Leaving Taihe Town, the family counted the time, and it was almost time to prepare to report to the university.

So I stopped and went, played all the way, and returned home at the end of August.

During this period, an interesting thing happened.

While a few people were blowing wind at the pier, a little girl from Waiguo came over and chatted a lot, but they didn't understand a word. It was Song Shi who showed a surprised expression, shook his head immediately and refused, and didn't know what he said. , the little girl left with dissatisfied cheeks.

Mother Song was very curious and asked her grandson, "What did you tell her?"

Not to mention, the crooked nuts are really white.

Like a layer of frost on the skin.

The eyes are green, the eyelashes are long and curly, especially the hair, which is so thick and frizzy, can it be combed smoothly?

Song Shi smiled and said, "I didn't say anything, just asked me if I was interested in buying a yacht, and said that her family was a shipbuilding king, so she could give me a discount. I wondered why this normal looking girl didn't have a clear mind. Well, it is definitely because she has read too many novels and lost her mind, so she rejected her."

When Mother Song and the others heard this, they suddenly realized.

Ling Zhi clicked her tongue twice, "In today's society, there are really everyone."

Still buying a yacht at every turn?

Who can afford it.

It's not that the Chinese cabbage on the roadside looks cheap and can be weighed back in a bag.

The whole family didn't take it seriously.

Went elsewhere to see the scenery.

Selena stood on the pier, her long chestnut hair was blown high by the sea breeze, like a soft cloud in a fairy tale world, her green cat eyes looked into the distance, her red lips were pouting, and she spit out some hometown words.

In the end, he kicked the ground in frustration and left.

If Song Shi heard what she said, he would probably laugh. Why are people in this country so poor that they can’t even afford a yacht? You claim to be rich, so why don’t you give one to everyone in this country.

Isn't it the precious daughter of the shipbuilding king?

Can the layout be enlarged?

Song Shi's family returned home after their journey and rested for two days. Lin Zhi took her son to the shopping malls and bought everything for school. The clothes and quilts were disinfected at home and dried in the sun.

The wonderful university life begins.

Life has entered a new stage, and he has come into contact with more people, but he always firmly believes, "As long as I am determined not to soften my heart, and don't give the other party a glimmer of hope, even if it is an illusion, then I will not be successfully attacked."

There is nothing wrong with doing this.

However, sometimes, it is very annoying to face a central air conditioner with an unclear and ambiguous attitude.

She never said that she likes you, but her speech, expression and behavior all reveal the difference between treating you and others, and a discerning person can see the difference at a glance.

"In the Song Dynasty, the club organized a mountain climbing trip on weekends and gathered at the South School Gate at six o'clock. Don't forget."


It comes from a girl named Yunxi.

Song Shi bowed his head and replied "Yes".

if not?
Could it be that he can't do anything because these rotten peach blossoms are isolated from the world?

there is always a solution to a problem.

The roommate in the same dormitory glanced at him and said with a smile, "Your club has activities again?"

"Yeah, go climbing." Song Shi said while fiddling with his camera.

He studied physics.

When I first entered university, I saw clubs recruiting new students. After a long selection, I finally joined the photography club. I even went to the Digital City to buy a professional camera.

The photography club is advocating freedom and natural beauty.

After two months of school, club activities are organized basically every week.

He doesn't go every time either.

Look at the arrangement.

The roommate looked at him teasingly, "Brother Song, tell me the truth, are you with that Yunxi?"

"Don't scare me, I'm only 18!" Song Shi covered his heart in horror.

The roommate's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he heard.


What happened to 18?
People who are all in college, does age matter, it must be unrestrained love of freedom!
"No, Lao Song, you are so obedient, your family doesn't allow you to fall in love?"

Even if not.

But the Emperor Gao is far away today, as long as I don't say anything, my parents who are far away in my hometown know what a fart!
"What does this have to do with my family? Falling in love. Who wants to fall in love? I haven't even talked to a ghost!" Song Shi frowned and retorted.

"Then doesn't Yunxi like you?"

"Who said that, why don't I know, don't talk nonsense, I'm innocent, a boy can't be ruined by you, I've never heard anyone say they like me."


In other words, boys have nothing to lose in this kind of thing, you are so eager to defend yourself!

Return fame?
If you are still single in a few years, it depends on whether fame is important or getting out of the single is important.

However, "Yunxi is interested in you at first glance, who in our dormitory doesn't know that she likes you."

"Look at it? Who will look at it? Look at it? Yunxi has never told me what she likes. I think she is very enthusiastic about a classmate. She is as helpful as the aunt of the neighborhood committee in my community. If you misunderstand Oh, how embarrassing, you can't ask me to ask her if she likes me, it would seem that I am being self-indulgent, what if people don't mean it at all." Song Shi curled his lips, "Besides, it's not me The type you like, forget it."


This is true.

Just listen to Song Shi continuing, "There are so many people who like me in the world, why should I have to ask everyone? Isn't liking someone their own business?"

As long as it doesn't affect his life, whatever.

"It's eleven o'clock, let's go to the cafeteria."

The roommate got off the bed, took out the lunch box and rinsed it, and the two went out.

T is big and big.

Fortunately, the canteen in Area C is next to the boys' dormitory building.

Song Shi chatted with his roommate while walking, the two ordered meals and found a table to eat.

A girl in a white sweater smiled ambiguously at the girl next to her, "Yunxi, who do you think that is?"

And blinked mischievously.

Yunxi brushed her long hair back, with a shy smile on her face, and said generously, "Let's go over and say hello."

The girl smiled teasingly, "Say hello, okay."

Yunxi pursed her lips and smiled.

The two walked over.

"Song time."

Song Shi still had fish stuffed in his mouth, and he swallowed it slowly, "You guys come to eat too."

It's very formalistic.

This slow look made the roommates next to him anxious.

Helping quickly, he said, "Hurry up and get some food. Today I have fish-flavored shredded pork and sweet and sour short ribs. If you go late, they will be snatched away."

After speaking, I was also dumbfounded.

Want to start.

Obviously that's not what he wanted to say!
Yunxi's smile also froze, and the eyes of the girl next to him lit up, "Really, then let's go first." He said eagerly to his friend: "Come on, Yunxi, I missed the sweet and sour little girl for a few days. Alright, it's still early today, I must eat it!"

Yunxi: "."

I hate it secretly.

On the face, he looked at Song Shi apologetically: "Then we will leave first."

After speaking, remind him not to forget the club activities on weekends.

Wait for the two to leave.

The roommate sighed enviously, "Is it because you are handsome that such a considerate, gentle and considerate girl likes you?"

Song Shi also sighed.

"It's obviously a very normal classmate, so how did you know that he likes me? If you can't hold it in your head, I suggest you go to a certain place to open an account and write a novel."


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