Song Shi saw the silence and anxiety of the cheap daughters, but as an old father with deep-rooted traditional thinking, he definitely couldn't explain carefully, patiently comfort, swear and swear all kinds of guarantees.

Frowning, he pointed at the plastic bag and said in a rough voice: "It's Yaomei's diaper inside, it's not dry yet, take it to dry."

Two sisters: "."



Song Dongmei blinked, and saw the same confusion in the eyes of the second sister.

However, Song Shi had no intention of explaining, "Hurry up and work!"

Get moving!
The majesty of the old father is incomparable.

Song Dongmei and Song Chunyu tidied up quickly with full of doubts, while Huang Simei sat in the main room with her youngest in her arms. Song Shi poured her a cup of hot water, "Put Yaomei on the bed of the eldest sister and second sister first."

Holding strange hands sour.

Huang Simei straightened her waist, she had no strength, "OK."

Then he got up.

"Take a break, I'll hug you."

Huang Simei gave her a disdainful look, "You hug? Do you know how to hug a baby?"

There is a basis for what she said.

When the eldest sister and the second younger sister were young, let alone stretching out his hand, this man was disgusting even at a glance. She was always taking care of the two daughters.

Fortunately, the child is obedient and rarely cries.

Song Shi curled his lips, "Why don't you just hold a baby, what's the problem?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab the youngest from Huang Simei's arms, hugged him casually, and entered the house while the cheap wife was terrified.

Not to mention, he didn't cry.

Huang Simei covered her beating heart. She was a little slow to react just now. Fortunately, Yaomei was lucky and didn't fall directly to the ground.

God bless Amitabha
After making up his mind, he will never let a man touch his baby again. As the head of the family, he should kill a pig. It is not suitable for him to bring a baby.

In the Song Dynasty, the news that Huang Simei came back with a baby in her arms quickly spread.

Song Rong, Song Quan and his family rushed over immediately.

I found out she was still a girl.
Song Rong curled his lips, but he let out a sigh of relief, even if he was a kid, he had two sons.

Zhou Lan congratulated with a half-smile, "The third child is really blessed. The three daughters will enjoy the blessings in the future. Unlike us, who take care of the eldest son and the grandson, a lifetime of hard work."

According to her understanding of Song Laosan, he will definitely jump up in the next second, be furious, curse and say something like "bad luck", "eight lifetimes of bloody luck" and "labor and management will be wiped out".


Isn't it an extinct household?

There is nothing to support when you are old, and you have no descendants when you die.

There was malice in the corner of her eyes, but seeing Song Shi shrugged indifferently, "It seems that sister-in-law has a very accurate perception of herself."

Then he turned his head to look at Big Brother Cheap, and said in a reproachful tone, "Brother, this is your fault, listen to it, sister-in-law is so resentful, you work so hard, it's all your fault Big Brother, you don't have the ability to make money , otherwise sister-in-law could say such things in front of so many people."

Song Rong: "."

Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean I'm willing to let the flames of war burn on me.

He gave his wife a hard look.

The complacency on Zhou Lan's face couldn't hold back anymore.

She...she clearly didn't mean that!
But it was a shame that she didn't eat it.

Immediately smirking and sighing, "Isn't that right, two sons, one person has two sons, that is four grandchildren, alas, it's better for the third child, your family doesn't have a single grandson, and some of them are also grandchildren."

someone else's.

There is a hammer relationship with you!
You've been thinking about your son all your life, but in the end, you don't even have a fart!
Just ask if you are willing to hold back or not!
In terms of stabbing a knife in the heart, the daughter-in-law of Yuelai Town has never lost.

Song Shi nodded, "Then sister-in-law, you and elder brother have to work hard. The two nephews will get married in a few years. If we don't build two more houses, no girls will marry here. Then we will have a grandson." Raising his finger, he sighed, "Four, my two nephews haven't even finished junior high school, so the responsibility of raising children should not fall on the eldest brother and sister-in-law? Oh, my sister-in-law really has the foresight, it's not a proper toil. ?"

