The family was cheated out of a large amount of money, and if nothing unexpected happens, they probably won't be able to get it back.

Song Rong and Zhou Lan felt as uncomfortable as cutting out their hearts. They couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and sighed in the dead of night. They opened their eyes and stood in the yard pointing and cursing. They lost ten catties in just a few days. The eldest grandson is no longer as proud as he used to be, he wished he could shrink his neck and hide in the cracks of the ground, and no one would pay attention to him.


Find a partner and find a liar.

Now everyone in the town knows that he is an idiot, and he is afraid to go out.

no face!

The two old days are not easy.

They are old, and the two grandsons are also grown up. Now that the eldest son's family is in trouble again, a small part of the responsibility rests on the head of the third son.


When the eldest daughter-in-law was swearing, the two of them didn't dare to talk to each other. They could only pretend that they didn't hear them.

No, after a night of wind and rain in late autumn, Li Xiu'er fell ill.

Dizziness, coughing, sneezing, sore hands and feet
It took over a month to get better.

By the time the sun shines again, it will be winter.

She had been ill for a while, and her originally healthy body was much weaker, and she was panting badly when she was a little tired, and she couldn't do the work in the field.

It takes money to buy medicines at every turn.

Song Dashi couldn't open his mouth to ask his elder son for money, and the second son's family conditions were not good, and the younger son made a mocking face when he opened his mouth

When a person reaches old age, he is useless, and he knows that his children and grandchildren are unreliable.

no way.

I had to cut the vegetables in the field and pick up the eggs at home to sell.

This sale went wrong again.

The eldest daughter-in-law directly labeled them as house thieves, saying that the two of them moved the things out of the house every day and didn't know who they were going to make up for. She said that the house would be emptied by these stinky rats sooner or later, and said that she had worked hard all these years. The waiter raised two white-eyed wolves and made them go to the other's house if they thought it was better. She quit!

Crazy people usually ran to the house of the two elders and threw the clothes and quilts in the cabinet into the yard.

Song Rong couldn't even stop him.

Almost got caught disfigured.

Li Xiu'er stood in the courtyard dam, wiping her tears with her sleeves. The early winter wind was not too cold, but she felt a chill creeping up her back and into her heart, making her teeth chatter from the cold.

Song Dashi was silent for a while, then bent down to pick up things on the ground.

He has been doing farm work all his life, facing the loess and back to the sky, raising several children and grandchildren with hard work, and the thick calluses on his palms can be said to be his life for most of his life.

At this time, the fingers were bent stiffly, and it took several times to grab a quilt.

Tears splashed onto the quilt face, making a cloud of wetness.

He quickly wiped it off.

When Song Shi heard the news, he dropped his work and rushed this way, but he didn't expect Dafang to go so far.

If you really don't want to provide for the elderly, you can sit down and discuss it with your family.

The process is bound to be unpleasant.

But for the old man's mother, it is impossible for him and Song Quan to be completely indistinguishable.

"Song Rong, you bastard!"

Raising his fist, he rushed towards the elder brother who was standing by and smoking a dull cigarette.

Song Rong can't avoid it.

His face was smashed straight, and a sharp pain came, and he gasped in pain.

"You, third child."

But Song Shi didn't want to hear his sophistry, it was all nonsense!
He raised his fist and continued beating.

Zhou Lan screamed, dropped the things in her hands, and ran over with her teeth and claws.

"Crazy! You crazy! Why do you beat someone! Why!"

The pig butcher has plenty of strength.

With a push of the shoulder.

Zhou Lan fell to the ground.

He sneered while beating his elder brother, "Why? Labor and management are happy!"

Song Rong was beaten a few more times.

Brother Song Jiabao ran out when he heard the sound, and pulled Song Shi away forcefully.

Song Shi broke away from their hands, and pointed to a man and a woman on the ground who were lying down, sitting up, screaming in pain, "Look at how your parents treat your grandma, and when they get old, treat them the same way." , You can use it when you need it, and throw it away as garbage when you don’t use it, don’t have any psychological burden, after all, that’s what they do!”

After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at this family, so he took a sip.

Huang Simei just happened to follow behind.

"Help mom up, old man, and follow me in to pack up!"

He ignored Song Rong and Huang Simei's cursing.

Pack things up quickly.

Song Quan just walked in, "Third brother, you can't speak well if you have something to say, let's see how you beat big brother!"

"Then, have you seen how your good brother bullied your parents? I'll talk to him, labor and management will talk to him with fists!"

"I know you are very angry, and I am also angry. This matter is unethical, but you are not right. The three of us have to sit down and discuss the matter of our parents' retirement. Fighting can't solve the problem." Song Quan said slowly. Said.

"Old man, go and collect your things, pick up the important ones, and don't want the broken ones, it's rare to move."

Song Dashi moved his lips, trying to persuade him, but in the end he only sighed.

Song Shi turned around and looked at Song Quan. Yuan Zha, the second elder brother, used to judge the situation, observe the situation, and act according to circumstances. He was not greedy for others, and no one else wanted to take advantage of him.

"Yes, beating people can't solve the problem, but beating people can make labor and management feel comfortable!" He sneered, "Second brother, don't use it to persuade me, labor and management don't accept it, I must take it away today, old man, then The two bastards have finished using the two old ones and now I don't want them, I want them!"

"Third, don't be impulsive, calm down first"

"Labor and management are very calm! They are very calm! They are also sons. They have occupied the old man for nearly 20 years. The two old ones helped their brothers take care of the baby. It happened that Huang Simei was too tired to take care of the children. Mom and the old man must go to my house to stay enough. For 20 years, at least take the children with me, and I don’t care which house they go to! Or.” He looked at Song Quan, “Parents will go to your house for 20 years first?”

Song Quan: "."


20 years, what an international joke!
Not to mention that the mother-in-law would not agree, he himself would not!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Song Shi snorted coldly and turned to tidy up.

Song Dashi took out his and the old woman's clothes from the wardrobe, wiped his eyes, and healed for a moment the heart broken by the eldest son's family.

Zhou Lan also wanted to stop the two old men from handing over all their private money.

Song Shi directly kicked the cheap elder brother who was silent on the sidelines and actually expressed his agreement in a silent manner, "What's the point of dividing the money from the private house? In my opinion, if you want to share it, you must divide it thoroughly. The old man has been subsidizing the money for the past 20 years." Calculate all the things and money of your first house and divide them equally between me and the second brother, whoever doesn't care who's mother's family will die!"

Zhou Lan: ".!!!"

I was so angry that I almost didn't have a heart attack.

"let's go!"

This time, no one dared to say anything.

As soon as they got home, Huang Simei and her eldest sister tidied up a room together.

The room was originally a utility room, with hoes, baskets, dustpans, pickle jars and other things piled up. It was a bit damp, and the light was not very good, and even the light bulb was broken.

Song Shi took the money and asked the second sister to go to the street to buy one.

Another bed was barely built with bed boards.

"Don't collect the things for now, just put them there, and we'll talk about them in a few days."

In this way, the old couple of the Song family lived in the house of the youngest son.

(End of this chapter)

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