A large pot of stewed pork, hot and fragrant, sprinkled with finely chopped green onion and coriander, or directly dipped in sea pepper noodles, or mixed with red oil and balsamic vinegar, and served with The big bone soup was simmered with firewood for three or four hours. For this meal tonight, even the youngest Song Chunyu had two big bowls of dry rice.

The whole family ate to their heart's content.

The two sisters cleared the table and went to wash the dishes.

whispering in the kitchen.

"Sister, braised pork is really delicious, fragrant and glutinous. I haven't eaten it so good during Chinese New Year."

"Well, so you have to study hard, and when you make money in the future, you can eat as much braised pork as you want."

"I know."

After dinner, the family took a walk along the road.

In a brick building not far away, a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Song Dynasty but obviously more vicissitudes stared at the vegetables and tofu on the table and slapped his chopsticks heavily, "I eat these every day, don't I need to work?" !"

The woman with the corn rice rolled her eyes and said, "I want to make you something good, but do you have any good ones at home?"

She snorted coldly, "Would you like to eat or not!"

The two gray-haired old men looked at each other without saying a word, and silently picked up their rice bowls.

Seeing this, the woman was even angrier.

Raise the chopsticks and bowls loudly.

But Yuelai Town has such a tradition. When the family is divided, the family takes the majority, the old man follows, and the family takes care of the children, and whoever takes care of the elderly.

It's remote and poor.

It is precisely because of this that some rules have continued.

Good luck, hard work.

The next morning, the two cheap daughters went to school. Song Shi took money and things, and carried a big bag, and led Fourth Sister Huang to the county seat.

The car shook all the way.

It took almost an hour to reach the few kilometers of road.

Both of them turned yellow when they got out of the car.

Huang Simei held her belly in one hand and leaned on a tree by the side of the road with the other to bend over to vomit, but she didn't vomit anything. She looked sick and pale.

"Are you okay? Would you like some water?"

Huang Simei waved her hand feebly, "I'm fine, what are you doing with that unjustified money, I need to have a check-up later."

Blood draws are done on an empty stomach.

Song Shi patted her on the back.

When she recovered a little bit, she called a tricycle, "Go to the hospital."


The three-wheeled driver pedaled vigorously, and stopped at the entrance of the county hospital after a while.

"how much is it?"

"You can give me two yuan."

Song Shi's teeth were a little sour. If he didn't sell pork, he would come to pedal three rounds.

The two went to register first.

Various checks.

The doctor looked at the list and said, "It's already in the basin, and it may give birth at any time."

And counting the expected date of delivery, it was only two days away.

He suggested hospitalization here.

Huang Simei also wants to give birth in the hospital. Her elder sister and second younger sister were both born at home, but she is getting older now, in case something happens.
Turning to look at the man, "Why don't we go back first and come back after the attack occurs."

Song Shi shook his head, "That won't work."

Directly refused.

Huang Simei felt sour in her heart, she pursed her lips, her eyes were flushed.

She knows it!

I heard the man continue, "It's not that you don't know how difficult it is to take a car. What if there is no car when you have an attack? Didn't the doctor say that it will only be two days? I have come here, and I will stay in the hospital." Get safe."

Fourth Sister Huang: "."

She must have hallucinations.

Song Shi was already asking the doctor to issue a hospital bill, and she hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Won't that waste a lot of money?"

Hospitalization is not cheap.

"It's not something you have to worry about." He said to the doctor again, "Please find a ward with fewer people and be quiet."

The doctor swiped his pen.

"Go and pay."

In this way, Huang Simei stayed in the hospital. She touched the soft and white bed with a nervous and cautious expression, and looked down at her swollen belly. You must be a son.

Otherwise she will die of guilt.

Song Shi saw her expression in his eyes, packed up his things, and looked at the sun, "It's getting late, let's go eat first."

There are many small restaurants outside the hospital.

The two ordered a large bowl of white rice, cooked two dishes and made a soup, and walked on the pedestrian street after eating.

Yuelai Town.

Song Dongmei and Song Chunyu saw the empty house when they came back from school.



The two sisters yelled around but saw no one. It was Song Chunyu who found a piece of paper on the table that made him know that his parents had gone to the county.

It will take several days to come back.

The two felt disappointed, but not much, after all, they didn't have a right to speak, did they?

There is still a lot of stewed meat and bone soup left at home. It is kept fresh in the freezer. There are also vegetables in the field. The two sisters are used to doing farm work. After they made something casually, they locked the door early and went back to the room to read. up.

The final exam is coming soon, and the moment of fate is coming!
Two days later, Huang Simei gave birth to a daughter in the county hospital.


Just desperate.

The faceless despair of facing Jiang Dong's elders swept through his whole body.

What, what are you doing?
The parents-in-law must be disappointed, the sister-in-law will definitely come to sneer, the third child has always wanted a son, this time he was full of hope, but in the end...
Will they get divorced?
Divorced, what should she do?

Huang Simei was so scared that she turned around and trembled, and the nurse hurriedly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, the birth is over, the baby is healthy, and your birth is going well."

She wanted to cry without tears.

Is this what she cares about?

After being pushed out of the delivery room, she bit her lip, not daring to look at her husband's face.

"Congratulations, your wife gave birth to a daughter."


Huang Simei's mood became more and more disturbed with these short words. She had just given birth, her face turned pale, and she turned her head to Song Shi with effort, her eyes were pleading.

"old three"

"You take a good rest. I asked the shop downstairs to cook chicken soup, and they will deliver it in a while." Then she looked at the child who was wrapped up in a ball next to Huang Simei and closed her eyes. Her skin was red and wrinkled. Thin and small, "Daughter... my daughter is fine."

Huang Simei was full of bitterness.

That's it, that's all.

However, what Huang Simei didn't expect was that her husband Song Laosan actually took care of the children.

He does everything but feed the kids.

He doesn't even wash diapers.

Fourth Younger Sister Huang stayed in the hospital for five full days. The doctor at the hospital hinted several times that they could be discharged from the hospital, and Song Shi went to go through the formalities.

He went outside and hailed a taxi. Huang Simei got into the car with the child wrapped tightly in her arms.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the house.

Song Shi's hand was shaking when he paid the fare.

It's so damn expensive.

It seems that Bai Erwa's calculations are about to fail, Yuan Scum's wife spent a lot of money to have a child, and the family savings are valid, so I am afraid that she will not be able to take care of Bai Erwa's relatives' business.

"Big sister! Second sister!"

Song Shi shouted as he walked.

In the room, the two who had finished their final exams the day before yesterday ran out of the room to open the door.

At a glance, I saw the swaddling baby in my mother's arms.

They dare not go forward.

It's indescribably complicated.

Mom and Dad have younger brothers, so they don't care about them anymore.

"Why are you still standing there, don't you know how to pick up the things? Big sister, put the bed away quickly, your mother is going to lie down soon."

It can be said that the original machismo has been brought to the limit.

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