Song Chunyu felt that she must be dreaming, no, she was sleepwalking, otherwise, how could she sit in front of the stove after sleeping soundly on the bed.

She looked blank.

Song Dongmei pushed her back, "Why are you in a daze, let's start the fire quickly, Dad will use boiling water soon."

".oh oh."

At any rate, he came to his senses and started to put firewood in the stove.

"Big sister! Big sister!"

As soon as Song Dongmei filled the cauldron with water, there was a thunderous shout outside. She hurriedly responded, put the lid on the pot and went out.

In the yard, Song Shi had already driven a pig out.

The pig is very laid back.

Hearing from the left and sniffing from the right, there is no sense of urgency that life is at stake.

As expected of a pig!

"Go inside and get a big basin."


Within a minute, Song Dongmei came out with a white enamel pot printed with large peony flowers.

She looked around and asked in a low voice, "Dad, where do you put this?"

"Put it on the rock over there first." Song Shi looked at the pig and frowned, "Go and get a basin out."

Song Dongmei: "."

Song Shi sharpened the knife for a while, rinsed it with water, and under the light, the blade was sharp.

He drove the pig to a corner of the yard and grabbed the pig's ear tightly with one hand. The pig finally sensed the crisis and began to scream and struggle crazily.

However, its opponent is a pork boss who has been killing pigs for more than ten years.

At once.
"Quick! Hurry up and take the basin and catch it!"

The pig's blood gushed out crazily, and Song Dongmei hurriedly put the basin under the hole.

She hadn't done this and spilled a lot.

Naturally, he was criticized by the grumpy old father.

Can it not hurt?

These pig blood are all money!

The pig he bought with money, every hair on the pig is valuable!

"Where's the water? Is the water ready?" Song Shi yelled inside, and asked Yuan Zha, the eldest daughter, to help hang the pig on the grapefruit tree.

Song Chunyu came out with half a bucket of steaming boiling water.

Song Shi hung the pig upside down.

He took the bucket and splashed it on the pig.

He picked up a scraper and handed it to Song Dongmei, "Shave the pig hair while it's hot!"

Song Dongmei: "."

His face was already numb.

Tonight's 'surprise' dare to come a little more!
Song Chunyu was instructed to continue to boil water in the kitchen.

Huang Simei came out yawning, with a big belly, and directed the elder daughter to do the work, such as holding the pig's feet to keep the pig from shaking, using a big bucket to pick up the internal organs and put them aside.

And that's what she's been doing all along.

The children in the village are used to doing farm work and have a handful of strength.

When the pigs are put on the long chopping boards that have been cleaned in advance, everything else is done except that the large intestines of the pigs are not cleaned and soaked in a bucket.

At five o'clock in the morning, Sister Song Dongmei finally got permission to rest.

Climbing onto the canopy bed, the two of them felt that their arms were not their own. As soon as they closed their eyes, they fell into a dark and sweet dream within a few seconds.

Huang Simei is going to make breakfast for the head of the house.

Like many women in Yuelai Town, she has worked hard for her husband and children all her life.

Song Shi stopped her, "Go to sleep quickly, the child will sleep if you don't sleep, I can't eat anything, just let the store serve a bowl of noodles."

Huang Simei moved her lips.

I wanted to say don't waste that money and save the tuition for the older and second younger sisters, but all the money in the family is earned by men, and she has no son, so she has no confidence.

He went in with his waist supported.

The chopping board is made from the door of the house before it was demolished. They are all solid wood and very thick.

Following the steps in Yuan Zha's memory, it took Song Shi more than an hour to clean up the pig.

They are loading the meat onto the trolley and dragging it to the vegetable market.


06:30 in the morning.

The crystal clear dew hangs on the tip of the leaves and cannot fall off.

Song Shi was wearing a pair of yellow rubber shoes that had been opened a long time ago, and an apron made of Jin's chicken bouillon, one dark and one light brown, was hung outside his white ripped vest. In addition to pork, there was also a twenty-centimeter-thick cutting board on the trolley. , and a few sharpened knives.

All the guys who eat raw dregs!
It's already dawn.

There are people going to the market in twos and threes on the road.

There are not many people in the town this month, and there are only two episodes a week, Wednesday and Sunday.

Villagers in nearby villages carry baskets on their backs, even if they don’t buy anything, they still come to the market to have a look.

"Hey, Song Laosan, it's so late today!"

Someone who knew Yuan Slag shouted loudly.

Pork guy is selfish and stingy to his family, but he is open and generous to the outside world.

He laughed and said, "Isn't this the whole night of slaughtering pigs last night? The pigs just slaughtered are still warm. Do you want to have a knife?"

The man glanced at the fat pork on the cart, and then touched it with his hands. The meat was soft and elastic, and it was indeed not taken out of the freezer.

"How much do you spend per catty?"

"Six dollars."

"Six yuan? So expensive! Jiang Zilong's place is only five yuan!"

"Then my meat is so fresh. If you don't believe it, the water used to blanch the pig in my house is still hot."

The two of you came and went, and finally Song Shi gave up and gave in, gritted his teeth and said, "If you really want to buy it, I'll give you five yuan and seventy pounds."

It looked like a big loss.

The man muttered, and picked a piece that was fat and thin, "Cut it from here, don't want too much, two catties is enough, give me enough, I will come to you for the short catties or two catties. "

Song Shi followed what he said, "This is it, okay! Oh, don't you know what kind of person I am Song Laosan? Who doesn't know that I, Song Laosan, is the most honest and down-to-earth in the whole month? It’s not a nail business, I’ve been selling pork in the town for more than ten years.”

However, it weighed four catties.

The man: "Oh, I don't want that much, I want two catties."

"I cut everything according to what you said, and you can see it clearly yourself. I didn't fake it. Four catties is four catties. There is a lot of meat in four catties. There are so many people in your family. I finished two meals, and I’m about to break the corn. How can I have strength if I don’t eat some good Bubu? Look at how good this meat is. It’s the best pork belly in the whole pig. Don’t mention how delicious it is when you go back and make braised pork Already!"

"22.8, you can take 22.5."

The man looked at the five flowers again, took out a small cloth bag from his trousers pocket, took out a handful of money, counted one by one with his fingers stained with saliva, counted several times, and finally put the money away. When handing it to Song, "I didn't want that much meat, you pork sellers are not kind"

Song Shi: "Auntie, who doesn't think meat tastes good? What's the use of saving money, what you eat in your stomach is your own."

"Boss, how do you sell your pig feet?"

"The little ones in my family don't eat fat, so I want to weigh some lean ones."

"This lard looks good, how much is it per catty?"

"Song Laosan, I'll buy a pig's foot, and you give me this tail as an extra head."

"Come, come, come, come, buy pork today and get a piece of pig red." Song Shi took a kitchen knife and cut the bright red pig blood that had solidified long ago into equal cubes.

The villagers who were still watching rushed over.

"Send pig red? Are you serious?"

"When did I, Song Laosan, ever tell a lie? Pig red is here, and I will give it away to anyone who buys pork. It's just that this pot is first come, first served."

"Hey, give me a big piece of fat!"

"I want these two tube bones, do you want to give them?"

"Pig trotters, do you still have pig trotters?"

"Weigh two catties of Jiazi meat."

"I bought so many, do you want to give me an extra piece?"

In half an hour, more than half of the pork on the cart was gone.

Pig red is delivered.

People also gradually dispersed.

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