Chapter 131 No. 3 Sugar Cane [-]
Song Shi walked through the street reeking of alcohol. His eyelids were swollen, his face was swollen, his hair was wet and sticking to his forehead, and there was green stubble around his mouth. He slept on the ground all night. It hurts, grinning, the whole person looks like a homeless man under the bridge, extremely decadent.

I went to the street and bought two meat buns, and ordered a cup of hot soy milk.

Just stand aside and eat.

The steamed stuffed buns of this era are all made very solid. Adult men have big fists, are white and soft, and the ingredients inside are not made of fat leftovers mixed with flavoring seasonings, but the best ones from pigs that grew up eating grass leaves and sweet potatoes in the countryside. The pork belly is served with onion, ginger, garlic, salt and soy sauce. It tastes good after one bite.

"Another five bucks!"

Hu stuffed two stomachs and didn't even fill the gap between his teeth.

The proprietress quickly bagged him.

Song Shi took out a handful of bills in his pocket, big and small, took out a five-yuan one and handed it over, took the bag and took out a bun, gnawing on it as he walked.

The proprietress covered the steamer.


It's no use being reluctant to give flowers to the family, but she heard from her daughter that Song Dongmei secretly cried several times because the family didn't allow her to continue her studies.

Selfish bunch.

Things weren't much better in her family, though.

Fortunately, she still has skills and can set up a stall to sell steamed buns.

If a man is reliable, sows will climb trees.

When he got home, there were only six buns left in the plastic bag. Song Shi patted his round belly and burped with the smell of meat stuffing.

Huang Simei had already cooked a large pot of sweet potato porridge, and she was calling for her daughter to take it out with her big belly. When she turned around, she saw the man who hadn't come back all night. There was no surprise on her face, it was normal, "Are you back? Have you had breakfast yet?" "With hands on my waist, I am going to get the bowl.

"Don't take it, I ate it and brought you buns back." He asked her if she had any hot water.

Huang Simei looked at the stove subconsciously. A few buns were wrapped in a bag, and she could still smell the pure wheat flour.

There is only one shop in the town that buys steamed buns.
The head of the family still thinks about them?What a surprise.

"Hot water? Is there any hot water?" Seeing her blankly, Song Shi asked again, with a bit of impatience.

"Ah. Yes, yes, there is hot water in the back pot!"

Huang Simei hurriedly took off the cover.

"Come on, you, your stomach is so big, what if you stretch my son? If you have anything to do, ask the eldest sister and the second sister to do it!" Then he said to the cheap big girl who came in to pick up the chopsticks, "In the eyes If you want to work, you don’t need your mother to tell you to do it, you are already in your teens, you have to have eyesight.”

"Hmm." Song Dongmei bowed her head in response, and stood still, grabbing the hem of her clothes with her fingers, not daring to move.

Song Shi: "."

The image of the original slag and strict father is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Frowning, "What are you still doing in a daze, take the bowl with chopsticks, take out the buns, and eat!"

Song Dongmei trembled all over.

His hands and feet moved uncontrollably.

Song Chunyu hid behind the edge of the door and shook a bit. Papa was so scary, but vegetarian, there are buns to eat?Hi Sam! ! !
Song Shi took a plastic bucket and started scooping water from the back pot.

This is the case with stoves in rural areas.


There is a large pot in front for cooking and cooking, and a small pot next to it for boiling water.

The water was steaming hot.

Song Shi scooped up the water in the pot, added another half of the pot of water, and poured cold water into the bucket.

Yuan Zha is a pig butcher, strong and strong, and it's summer again, so warm water will do.

After washing my hair, taking a shower, shaving my beard, and lying on the wooden canopy bed at home, I felt alive.

The main room outside.

The mother and daughter finished breakfast.

Song Chunyu took the bowl to the kitchen to wash. She smacked her lips, still savoring the deliciousness of the steamed buns. Song Dongmei took a big basin of clothes to the river not far from home to wash.

