Chapter 132 No. 4 Sugar Cane [-]
Song Dongmei followed behind her father in frustration, and the dew on the grass blades on the side of the road soon wetted her trouser legs.

It was too early, and the two of them went to the street for breakfast.

One person ordered a bowl of vegetarian noodles.

The powder soup uses fresh big bone broth that has been boiled for several hours.

Genuine pork bones.

It's not the soups mixed with various powders in later generations.

A few fresh and tender vines and vines were pressed on the bottom of the soup, and two drops of sesame oil were added to fill a large bowl of rice, noodles, and Song Dongmei was sweating.

Too. so delicious!

I couldn't help thinking, "If I follow my father to pick up pigs, I can eat such delicious vegetarian noodles. In fact, it's not bad to help at home."

After the two of them finished eating, Song Shi settled the bill and left.

But he didn't know that after they left, the news that Song Dongmei was about to drop out of school quickly spread to every corner of the town, and the evidence was solid.

After all, they all went to the countryside with Song Laosan, isn't that obvious enough?

And the other side.

Rumors of ghosts in a certain alley also spread.

That alley was already gloomy, and there were two shops selling wreaths, firepaper coffins, and carving tombstones in the middle. Usually, it was almost impossible to pass through it, and they would rather take a long detour.

Now it's all right, under the vigorous publicity of Uncle Chen, it's solid.

".I heard it with my own ears. People sleep lightly when they are old. There are always footsteps coming and going back and forth in the middle of the night. Who would have thought it was that. It is just such an alley, a hundred meters away. Even if you are drunk, it stands to reason that you can close your eyes. Being able to walk across a straight alley without making a turn, I think they have really encountered something!"

"Heh, you guys are wrong. I don't even think about who lives around that alley. The youngest Wu died so wrongly!"

"That's right. After he died, his wife and children remarried immediately. Who didn't know that those two people had been involved for a long time. Now the stumbling block is gone, and the house is for nothing. Get out of the dirt and strangle the pair of dogs, men, and women!"

"Do you still remember the old lady who died not long ago, she was so skinny when she was put into the coffin, everyone said that her daughter-in-law died of starvation without food!"

It spread more and more.

Someone went directly to Li Qiang's house to ask.

Li Qiang: "Ahem!"

Lying on the bed, I was weak all over, coughing a few times from time to time, and my face was full of fatigue.

I drank alcohol the day before yesterday and slept on the ground all night.

Alternating heat and cold in the body.

Of course he had a bad cold, and he was exposed to the scorching sun outside. Before he got better, he couldn't go to the village to collect pigs. Otherwise, with the bad cold and heatstroke, did he think his life was too long?

I was bored, and if someone came to visit, of course it was very welcome.

Hearing what they asked, he suddenly regained his energy.

This is his exclusive news.

".How did you get into that alley? I don't know, I don't have any impression at all. Anyway, my memory is very dark, and the alley is very long. Who in Yuelai Town doesn't know how long the alley is, but I just can't walk At the end, there are walls everywhere, and there is a wall when I turn a corner, but when I take a closer look, there is no wall at all. Look at my forehead, this... this head, here, I have been bumped several times, and my nose is bruised and my face is swollen. .It's nothing."

Speaking of this, he looked left and right like a mouse, and lowered his voice, "I was caught by a ghost."


"Really? Are you talking nonsense?"

"That's right, you can still live if you are caught by that thing? It didn't take you directly to the Palace of Hades."

Just don't believe it.

"Er Huo!" Li Qiang stared, "I remember very clearly, that hand was cold, like a cattail fan, wet and sticky, the second it was caught, it seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake, the sky was dark, there was no moon, I I couldn’t see anything clearly, but I knew very well that there was something else in the alley, and that thing was very close to me. The moment I passed out, I clearly felt the sound of rapid breathing in my ears.”

As for why the ghost didn't eat him, he's not a ghost, how would he know!
Li Qiang spoke clearly.

Those who returned after hearing the story began to dig into the bottom line.

ghost paw is wet
Undoubtedly a water ghost.

But the palm is like a cattail fan. To tell the truth, people die in the Yuelai River every year. After so many years, no one knows how many ghosts in the river are looking for substitutes.
For a time, the residents of Yuelai Town set off a wave of detectives.

Everyone thinks they are digging the truth.

The country roads are not easy to walk. In addition to the dew, there are also snakes that come out early to enjoy the shade.

Song Dongmei shrank behind Song Shi.

The shock caused by the plain powder had long since disappeared.

If you collect pigs, you will encounter so many snakes.
She is most afraid of snakes!
No one is not afraid of snakes!

No, her father is not afraid, the snake is afraid of her father.

The original dregs are used to walking, which ones in ten miles and eight towns have pigs, which ones have grown up, which ones are easy to talk about, which ones like low prices, they all know.

The two first arrived outside a house with an earthen wall in the fourth team of Yuejian Village.

There is no courtyard wall.

A big yellow dog in the pomelo tree next to the house is resting with its eyes closed. It is very alert. When it hears a sound, its ears stand up involuntarily. It only takes two seconds from lying flat to arching its back and barking outside.

Song Dongmei timidly hid behind Song Shi, too frightened to move.

She made up her mind again to ask her father to let her study no matter what.

She doesn't accept pigs!
She doesn't want to go to the country!

She doesn't want to walk around the streets!
She is no longer greedy for buns and rice,,, fans!
She hates dogs!

Gouzi wanted to rush over and grind his teeth, but an iron chain restricted his freedom.

The people in the house came out with bowls, apparently having breakfast, and greeted him quickly when he came.

Song Shi also greeted with a smile.

The owner took him to the pigsty to see the pigs.

Look and talk about the price.

One party said that my pig grew up with good food and the meat was delicious, so everyone came to ask about it and tried to raise the price.

One side says that your pig doesn’t look big enough. Recently, the price of fresh pigs has dropped again in an attempt to lower the price.

The two came and went in the pigsty until the end, but they didn't reach a conclusion.

Song Shi took his cheap daughter out of the house.

If you are thirsty, drink your own tea.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the morning that they drove the two pigs on the road.

Song Dongmei was holding a mulberry branch in her hand. Seeing that the pig was about to walk aside, she quickly slapped it on the pig's buttocks. The pig was frightened and screamed a few times. Shouting: "Come on! Go over there!"

It's strange that pigs can understand human language.

It was Song Shi who came over and made the pig obedient within a few strokes.

Song Dongmei wiped the sweat from her forehead, and sure enough, ginger is still hot, old sayings are not deceiving.

It turned out that every time my father went to the countryside to collect pigs, it was like this.
The father and daughter didn't drive the pig back home until after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Drive the pig to the pigsty again.

The two, who were covered in sweat, only washed their faces before wolfing down their lunch.

Take a shower, take a nap.

Tomorrow is the day of the spot.

In the evening, Song Shi sharpened his knife and planned to kill pigs in the early morning.

There are freezers at home.

As an experienced pig guy, it is impossible to stop doing business when the weather is hot, but the electricity bill is really expensive.

Kill pigs in the early morning.

The pork is so fresh.

If it can be sold out the next day, there is no need for a freezer.

So at two o'clock in the middle of the night, Song Dongmei was forced to wake up again.

"Get up! Kill the pig!"

The eldest daughter of Song, who was sleepy and still in a daze:
She really didn't know that killing such a man had something to do with a 12-year-old girl like her!
On the line of life and death, can the pig kick her away?
It's about to collapse.

But the good thing is that this time, not only her, but also the second sister was called out.

Song Chunyu stared blankly: Pig?What pig?

(End of this chapter)

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