Chapter 155 No. 7 Sugar Cane [-]
"Is it you, a little thing, who is controlling this deity's apprentice?"

An indifferent and cold voice sounded above his head, and the system looked at the stern face in front of him in fear. It wanted to back up, but it couldn't move.

Use your fingers slightly.

There is a trace of divine power in the spiritual power.

The system only feels that its core system is being damaged. If it doesn't save itself, it will definitely disappear and become a pile of fragments.

"No it's not me."

At the moment of life and death, I hurriedly argued and begged for mercy, "I didn't control her, I really didn't!"

Song Shi smiled softly, "I don't believe it."


The system hurts like hell.

"Don't think that this deity doesn't know, this deity pulled you out of the fourth child's sea of ​​consciousness."

The system is wronged.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she hastened to cleanse herself, "It's true that I was in her consciousness, but I didn't control her. On the contrary, I have been helping her. If you don't believe me, you can ask her in person. I really do. We have been together since she was born, and we are each other's family. If I really want to hurt her, she won't live until now."

However, even if it mentioned a flower garden, Song Shi did not believe it.

On the contrary, he put Xiyao's laziness on him because he didn't cultivate well, and when he put his hand hard, he heard a crisp click.

If it goes on like this, it will die in a few seconds.

What the hell. There is no reason to speak!

Is the host master old and deaf? Can you listen to someone's explanation?

It all said no more!
"Full of lies! You really think of me as a fool! If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being rude!"

What responded to his words was a corner of a crushed chip.

The system crashed, crying loudly, "I confess! Confess!"

At this moment, the host, the main god, and the tasks are all thrown aside by it.

Really Ga!

Nothing is more important than your own life!
"I am a little shrimp under the banner of the Lord God, looking for a destined soul in the vast universe to bind and collect energy"

"It really doesn't do any harm to the hosts. On the contrary, it will allow them to maximize their own charm, have an extraordinary beauty and proud figure, and even gain unlimited lives after completing the ultimate task."

"Men? What can men suffer! There is a young and beautiful girlfriend who enjoys treatment that other men can't enjoy. They are making a lot of money, okay? They should have fun!"

"Boss! Boss, I didn't mean that, you are an exception!"

The system really hated his troublesome mouth.

Song Shi lowered his eyes, "So, what do you want from those men?"

System: "Get love."

Song Shi: ".?"

Another piece of the body was lost, and the system stopped beating around the bush. "It's like this. The men carefully selected by the Lord God are the Chosen Sons who inherit the power of the Dao of Heaven. As long as they gain their sincerity, they can establish a connection with the Chosen Sons and absorb the energy of the Dao of Heaven."

"It's really a fair deal."

"The Chosen One is so outstanding, no one in the world is worthy of it, and only a body that has undergone systematic polishing, blessing and transformation is worthy of it."

"Besides, he's going to get married anyway, it doesn't matter who he gets married with."

It's scumbag talk.

Song Shi understood.

It's no wonder that Xiyao, a lazy five-spiritual root, was able to ascend together with the original dregs who had cultivated for thousands of years, and it was indeed due to the original dregs' luck.

And what about love.

Don't tarnish the word.

Shuang,,, repair is double,,, repair, it sounds so nice!
The system carefully observed the face of the host, the master, and asked cautiously: "Boss, I've said everything I need to say, can I go now?"

As an honest teacher, he must mean what he says.

After pondering for a moment, "Yes."

The system is overjoyed.

I saw him staring at himself with burning eyes, "However, you can't go back like this."

Don't you like to transform this and transform that?
What a coincidence.

He also felt that this system was not perfect, and it was useless. If some adjustments were made, it should still have some effect.

"Don't worry, it's just fine-tuning, and it won't be life-threatening."

As for whether it is still your life after the operation, I don’t know.

A white light flashed.

Ripples rippled in Xiyao's sea of ​​consciousness, and there was a faint light floating in it.


"Release the task: get Song Shi's favor."

"Success, favorability value +5."

"Failed, struck by lightning once."

Xi Yao hurriedly got up from the bed and called the system, "Is there anything else besides increasing the favorability value?"


After a few murmurs.

System: "Since the host has opened a new mission mode, there will be a mysterious gift package if the mission is successful here, please cheer the host."

Xi Yao: .
I always feel that today's system is a bit weird.

But she didn't think much of it.

More attention is paid to the big gift package.

There are many people in Yunsong Terrace, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, she has to be limited even if she has a whole body, and the small private courtyard where the night is dark and windy can let her play freely.

Thinking of those uncastable items redeemed earlier can also come in handy.

Use them all!

Master, no matter how determined his heart is, he can't escape from her Wuzhi Mountain!

Xi Yao was very confident before going up the mountain.

However, who would have thought that the story would go awry at the beginning.

The yard was restricted, so she couldn't get in, so she had to transmit the voice to Song Shi. The voice was sweet and tender, full of temptation, and her figure looked even more slender under the silver moonlight.


"Since you are so energetic, then run a thousand laps around Yunsong Terrace, and swing your sword ten thousand times, it will be considered as taking the vacant steps of your few days."

The voice from inside made Xi Yao feel chills all over her body.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

Busy to explain.

I heard the system "ding--".

"The host please complete the task issued by the task target as soon as possible, so as to gain the favor of the other party."

"The countdown begins."

Xi Yao was so angry that she wanted to hit the ground.

"Wait, what do you mean? Do you really want me to run a thousand laps?"

Will the leg be broken?

To be honest, isn't this really a hidden heroine system?

She was clearly doing strategy missions.

The main focus is to fall in love easily.

The mechanical voice of the system sounded without ups and downs: "According to calculations, this is the easiest way for the host to gain the favor of the task object. Please face the task squarely and don't try to take shortcuts."

Xi Yao doesn't want to pay attention to the convulsion system at all.

That dog,,,, shit is thinking about how to cheat her every day!

"Master! Master!"

"The apprentice has something to tell the master, the master will let the disciple in!"

"Master's disciple has a headache! I don't know why, but recently I always feel that there is something wrong with Dantian. Master, can you help me take a look?"


Song Shi was so annoyed that he threw two puppets directly, "Throw her to Yunsong Terrace, and she will not be allowed to stop until she completes the task set by the deity!"

(End of this chapter)

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