This is also Song Shi's negligence. In this cultivation world where masters are especially respected, who would have thought that Xiyao would dare to openly disobey the orders of the master.

He dismissed two disciples.

Immediately went to the Refining Peak.

Mr. Qi was shocked. To tell the truth, anyone who comes to Qifeng is normal, but this one, who has lived for a thousand years, is bold and aggressive. When he was young, he ventured into many secret caves. The good things in his hand cannot fit in a hundred storage bags. There are many kinds of spiritual treasures and rare and precious refining materials.

"What? Brother, what did you say you were going to do?"

You want to be a puppet?
What are you doing as a puppet?
Reminiscent of Senior Sister Lingqing who has fallen into the dark abyss for more than 100 years.

The loving and sticky couple are separated by yin and yang, and the senior brother has been alone for a hundred years, guarding the vacant room alone, unable to sleep alone, and will be particularly vulnerable in the dead of night, thinking of those sweet times.
"Understood! I understand!" The white-haired old man with smooth and rosy skin squeezed his goatee and showed a wretched smile. He approached Song Shi and lowered his voice, "Brother, don't worry, I will do it myself, and it will be exactly the same as Senior Sister Lingqing."

Song Shi looked at him fiercely.

What are you talking about, old boy!

You can't make yourself dishonest just because there's a dishonest raider here, okay?

Does he mean that!


"Senior brother, don't worry. It's human nature for a husband to miss his wife. Junior brother promises to keep his mouth shut. No one else will know except me and my senior brother!"

Song Shi felt his fist harden.

Elder Qi thought he had guessed right, and when he was proud, he frowned and asked, "Senior brother, what do you want to be the other puppet?"


His indifferent brother, like an iceberg who never melted in the Tianshan Mountains, proposed to be two puppets.

Boss Qi couldn't control his thoughts and ran wildly in an incredible direction.

"What does it look like?" Song Shi stared at him, with a smirk on his face, "I think your son was born well, why don't you just follow him?"

Boss Qi was terrified.

"No way, brother, that's your own nephew!"

Seeing Song Shi's dark face and disgusted eyes, "You're so stupid!"

"The deity's puppet is shameless!"

"I draw it myself!"

"One for each male and female."

"This is the material for refining the puppet, and the rest will be considered as manual expenses. By the way, with your ability, brother, I believe that brother will get the goods tomorrow morning, right?"

Old Qi: That's right.

What should I do if there are ten thousand sentences about Fenfang that I want to complain about.

"Yes! Of course!"

"Then Senior Brother, Junior Brother will go to work first."

After speaking, without waiting for Song Shi's answer, he grabbed the storage bag and ran away in a hurry.

If you are shameless, you should still be able to catch up.

In the Song Dynasty, Qifeng came out.

Look up in a certain direction.

A stream of light flashed by, and there was no one there.

The dark abyss is located in the west of Yuncang Continent. No one knows how deep it is. There are many demonic barriers in it. If you fall, no one can climb up.

And those miasmas are naturally incompatible with the monk's spiritual power.

Yuan Zha's wife, Fairy Lingqing, was thrown into the abyss by the demons plotting against her a hundred years ago. Even if the soul lamp has not been extinguished, she has long been treated as a dead person.

What is it like to be alive?

It is useless not to return to the realm of comprehension.

Even Fairy Lingqing's natal family acquiesced that she was dead.

Who knows what else is there besides the miasma, no one dares to take risks.

after one day.

Song Shi stood on the edge of the abyss.

The wind that came from nowhere patted his face coolly.

He glanced down.

It just feels as if the soul is about to be sucked down.

The Dark Abyss really lives up to its reputation!

Jump down.

Falling fast.

However, after two hours, I felt that the spiritual power was dissipating rapidly.

Song Shi threw a storage bag down and flew up decisively.

bottom of the cliff.

In a dark corner, a white bone is slowly walking, and its bones make a crunching sound.

what is that?
Bones walked slowly towards the direction of the moon-white shimmering light, but just halfway there, the light went out.

Fortunately, it has long been used to being under this abyss, even with its eyes closed...ah, it has no eyeballs, only eye sockets, and can still see.

Song Shi left a sigh and spent a day returning to the Zongmen.

He went directly to the Refining Peak.

"Brother, how could you do this!"

As soon as Qi Lao saw him, he couldn't help complaining, "I stayed up all night thinking about your urgent need, but the next day I waited all day and didn't see you!"


As the most famous master craftsman in Yuncang Continent, how had he ever been put down like this.

They are over 1000 years old, brother, are you in the rebellious period?
"I'm going to see your sister-in-law."

With this sentence, Elder Qi had nothing to say, so he quickly took out the puppet that he made overnight to change the subject.

"Brother, what do you think? I'll change it if I'm not satisfied."

"Very good." As he spoke, he used spiritual power to draw ridiculous facial features on the puppet's blank face.

Old Qi:
What is this.

It's better for him to make a face casually than this.

Song Shi took the puppet back to Jianfeng, and set restrictions on the puppet.

"Fourth, come to Yunsong Terrace."

"Fourth brother, come to Yunsong Terrace." Xi Yao, who had been lying down for two days, received a voice transmission from her master and jumped up from the bed.

She clutched her beating heart, what should I do, Master will definitely punish her.

"System, what else is there, exchange it for me!"

System: "There are many good things, but unfortunately you have no points."

Xi Yao: ".?"

"What? I don't have any points? Impossible! I just read it before doing the task, and I still have a lot of points."

"Then you exchanged a lot of things. Besides, this is a high-level plane, and the props you need must be upgraded."

Xi Yao was terrified: "Then what should I do? There is no cheat, do you think I can conquer the Son of Heaven with my own ability?"


This is true.

"Wait, I'm going to ask the Lord God for instructions."

After speaking, there was no sound.

A moment later
"In view of the fact that the difficulty of this plane is too high and it is too much beyond your level, the main god decided to put some water on you and use a different mode to attack."

"What mode?"

"Daily end."

"Day end?"

"As the name suggests, in the form of dispatching tasks, as long as you complete a task, you can get rewards for this small task, and you can also get additional rewards for completing the specified goals. Host, keep up the good work, come on!"

Xiyao's eyes lit up, this was really what she wanted, and she hurriedly asked: "Then the new mode is open, is there any grand opening gift package, blind box and so on?"


Don't you think you're pushing your limits a little bit?

Just wanted to answer.

Suddenly there was a sudden dizziness, and when I regained consciousness again, I'll go, where is this?

(End of this chapter)

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