If you scold me for having no son, I will say that you are poor because you have no money!
Zhou Lan fell down in anger but still kept smiling, "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, they know what they want and earn it by themselves."

Song Shi smiled, "Sister-in-law is right." The point is, when they ask you to extend your hand, can you not give it?Can you give me something, a hammer?
Song Quan squatted on the ground smoking a cigarette without speaking.

He has only one child, who is also a daughter, and is still poor. What the sister-in-law said to the third child can be regarded as including him.

Song Rong glanced at the mud and mud house of the third brother's house, and snorted coldly, "I said, third child, you are too ugly, you don't even talk about repairing the house for making so much money, look at us In the town, who still lives in this kind of house now, even if you only have three girls, you can't give up on yourself, you still have decades to live."

Song Shi chuckled twice, "That's a good thing, why don't we brothers push forward and rebuild the house together, just build the upstairs and downstairs that are popular now, there are only three girls in my house, you can do it casually, big brother can do it Two sons, let alone four grandchildren in the future, so we can’t build a big villa with four rooms? Then build another five or six floors, and live on each floor, not to mention how lively it is!”

Song Rong: "."

Just hehe.

Build a house, and build several floors, he has money to build a wool!
When Song Rong and Song's family saw the child, they left.

Yuan Zha's mother, Li Xiu'er, sighed, "You're another girl, what will you do in the future, when they are all married, you... oh."

Although the eldest son is the most important in the hearts of the two elders, the youngest son is not picked up by the side of the road. When the youngest is old, no one will do his filial piety in front of his eyes. She had no water to drink when she was sick, and she was sick and lying in bed with no one to take care of her.
I couldn't sleep at night.

What to do when you are old!

The old father, Song Dashi, was squatting in the yard smoking grass cigarettes. The third daughter-in-law had already given birth to three, and he really couldn't say anything about letting him continue to have children.

The third child can only do this in his life, this is his fate.

Song Shi glanced at a piece of colorful fabric behind the gate from the corner of his eyes, and he impatiently interrupted Yuan Zha's mother's sigh, "I understand what you mean, doesn't it mean that I have no one to take care of me? Mom, what are you worrying about?" , I don’t care anymore, it’s you and my dad who go first, you two can take care of me when I’m old, and you two can take care of me when I’m old? Son, I will give their three sisters a good confession, let them all study and be promising, I don't believe that my luck is so bad, and none of the three daughters is willing to take care of us two old ones."

He didn't take it seriously.

Li Xiu'er was so angry that she gasped, "What are you talking about, I'm not doing it for your own good!"

What is the most taboo of the elderly, the most taboo to talk about those things of life and death.

This dog is good, but she and the old man are going to die first.

"Then mom, what can you do? The three girls in my family are already a foregone conclusion. We can't just throw one of them to the garbage dump. Or, Simei Huang can have another baby. I just don't know how much money you and my dad will give to help her." I have raised a son, mom, you help my elder brother bring up two sons, and if I have another son, you have to help me too."

Li Xiuer stared round her eyes, "How can I have any money!"

Song Shi still couldn't see the guilty conscience in her eyes, so don't subconsciously cover your wallet if you have the ability.

"So Mom, you can't produce anything, so hurry up with a hammer!"


"Mom, you haven't taken care of me for so many years. Now you take care of what I do. Isn't your elder brother's family enough for you to take care of? Your eldest grandson is eighteen, and maybe I will bring you back a granddaughter-in-law in two years. When the time comes, you will remind me They will give you a great-grandson, and they will keep urging you until they are born.”

Li Xiuer: "."

Li Xiuer almost had a heart attack.

In the end, he was led back by the old man.

"You are poor, we say so much is not for your sake."

"Dad, you know that you talk too much, so don't talk about it, and save it for the sake of my elder brother. He has two sons, and you are busy."

Song Dashi:
When did the old three's mouth become more powerful than that butcher's knife.

The stabbing of the knife is painful.

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