Today, there is a small row that 80% of the whole school likes, so after Yunxi finished eating and squeezed out of the crowd with a lunch box, Song Shi and his roommate had already finished eating and went back to wash the dishes.

She pursed her lips.

There was an undeniable frustration and loss all over his body.

It's a pity that my friend said, "It didn't take long, they ate too fast."

But for boys, it's normal to gobble it up.

Yunxi pretended not to care and smiled, "Let's go, let's go back to the dormitory. The mushroom meat sauce my mother sent me arrived yesterday, and it's delicious."

"Really, then I want to try it!" My friend said and winked at her again, "I don't know if handsome Song Da likes it?"

Yunxi smiled slightly, "I'll ask him later."

"Oh, you still say you don't like him, tell me honestly, when did you fall in love with him!"

"No way." Yunxi denied helplessly, "It's just a classmate, it's just that I usually have a lot of contacts in a club."

Turning his head and opening his eyes wide, he told his friend, "Don't talk nonsense, I really have nothing to do with Song Shi."

"Yes, it's nothing." The friend teased, "But maybe in the future, our Xixi is so good-looking and gentle, one day we will be able to win handsome Song, hehe."

"Oh, you're still talking nonsense!"

The two laughed and walked towards the dormitory.

Today is Friday.

In the evening, the dormitory has fellowship with the Chinese Department.

Song Shi pushed.

Means nothing.

It sounds like friendship, but in fact it is just a group of boys and girls aged [-] or [-] eating, drinking, singing and bragging together.

Ineffective socializing.

He put on the book and went to the library.

The self-service hot pot restaurant outside the school was already full of people.

Standing at the door, Yu Fei saw a few girls approaching from a distance. He squinted his eyes to make sure for a while, then waved and shouted, "Wu Yue, here."

One of the girls smiled and said something to the other girls, then walked over quickly, "How long have you been here?"

"Just for a while." Yu Fei looked at the girls without any trace, and said with a smile, "We have a private room, and we are just waiting for you to order some pot."

Several people walked into the private room.

There were already seven or eight boys sitting inside.

Seeing girls coming in, they all stood up to say hello and introduce themselves.

They are all young people. They were a little cautious at first, but they became familiar with each other.

Yu Fei also went outside and brought in two boxes of beer.

Self-service hot pot is 39 per person, and the fee for the bottom of the pot is free for more than four people.

Wu Yue sat next to Yu Fei, and the two of them were very close together, very intimate, "Oh, by the way, why didn't you see that Song Shi in your dormitory?"

The girl next to her seat subconsciously glanced at her.

lowered his eyes.

Clearly listening.

Yu Fei pouted, "He's not coming, he's gone to the library."

"Ah? Didn't come. I thought he was here. I called my good sister here on purpose. She came here from Nancheng on purpose. Why is that!" Wu Yue complained in a low voice.

"Then what can we do? You can't tie it with a rope." Yu Fei has no choice.

It is the freedom of others to come or not.

He glanced at his girlfriend's side, and there was indeed a pretty little lady, but she met Lao Song. The last time Xihua from the Department of Economics and Management came to confess his love, he was mercilessly rejected. A large group of them gritted their teeth with envy. He scolded Song Shi behind his back for being blind to gold and jade.

It may also be that I have seen too many gold inlaid jade, so it is not unusual.

Wu Yue was still unhappy.

The girl next to her took her hand and said comfortingly, "It's nothing, I didn't come here just for him, we haven't seen each other for a long time, don't make yourself unhappy because of others."

Wu Yue took his friend's arm, "Boys are big pigs, scumbags!"

The girl smiled.

But he couldn't help looking at the door of the private room.

Yu Fei scolded Song Shi a few words in his heart, and turned to coax his girlfriend.

This evening's dinner, I didn't see the right person, and the party ended early and perfunctory.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that these girls basically came to see Song Shi. If he was not around, they would lose interest. Young and proud children, who have seen the best, who would think bad.

Song Shi met Yunxi by chance in the library.


cover forehead.

Sex meets stitches everywhere
What a crazy rhythm.

He was puzzled.

Yuan Zha is neither mentally handicapped nor sick. His parents are still alive, his family is harmonious, and he has a little money. He is also good in height and appearance. Goods from friends.

So, why arrange so many women for him?

Could it be that his bones were amazed and lonely?
Yunxi was a little surprised, but still greeted him with a smile.

Song Shi nodded expressionlessly.

He took the book and went to a table that was already sitting.

He put the book on the seat next to him.

When Yunxi came over with the book in her arms, she lowered her voice and said, "Song Shi, can you move the things?"

Song Shi shook his head, "The seat over there is empty."

His meaning is very clear.

You want to grab the seat next to me when you have time, do you think I will let you?

Yunxi only felt that her cheeks were hot.

She raised her hand and hooked her hair behind her ears, "Can't I sit here?"

Song Shi frowned.


Yunxi frowned, but before she could feel complacent, she saw the boy standing up and hugging the book, "If you like this position, I'll give it to you."

Then he walked to the other side.

Yunxi: "."

The boy reading a book opposite looked up at her.

Yunxi gritted her teeth, didn't sit down after all, and quickly chased after her.

"Song time."

She lowered her voice, "You, you don't need me, I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I..." Yunxi bit her lips, "Isn't that a club organization activity on weekends? I want to talk to you about it."

Just met the surprised eyes of the other party: "Don't you know that the library should be kept quiet?" Chatting here, you must be nervous.

And then—

"I'm just a small officer who just joined, the kind of daily diving, what's there to talk about in the club, isn't that the qualification of the president and vice president?"

"You go about your business, I'm going to read a book."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Yunxi's face is not so embarrassing yet, and she obviously doesn't want to have a table with her, and if she gets close to her, she will be suspected of cheating.

gritted teeth.

I picked two books at random and went out.

She was good-looking, and she went to Song Shi every day, and she couldn't believe that he didn't understand.

Song Shi: I understand, but I just don't make it clear.


It's not who he likes.

He is an ordinary person, how can he control other people's preferences?

When Yunxi returned to the dormitory, she was teased again by her roommate. Two red clouds flew up on her cheeks, she stomped her feet, and became furious, "I don't care about you, I'm going to wash up."

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