When Song Shi pulled the cart to the stall, there was not much meat left on the cart.

Sold some more.

In the end, only a pig's head, a few bones without much meat, and a pig's heart remained.

He asked someone to watch him, and quickly went outside to buy big ingredients, then packed his things and went home.

Huang Simei, mother and daughter, just woke up.

After all, after staying up most of the night, even the gods couldn't hold on.

Song Dongmei was collecting dirty clothes and was about to go to the river to wash them, when she heard her father call out her second sister, and took out a plastic bag from the cart, "Take the beans and soak them well, and then pull the hair off the pig's head."

Song Chunyu took it numbly.

So, if you don't study hard, will you really deal with pigs every day?

She had foreseen it.

"Okay, Dad."

Huang Simei was picking vines and vegetables, waiting for the corn and porridge in the pot to be cooked before they could be fried.

There are actually cowpeas in the field, but men don't like to eat them.

She thought about mixing a cucumber at night.

There are enough duck eggs at home. In a few days, find someone to wrap them with lime and plant ash, and leave them for half a month and 20 days, and they will become preserved eggs.

That is, it costs two cents to pack an egg.

She was a little worried.

Song Shi lifted the bucket of pig intestines in the morning under the tree in the yard, sat on the small bench, and began to wash it with baking soda.

As we all know, that thing is very salty and very smelly.

Most people don't want to touch it.

What's more, this is still the original ecology that has not been processed at all.

Originally, all these jobs were done by Huang Simei.

The original slag is a big and rough man, never thought that it would be inconvenient for his wife to have a big belly, and if Xin didn't bother to smell the smell of pig cakes, would it be disgusting and uncomfortable.

Which woman doesn't have a baby, right?
Is it possible that when you are pregnant with a baby, you don't do anything?

Huang Simei felt the same way, and she hurried over, "You got up in the middle of the night to kill pigs, and you haven't slept a wink until now, so hurry up and have a rest, and I'll call you when the meal is ready."

The weather is strong in summer, and things will break after a while, so we have to deal with them quickly so that they can be kept in the freezer to keep them fresh.

It was all bought with money, what a pity to waste it.

"What's the matter! If you're okay, go to the kitchen to see if the pot doesn't burn."

"Cooked porridge, what kind of paste can it burn?"

The couple were talking.

Song Shi glanced at her stomach, "I'll go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. I count the days, it should be this time."

According to the original memory, he can go through the hospitalization procedures.

"By the way, are all the preparations ready?"

"That's up to you." Huang Simei glanced at him, "I put away all the things used by the eldest and second sisters at home. I just took them out and washed them a while ago. They have been exposed to the sun for a whole day. It’s time to just take it out.”

Song Shi: "All right."

After all, it's not just his family, it's been like this in the town for the whole month.

Use the big one and continue to use the small one.

Very normal.

In this era, supplies are already tight, and no one is rich, let alone Yuelai Town, a small town in a remote mountain.


"Go to the hospital? What are you going to do in the hospital? My pregnancy is pretty good, and the baby is well-behaved. She never troubles me, so why spend that money!"

Huang Simei had a look of disapproval.

Song Shi also disagreed.

"It's settled like that. I'll go tomorrow morning."

Huang Simei was angry and scared.

What kind of inspection, it is clear that the third child wants to check what is in her stomach.

She is also afraid.

There is also a faint feeling of bad premonition.

This child is too well-behaved, boys are very skinny, they can do somersaults and boxing in the stomach to practice martial arts, and this child in her stomach
She held her belly, preoccupied.

Simply had lunch.

Sister Song Dongmei went back to her room to read a book. The two of them had been frightened a lot in the past two days. "If you don't get good grades, you have to deal with pigs" has been deeply rooted in their hearts.

In the afternoon, Song Shi still didn't go to rest.

He cleaned the pig intestines.

Boil a pot of water and put in the big ingredients. Considering that the whole family likes spicy food, I added some small peppers, and then put in the pig's head and pig's heart and two specially reserved walnut meat.

open marinade.

The food cooked in the firewood stove is particularly fragrant.

While the pot was busy, he washed the bones that had been blanched in advance, chopped ginger and scallions, found a stainless steel pot and put it in the back pot, added more than half of the pot of water, and put in beans and sand Ginseng, just put the lid on.

