Chapter 137 No. 9 Sugar Cane [-]
It's hard to make money these days.

The old couple of the Song family spent their entire lives digging food in the fields. They managed to raise a few children and built a house. If you save it, you should give it to your grandson.

It has nothing to do with the girl's film half a penny.

Besides, they are old, just in case, they have to save some money for medical treatment and medicine.

It's a tough day with the palms up.

He can't know what's going on at home.

Song Dashi grabbed his wife's arm and said angrily, "Did you hear that, people think we talk too much, why are you still sticking around here, treat it as if you were feeding the dog with all your kindness, let's go! Go home!"

The two elders left angrily.

The house suddenly became quiet.

in the room.

Huang Simei was hugging the youngest to sleep, she looked out of the window with a blank expression.

She heard what was said outside just now.


It was her inability to give birth to a son for a man, and it was her fault.

In Yuelai Town, any family without a son will be poked in the back.

A man is so concerned about face, how uncomfortable he is.

Blame me!

Huang Simei felt very uneasy, all kinds of self-blame and guilt overwhelmed her, she wanted to cry so much.

Sour eyes.

But there is no other way but to cry.

Otherwise, should I throw my daughter away, or divorce?It's impossible.

Dinner is cooked in Song Dynasty.

He made a pot of chicken soup.

The chicken is our own, and it was raised long ago, so that Huang Simei can eat it during confinement.

It's also very funny.

A bunch of people came to the house just now, Yuan Zha's old mother, elder brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, and only the second brother's family came with a bag of eggs.

Whoever goes to see a pregnant woman is empty-handed.

Just preaching to him, it's as big as a basin.

In the evening, the whole family ate a pot of chicken soup. Song Dongmei bit her chopsticks, hesitated for a long time, and then mustered up the courage to say loudly, "Dad, I will study hard and take care of you and mom."

It's not useless to have a daughter like what my aunt told my grandma.

Song Chunyu bit the chicken bone and quickly expressed his opinion, "Me, me too, when I grow up and earn money, I will buy a big house for my parents!"

Song Shi laughed.


"Really!" The two sisters nodded very solemnly in unison.

"So, the two daughters I raised are filial, no worse than my son?"

What are Song Dongmei and Song Chunyu most concerned about?It's nothing more than others talking about their gender. Now that there is a younger sister in the family, the traditional father is finally willing to face them squarely. Of course they are excited.

Nodding vigorously, "Yes!"

"So, I can trust you?"


"That's good!" Song Shiyi clapped his hands, "It happens to be tomorrow, and we have a big fat pig at home. The eldest sister and the second sister, go and wash the dishes. Clean up when it's time to clean up. Go to bed early tonight. I'll call you at one o'clock."

Song Dongmei and Song Chunyu: "."

I froze for a while.

I was stabbed in the emotion, Dad, you are the most ruthless.

Thinking of the fear of being dominated by pigs some time ago, the two of them felt that it was okay to pass it. After all, the old man was a pork guy. They had seen him slaughter pigs in the yard many times since they were young, and they didn’t know how many times they were screamed at in the middle of the night. The sound of pigs waking up from the dream, then turned over and continued to sleep, without even covering the ears, and fell asleep in three seconds.

Just a little tired.

When I went out, I was joked about whether she wanted to inherit her father's mantle and become Yuelai Town. No, it was very likely that she was the only female pig butcher in the entire city.

Nothing else.

She still doesn't know how poisonous their mouths are and how bad their minds are?If you really want to care about yourself, you will be pissed off.

After tidying up the kitchen, the two sisters went to bed early.

Song Shi went to the main room to sleep on a cool bed amid Huang Simei's complaints.

There is really no way.

The bed in the room couldn't sleep three people, even if it was just a baby.

That's why you have to be more careful.

It was too hot in July.

The scumbags get fat in middle age, coupled with occupational diseases, the bamboo pole youth who was somewhat handsome in his youth gradually turned into a middle-aged greasy old man with a round waist, thick arms and a big belly.

Brother Sugarcane has long wanted to change the bed.

Sleeping on a cool bed is also good.

Occupying a bed alone, I don't know how comfortable it is.

In the early morning, the clouds in the sky were dyed brilliant colors. A cart was slowly moving forward on the rough road. A girl in short sleeves walked beside the cart and pushed it vigorously. The cart was full of fresh pork , This is the result of their busy work for most of the night.

However, it is different from before.

This time, she was not allowed to take a rest, but was called up by the uncompromising father of the head of the family, asking her to help sell pork at the stall.

Song Dongmei: Meow?
I was speechless.

She wanted to say no, but she couldn't resist the majesty of the patriarch for a long time.

Forget it, lie down.

As for being humiliated by classmates, alas, it's embarrassing, just get used to it.

Her family sells pork.

It is impossible for her family not to sell pork.

She couldn't tell Dad that I wouldn't help out at the stall.

Since nothing will change, then accept it.

"Hey, Song Laosan, I haven't seen you setting up a stall for a few days, eh? Is this your daughter? The eldest or the second?" An old man with a basket on his back and a cattail fan stretched his neck to look at the cart.

"Buy some meat, freshly slaughtered pigs, look at this meat, this texture, oh, is there something wrong at home? I stopped for a few days, and it happened that the school was on holiday. Let my boss come out to experience life, otherwise Every day at home, everyone is going to be lazy." He took out the knife, "Which one do you want? This one is good, how about a knife?"

The man picked and picked, and finally pointed to one piece, "Cut it from here, don't cut more, I don't want more."

"Here, right? You don't know who I am. Honestly, you can cut it from wherever you say!" As he spoke, he cut it up and weighed it quickly, "Three and a half catties, 12 yuan and 12 cents, give [-] cents. You get the yuan."


"Song Laosan, I heard that your mother-in-law gave birth to a daughter for you again, and your family is now made up of three golden flowers!" Someone who knew came over and teased.

There was a bit of pity and sympathy in the joking expression.

Song Dongmei lowered her head, her mood suddenly became depressed and uncomfortable.

Song Shi replied lightly, "Do you want to buy meat? Which one are you looking at?"

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, the man understood, chose a piece of meat, and asked if he would give away pork red, Song Shi lowered his head and cut the meat, "No."

Sending this to that, believe it or not, he will die by the river in a few days, just like Li Qiang's fate.

The man pouted.

It's only when he is the mother-in-law at home that he is upset that he didn't give birth to a son.

Stopping and stopping along the way, half of the pork was left when we arrived at the stall.

Bai Erwa took the time to congratulate him with a smile, "I'm so happy! When will you buy the full moon wine?"

Song Shi had no expression on his face, "Please, please! No please!"

Bai Erwa smiled and said nothing.

Others only thought that he was unhappy because he gave birth to a daughter. Only Song Dongmei heard her father muttering in a low voice: "The eldest and second child didn't invite the full moon wine when they gave birth. It doesn't make sense for the third child to invite her."

Be fair.

Of course, three thousand gold is equal to a bowl of water.

(End of this chapter)

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