Dafang and his wife ran away in a hurry, but those who gathered around the yard to watch the excitement did not disperse.

During this period of time, Boss Song and his mother-in-law have often been bragging outside, saying that his son is so strong that he can bring back a wife when he goes out to work, and that being a grandfather at his age is the best luck in town , Said that the girl is from a big city, she is kind, she only wants a few thousand dollars as a bride price
it's good now.

The face was beaten piapia loudly!
Just ask, does it hurt?

Why do you only need a few thousand dollars, if you have the ability, don't mess around for thousands of dollars!

You said it as if you, Mr. Song, were not short of those few thousand.

What are you proud of!

Selfishness, viciousness, disdain for others, and keen to watch the excitement and talk about right and wrong, are the common characteristics of the vast majority of people in Yuelai Town.

Whenever there is something wrong with someone else's house, their eyes light up like a dog smelling shit.

"Song Laosan, your eldest brother said that you knew that woman was a liar early in the morning. You are not kind. No matter how big the hatred is, it is the relatives who break the bones and connect the muscles. How can you just watch them being cheated?" , that’s not a few dollars, it’s thousands of dollars!”

Some people think that the excitement is not hot enough and want to draw the fire on him.

Song Shi didn't accept such malicious targeting. He looked at the man coldly, with a sneer on his lips, "No wonder Zeng Laizi, your business has been unable to do business. Let me put it badly, even if you can't see people well, At least there should be some basic common sense."

"The idiots at the end of the street know not to believe what people they don't know say."

"Believe anything other people say, why don't you go if they tell you to die!"

"Don't say I reminded them, I just didn't remind them, they should have some brains, whoever big girl came all the way to say that she wanted to be his family's daughter-in-law would cost thousands of dollars, people dare to say that they really did Dare to give it, my God, pigs are not so stupid!"

"Returning the grandson, the ghost knows whose grandson it is, who has become the grandson of the green hair again!"

"My elder nephew, Doudah, can't read a whole bunch of characters. It's like playing tricks on him. My elder brother and sister-in-law are so smart, they still believe it. Now it's all right. Being cheated, the first reaction is not to call the police to find someone, but to blame me, why do I seem to be so easy to talk to? I didn't bring that liar back, so whoever brought it back should look for it!"

The crowd watching:.
In terms of ruthlessness, Song Laosan is the most ruthless.

My own elder brother and nephew were not polite at all when they laughed.

If this word reaches the ears of Mr. and Mrs. Song, there is no need to say more, it is definitely better than cutting off the relationship and not communicating with each other forever.

However, it is true.

A few thousand dollars were given out without hesitation, all I can say is. Really rich!
Song Rong and his wife rushed to the police station to report the crime.

Crying with snot and tears.

Not only scolding that damned female liar, but also scolding that heartless white-eyed wolf brother.

There is no taboo in the use of words, all kinds of greetings to mothers and ancestors, the vocabulary is so rich that the people who work in the hall look sideways and laugh.

In terms of wolf extermination, the eldest and third sons of the Song family were evenly matched.

After returning, Zhou Lan ran directly to the door of Song Shi's house with a bucket on her waist and yelled, Song Shi poured out a basin of cold water, "Wash your brains, if I were you, I would go back and educate my son, this time I was just cheated into marriage , in case you are tricked to go to the gambling table to cut off your arms and legs next time, you have no place to cry!"

Zhou Lan's howling stopped abruptly.

Just wanted to open my mouth to curse.

Facing Shang Song Shi's cold eyes and the snow-white boning knife in his hand, he couldn't say anything.

The cold water wets the clothes and sticks to the body, which is cold and sticky.

She shivered, cursed in a low voice, said a few harsh words, and left in despair.

The next day when Song Shi drove out of the stall, he heard from people on the street that Song Boss and his wife were chasing Song Jiabao on the road yesterday afternoon.

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