Immediately afterwards, I began to wash the potatoes and eggs, and threw them all into the stewed pot after washing.

Soon, the house was filled with a strong fragrance.

The two sisters took a deep breath.

It's not long after lunch, so I'm hungry again.

Huang Simei was also hungry.

Song Shi lifted the lid of the big iron pot and turned it over. The meat should be bad.

He fished out an egg.

The egg shell has cracks.

"Have you tasted the taste?" Take a bowl and hand it to the cheap wife.

Fourth Sister Huang took it.

Swallowing back the saliva in his mouth quickly, he said, "How long does it take to boil an egg, it must be cooked, but it may not be ready."

There is no lo mei sold on the street.

Occasionally, I can meet a hawker who drives a tricycle from the city to sell lo mei, but people on the street say that it is actually something that cannot be sold in the city and has been reheated several times. Especially the native bumpkins who have never seen the world.

It's also quite expensive.

The third child bought it twice and came back. She ate two slices, and she didn't feel like returning to China. She only felt that the stewed meat was delicate and fragrant in her mouth.

The marinated stew in the pot exudes a strange fragrance.

She was not afraid to peel off the shell of the egg with hot hands. She took a bite and savored it carefully with her eyes closed.

After Song Shi finished cooking the pot, he took it out and let it cool, and then put the pig intestines into it.

He went to the field and picked a handful of shallots, washed them and chopped them finely for later use.

After the heat from the pig's head dissipated, he took off the sliced ​​meat and filled it into a large basin, while the pig ears and mouthpieces were completely filled in another basin.

"Big sister! Second sister!"

There is still a lot of meat left on the pig's head, and there is no way to slice it all. It is a waste to throw it away. The usual way is to let the children eat it.

Two cubs, exactly half of one person.

Song Dongmei and Song Chunyu held half of the pig's head in a daze for a while, the warm and strong aroma of the braised pig's head penetrated their noses.

Blinking eyes looked at Huang Simei.

Huang Simei was sad and distressed, "Chew it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." She then urged, "Eat outside, and feed the rhubarb to the bones after gnawing."

The two sisters sat obediently and quietly on the small bench.

Take a bite.

Uh-huh! ! !
The meat is soft and waxy, and the more you eat it, the more you want to eat it.

She must study hard, get admitted to university, find a good job, and when she earns money in the future, she will buy braised pigs' heads to eat every day!


It's really delicious!
Soon, the pig's large intestine was marinated, and the stewed bone soup in the back pot was put in salt and monosodium glutamate, and sprinkled with a small handful of chopped green onion, which was very fragrant.

Wash out the pan.

Steamed a pot of rice.

It was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was shining outside, and it was still too early for dinner, Huang Simei glanced at the sky and said, "Put the pork head meat in a bowl and serve it to the eldest brother and sister-in-law."

I'm sure I'll be too busy when I have a baby.

Someone has to help.

A man is a big bastard who doesn't understand anything, she doesn't count on it.

The in-laws have always been with the uncle and sister-in-law, and they have to look at their faces when they talk and do things. It is reasonable to say that they should support the elderly, but she gave birth to two daughters, which are basically unprecedented in the eyes of the people in Yuelai Town. Two sons, the eldest son and the eldest grandson, even if the family invites them, the in-laws are reluctant to move here.

Besides, when the family was separated, the eldest brother and sister-in-law got the ancestral house and fields, and there was a lot of money. The family couldn't even build these two yellow mud houses.

Song Shi twisted a piece and put it in his mouth, "No need."

"Such a small amount of meat is not enough for our family. Besides, the eldest brother and sister-in-law have their parents to help them. If you can't eat anything good, you may have to suffer a strange meal. Don't scare the child in your stomach. .”

He is not a scumbag, he takes a portion of everything that is good, and counts on his two nephews to take care of him in the future.

Glancing at Huang Simei, "I know what you're worried about. There's nothing to worry about. The elder sister and the second younger sister are both grown up. Can't they cook and wash diapers? If nothing else, I'll invite your mother over for a few days. Anyway, I'm afraid I lost my mother, once she comes back, there will be less things in the house, if she really wants to help you confinement, she must not empty out our things."

Huang Simei:
Nothing to say.

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