time, there are street stalls on the side of the road. On the old oilcloth, there are all the same old or even tattered antiques. Grandpa hummed an unknown tune with his eyes closed, picked up the tea mug at his feet, took a sip, and shook his head comfortably, feeling free and happy.

Yuan Jia walked to a booth and glanced at every antique.

Scan carefully.

Her family runs a company.

Some time ago, I accidentally offended someone, and my parents were anxious to ask for help. Finally, someone was willing to make a connection. I found out that the old man especially likes antique jade. However, the family has no research on these things. It cost a lot of money to buy it. She was so annoyed at the pile of fake tatters coming back, she came to Taihe Town herself, she had a premonition, a very strong premonition, this time, she would definitely be able to buy truly valuable antiques.


The broken bowl looks really broken, and the edges are also muddy yellow, as if it had been buried in the ground for many years. The pearls on the top of the head seem to be falling, but the pearl is broken and cannot be given as a gift. It’s okay if she doesn’t have much research on this aspect of calligraphy and painting. There are a few black stones between the two broken vases. They are black and shiny, so they can’t be the treasures of cultivating immortals hidden in the meson space cave world.
Yuan Jia was dazzled.

I wanted to make a move several times, but I chopped it off at a critical moment.

It shouldn't be like this.

There was a voice inside her telling her to find someone.

Yuan Jiaman walked aimlessly. There was a large circle of people in front of him. He could clearly hear someone shouting excitedly, "It's out! It's out! It's green!"

"I'll pay [-]!"

"This stone is so big, and the green inside is definitely not small. I will offer 100 million!"

"Little brother, will you sell it or not?"

"Not for sale, I will keep it for use."

"Brother, don't you bid?"

"Hehe, I want to see it again."

Yuan Jia walked over quickly, and it turned out that someone was opening the rough stone.

She squeezes in.

I just saw that knife go down and cut a loneliness.

Most people thought there would be rocks at least the size of a fist that were actually no bigger than a glass bead.

Those who gritted their teeth and refused to sell at a low price before turned pale.

Those who watched the excitement dispersed.

The baskets next to the store are piled with strangely shaped rough stones, weighing three to eight catties, and cost 50 yuan per catty.


Of course, Jieshi is another money.

A young man in a white T-shirt, a dark blue schoolbag and a baseball cap was squatting in front of the basket, choosing with a tangled expression.

For some reason, Yuan Jia's gaze fell on this man involuntarily and he couldn't move away.

Like sticking with super glue.

The heart also beat violently.

She hurried over.

The boy was so focused on the stones in the frame that he didn't notice her at all.

"Dad, Mom, let's go to this one. After seeing so many places, this one is the cheapest." The boy said.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." The middle-aged woman holding a parasol smiled indulgently.

An old couple next to them complained quietly.

"What kind of broken stone is this? You still need money? Are you crazy about money?"

"That's right, put it in our village, if you grab a lot of such stones, who dares to ask for money, the big guy will drown him with his saliva!"

"Ling Zhi and his wife are really good people, children are not sensible, so are people their age still not sensible?"

"Oh, don't you think your grandson is happy? He was admitted to such a good university when he was young, so we should follow him. Let's stop talking about these spoilers. Anyway, my son can make money, so it's right to give his son a defeat."

"I see you, old man, have also been corrupted by money and drifted away"

"Mom, I've chosen, just these two!" Song Shi took out two bowl-sized stones and put them on the ground.

"Are you sure? Then mother paid?" Seeing her son nodding, Lin Zhi called the boss to ask her to weigh her, and then scanned the QR code to pay.

"Do you need to explain the stone?" The boss asked with a smile.


"Both solutions?"

"Both are solved."


"I, I paid 1 yuan to buy these two stones!"

Lin Zhi, Boss, Song Shi:
? !!

Not only the three of them, but also the other spectators who hadn't left yet.

The eyes are very strange.

They all have an expression of 'this girl is stupid when she looks young'.

"Little girl, you called the price a little early. The safest way is to wait until the green is out." Someone kindly reminded.

Yuan Jia ignored him, and only looked at Song Shi with firm eyes, "I'll offer [-] for these two stones, and you sell them to me."

Song Shi: "."

Just knocked speechless.

May I ask what gave you the illusion that I'm going to sell you.

Ignoring this deep well ice-like woman, she turned her head and said to the boss, "Can we start diagnosing stones?"

The boss glanced at Yuan Jia, "Uh, yes."

He called out again.

A guy came out, holding the stone to learn about the stone area.

Song Shi followed suit.

"Hey, didn't you hear me, I said I bought those two stones!"

Yuan Jia grabbed him.

Lin Zhi frowned tightly, and walked over to pull Yuan Jia's hand away, "Little girl, talk as soon as you speak, and do what you do with your hands and feet. Didn't your family teach you to be educated when you go out?"

She is very upset.

Extremely disgusting.

The nausea of ​​'my son was dirty by a pig on the street' lingered.

Mother Song and her husband also stared at her with unfriendly expressions.

Song Shi hurriedly took out a wet tissue to wipe his hands, and after wiping, he rubbed his clothes vigorously a few times to show his disgust.

"Sister, if you want stones, there are plenty of them in the basket. I can't sell them to you. It took me a long time to choose these two stones that are good for my eyes."