Huang Simei cleaned up the house and went back to the room. The man was already asleep.

She rubbed her belly.

I just hope this child is no longer a daughter.

It's a sad day.

She gave birth to two daughters and had no right to speak at home.

I don't know how much I have to pay for super,,, and fines. I heard that there are a lot of them.

Huang Simei's worry only lasted for a short while. After all, it was useless for her to worry any more, and she had no money. All the men in the family had the final say. Even if she really lacked money, the third child would find a way.

Song Shi woke up to the smell of food.

He clutched his aching head, "Big sister! Big sister! Go make me a cup of tea!"

Within 2 minutes, Song Dongmei came over with an enamel cup.

"Dad, tea."

"En." Song Shi took it, blew on the tea leaves, and took a small sip.

The bitter taste hits the taste buds instantly.

He frowned tightly, but his expression was joyful and comfortable.

"Is there a final exam?" he asked.

Song Dongmei, who had already walked two steps and was still thinking about the dishes in the pot, hurriedly stopped. She bit her lip, clenched her fists, and whispered, "Just next Wednesday."

Dad has never cared about her studies, what does this mean?
Shouldn't it be said that she should stay at home and help out after she gets older?
Song Dongmei's eyes were filled with bewilderment.


My mother is about to have a baby, and everyone says that she has a younger brother in her belly, and she will help take care of him at home. After a few years, when she grows up, she will find someone to marry, have children and raise children, and live her life like a mother .

Yes, but she doesn't want to!

She doesn't want this!
Song Dongmei is only 12 years old, and she still can't imagine what she will be like in the future, but no matter what she is, she must not be like her mother, who spends all day around the pot and relies on a man to live.

"Wednesday!" Song Shi blew on the tea, and said casually, "These days, you should study hard for labor and management, and get more points in the exam. If you do not do well in the exam, don't go to junior high school, so as not to waste labor and capital. Here comes the money!"

Song Dongmei: "."

Walking out of the room, Song Dongmei's mind was still buzzing.

Well. What do you mean?
Dad said that if she failed the exam, she should not go to junior high school
In other words, as long as she does well in the exam, it's okay?
"elder sister!"

Song Dongmei hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

Uncover the pot, turn it inside a few times with a spatula, add a little more water, and then close the lid.

"Sister, let me tell you."

She told her younger sister what Song Shi said just now, and finally stared at Song Chunyu who was only two years younger than her seriously, "You must study hard and get good grades, so Dad will let us study."

Song Chunyu, who was already ten years old, nodded solemnly, "Sister, I know."

The two sisters were talking quietly.

Imagine the future.

For lunch, I ate stir-fried water spinach, white rice porridge, and a large pot of corn on the cob.

Corn is sweet and glutinous.

Song Shi ate four or five, and drank two big bowls of porridge.

looked outside.

The sun was so high that it was so bright that it almost blinded the eyes.

Today is without a doubt another day to lie flat.

People still don't go against nature, let nature take its course, rest when it is time to rest, if you are too tired, you may die from overwork one day.

The next morning, it was really early, it was only five o'clock.

Song Shi woke up the eldest daughter.

"Get up and collect the pigs with me!"

Song Dongmei with sleepy eyes: ".?!!!"

It was like a bolt from the blue woke her up! !

what do you mean?
Didn't you say that if I do well in the exam, let me continue to study?

I don't want to be a butcher!

Song Dongmei refused with all her heart, but she didn't dare to express it. She rubbed her eyes and quickly got up.

She wanted to ask her mother for help, but her father was the one who made the decision in the family, and her mother had no way to change what was decided by her father.

Crying and chirping.

Song Shi woke up the little girl again, "Be smart, work hard, watch your mother, and go to your uncle's and second uncle's if you have something to do."

Song Chunyu nodded in a daze.

The father and daughter stepped out in the dew on a summer morning.

(End of this chapter)

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