The two drunks walked away shoulder to shoulder.

Walking to the side of an alley, Li Qiang tripped over a stone and dragged Song Shi. The two of them fell heavily against the wall. Their already confused heads became even more dizzy. It took a long while to stand up while touching the wall. Glancing at it, he pointed tremblingly at the depths of the alley, "Walk over there. Go back. Go home."

Li Qiang shook his head several times.

The sky is cloudy tonight, there is no moon, and the alley is so dark that only some vague shapes can be seen, like monsters hiding in hell lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to come out.

This... This doesn't seem to be his way home.
However, when the hot summer wind blew, his heart was burning with irritability, and the suspicion just now disappeared without a trace.

"Yes, go home."

The two staggered, stumbled into the depths, and quickly disappeared into the night.

the other side.

Wang Fang smiled and brought the sliced ​​meat soup to the table, and enthusiastically asked them to eat it while it was hot. Then she turned and went back to the kitchen. Seeing her second daughter sitting in front of the stove in a daze, she scolded her with a straight face, "What are you still doing here? Why don’t you go to bed? I think you’ll doze off in class tomorrow, and you’ll fail the exam, so you’ll be keeping watch at home!”

Er Ya bowed her head in response, and went upstairs.

Several people outside drank the soup and stood up to say goodbye.

Wang Fang wiped her hands on the apron, and walked out quickly to persuade her to stay.

"Drink it, drink it! Today is really hard, sister-in-law!"

"I have to trouble sister-in-law to clean it up!"

"Come and drink at my house next time!"

Bai Erwa raised the hem of her vest, revealing her white and straight belly, and said to Wang Fang, "They're almost drunk, go and get the flashlight from home, and I'll take them home."

Wang Fang pouted.

They all live on the same street, and they can get there in a few minutes with their eyes closed.
Never before did they go back by themselves.

It's hot again.

Even if they lay on the side of the road and sleep all night, they won't catch a cold. They are all big men who butcher pigs, and they look so delicate!
"Hurry up and get it!" Bai Erwa shouted with staring eyes.

"Let's go now." Wang Fang rolled her eyes, not caring like a drunk lunatic.

A few minutes later, she put the flashlight into her husband's hand. Bai Erwa pressed the button, looked at the dim light, and frowned, "Why is there no power?"

"How long have these two batteries been used? Anyway, it's not far away. Come back as soon as you deliver it." Wang Fang quickly cleared the table.

Bai Erwa and the others went out.

The cloudy eyes suddenly became clear.

They are used to drinking, and their capacity for alcohol is good. Just now, they played some tricks on the table, and only Song Laosan and Li Qiang didn't notice it. I poured it into my stomach, so drunk that I couldn't stand still.

"Brother Bai, do you really want to do that?" Zhang Da lowered his voice.

"Why, do you want to regret it?" Bai Erwa stared at him.

Zhang Da shuddered, and quickly shook his head, "No, I don't, I'm just a little scared."

"Hmph, what's so scary, isn't it just like killing a pig, just think of him as a pig." The person next to him said indifferently.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go." Bai Erwa interrupted them, and walked ahead with a flashlight, the dim light swept across both sides of the street, and the few people swayed slowly, moving forward along the bluestone road.

Yuelai Town is located in a remote place, very remote.

There is only one street.

In less than 10 minutes, several people walked to the street.

Bai Erwa's face was full of hostility, "Li Qiang is drunk, he must not be able to go far, chase after him!"

Best in the wild.

The reasons are all there.

If it doesn't work, it's normal to throw people into the river and fall into the water after drinking.

Although the capacity for alcohol was good, he still drank the wine. Now that the alcohol was getting stronger, his head was dizzy, the road was uneven, and the light was dim. In the cornfield, I shone the flashlight into the paddy field again, and I almost reached the door of Li Qiang's house, but I didn't see anyone.

Could it be that he had already gone home?

The light from the flashlight could no longer see the ground clearly.

Bai Erwa spat hard, and stared at the mud hut under the bamboo forest in the darkness with red eyes, "If he is lucky today, labor and capital will be merciful, let him live a few more days!"


With that said, he turned and left.

However, the light of the flashlight was getting dimmer, and the small roads in the countryside were narrow. Several people were a little drunk. They only felt that the road under their feet was soft, and they didn't know who sprained them. Subconsciously, they grabbed one by one. All fell into the paddy field.

Rice grows in the field, as tall as half a person. When a few people swear and climb onto the road, there are thin bloodstains on their faces, arms, legs, and sharp leaves.

No pain, just itching.

"Pfft! How unlucky!"

And in that alley.

Li Qiang grabbed Song Shi's arm, and the two stumbled forward.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

"Meow, I hit the brains of labor and management!"

"Hey, why are there walls again, why are there walls on all sides!"

"Strong? What is strong? Ah, my name is Li. Li Qiang"

"Are you home yet, Fourth Sister Huang! Meizi! Damn girl, I don't even care about my father!"


"What are you calling ghosts! Don't panic when encountering such a thing, listen to the old man on the street. Ghosts are most afraid of children peeing."

After speaking, Li Qiang cried even louder, "I am not a boy anymore."

Song Shi was also tired from walking.

He simply sat down, closed his eyes and murmured, "What's wrong with you, labor and capital can't afford it, I need to sleep for a while"

Li Qiang called Brother Song twice, but he didn't get a response, and his heart was even more desperate. Woohoo, Brother Song must have been dragged away by a ghost!

His mind was spinning.

Suddenly a cold and wet hand grabbed his leg violently.

Li Qiang was so frightened that his heart trembled.

He rolled his eyelids and fell to the ground unconscious.

I was directly stunned.

This sleep will last until dawn.

Uncle Chen, who was still an early riser, saw two people lying in the alley, reeking of alcohol, and pinched his nose to wake them up.

Li Qiang was being chased by a ghost in his dream.

Trembling, he opened his eyes in fear, looked around in bewilderment, regained his composure, and grabbed Grandpa's hand: "Ghost! There's a ghost!"

He shouted to Song Shi again, "Brother Song, tell me quickly, did we really encounter a ghost hitting the wall last night!"

Song Shi yawned, clutching his head that was about to burst from the pain, "What time is it? Shouldn't it be time for breakfast? I have to go home and get some sleep."


After lying on the ground all night, his clothes were soaked in dew, making them sticky and smelly.

He wobbled.

Li Qiang was still pulling the uncle to explain behind him, "I really really"

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