"You have money, you buy those, I don't sell them."

Yuan Jia was also very persistent, "Do you think the money is too little, [-], [-], [-]!"

Song Shi took two steps back with even more disgust, "Mom, grandpa and grandma, this person must be sick. Let's stay away from her so as not to be infected."


"Little girl, if you have a budget, you can choose the ones inside, where the green yield is higher and the quality is better, and the ones outside are most likely to be waste rocks."

"Oh, you still don't understand? The girl has taken a fancy to that guy, and she's obviously giving money to someone."

When Song Shi heard this, he immediately retorted: "Uncle, don't talk nonsense, I just passed the exam, and I'm still a child, I only love to study!"

Those two people: "."

Show an awkward yet polite smile.

Lin Zhi hurriedly dragged Song Shi to the side, and stared fixedly at Yuan Jia with one eye. If this woman rushed to snatch her son, she had to be ready.

He also greeted Song Yuanqiao, "Come here, this way!"

The whole family regards this pure and lovely girl as a scourge.

These days, cheaters don't look at the looks of men and women.

What if this woman buys stones from them at a high price, and when they untie them, there will be a pile of waste stones, and the parents will find them, and they must say that the child is ignorant or something

I hate these liars who pretend to be 'ignorant' the most.

Liars use all kinds of tricks to deceive people.

"Hey! I really bought it!" Yuan Jia also caught up, "If you don't believe me, I'll transfer the money to you right away!"

Lin Zhi didn't dare to ask her for the money, so she ignored it.

"I really want to buy it. Really, I have money!" Yuan Jia chased after them.

"If you have money, go buy something else. Why are you staring at the two yuan in my hand?" Song Shi complained.

"Then you sell your two yuan to me and you can buy other things. To be honest, the price I offered is very high, and you can even choose better ones!" Yuan Jia returned Song Shi's words to him. he.

If anyone else agrees, I agree.

To tell the truth, this stone has not been solved yet, so it is really worth nothing.

Professionals from other antique shops have already screened through their experience and high-tech equipment. To put it bluntly, those outside are recycled waste, and the possibility of turning green is almost zero.

"You don't really like me, do you? Let me tell you, my parents are here, and they will never agree!" Song Shi looked vigilant, and quickly grabbed Song's mother with the other hand. Bless you.

Mother Song protects her precious grandson, "My cub is still young, so I don't fall in love early."

I don't even know each other, so I'm talking about love at first sight.

Don't just lie to your children to go to Gayao chicken under the slogan of falling in love.

Thinking of this, Yuan Jia looked more defensively.

"Old man, take out your phone and be ready to call the police at any time!"

Father Song: "Got it!"

Yuan Jia: ".!"

I want to cry.

What's going on here?Can't understand human language?She said she bought it!

"I'm really poor, please sell it to me!"

She is pitiful.

There are tears in the eyes.

Many of the spectators softened their hearts and persuaded Song Shi one after another.

Song Shi stiffened his neck, "I won't sell it! I chose it based on my strength. Why do you say you want to buy it? I have to sell it. If you have the ability, you can buy it later. If you still insist on buying the waste rock, then I just believe that you have true love for these two stones!"

Yuan Jia: "."

Watching the fun: "."

What real love can there be for a rock, the lad loves to joke.

However, after she made such a fuss, many people gathered around the store.

This woman is so persistent, is it possible that those two stones really have treasures?
The master craftsman untied layer by layer with a seasoned technique, and soon he saw a little bit of dark green.

"It's green! It's really green!" Someone shouted excitedly.

"The dark green one is Laokeng glass, that's right! I'll offer 100 million!"

"150 million!"

"Young man, I offer 300 million, sell it to me!"

Yuan Jia was pushed to the back, and everyone was bidding at this time, and had long forgotten the farce just now.

She gritted her teeth, sure enough, that's right!

Song Yuanqiao and Lin Zhi were also shocked, Song's father and Song's mother couldn't close their mouths.

"This, is this stone so valuable?"

Father Song shook his head numbly, "Yes, it should be, right?"

After discussion, the family decided to sell the stone to an antique shop. The stone was moved down, and the second piece was started.

This time no one spoke, just staring at the cut face of the stone.

When I saw the clear and fresh emerald green on the cut surface, a new round of bidding began.

This is a piece of ice the size of an adult's fist, not as valuable as the first piece. Song Shi asked someone to beat the stone into two sets of jade jewelry. Lin Zhi and Song's mother had a set for each of them. They agreed on a pick-up date before continuing to shop.

Yuan Jia followed behind them full of resentment.

The family is very annoying.

Every time I read something, it was snatched up by the mentally ill girl behind me.

"Let's go, let's go! It's almost time for shopping, let's go eat!"

Song Yuanqiao spoke.

Yuan Jia was holding a bunch of treasures that she had photographed before she could take a closer look, and decided to find a professional organization to appraise them immediately.

She hit it off.

I didn't even notice that the urging voice in my heart didn't appear.

The identification results are obvious.

A bunch of imitations, and they are still nearly two years old.

Totally worthless.

The point is, she spent a lot of money.

On the other side, Song Shi's family continued their graduation trip and left long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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