Xi Yao is still acting coquettishly to herself, she came here today prepared and very confident that she will be able to pick off the high mountain flower of Master.

She thought beautifully.

However, he didn't even enter the door.

Two figures, one black and one white, flitted out of the yard, and left without saying a word about her.

Xi Yao: ".?"

After reacting, he shouted in horror: "Who are you? What are you doing! Help! Help!"

"Come here! There are bad guys!"

"Master! Save me!"

She struggled hard, but the two holding her arms were like two icebergs, without the slightest sympathy, they were completely unmoved.

Silver moonlight poured down.

Unable to break free, Xiyao finally sees clearly what the person who kidnapped her looks like.

I saw two thick and black eyebrows drawn on a face that was whiter than paper, his eyes were dark and dull, his lips were parted, bright red like blood, and there were two blobs of intense blush on his cheeks.

The one next to him in white has the same makeup, except for a row of dark bangs.

Poker face.

But one could feel strong resentment emanating from the bodies of the two of them.

As a tasker living in modern times, no one is not afraid of ghosts.

Paper figurines like this become fine.
"Ah!!! Ghost!!!"

In the silent night, there was a heart-piercing scream mixed with infinite panic.

There are brothers and sisters who heard the news and came here.

After learning that this is the puppet that the master of Jianfeng specially asked the elders of Qifeng to refine for the purpose of training his young apprentices, Jun left with a complicated expression on his face.

Can you not feel complicated?
That is the number one sword fairy in Yuncang Continent!Half step up!

In order to get the disciples to practice seriously, they actually spent their time thinking and thinking about this method, and compared to their masters, they directly threw a manual of exercises over them, let them practice by themselves, and then went to retreat to practice.

It can't be compared at all!
Looking at this Junior Sister Xiyao again, the aptitude of Wulinggen has worshiped such an awesome master. It is not an exaggeration to say that the blessings accumulated by the ancestors for eighteen generations are not exaggerated. In the end, I don’t cherish it at all.
So angry!
Jealous and angry!
The luck between people is really incomparable!Otherwise, you will really be pissed off!

If their master is half as dedicated as someone else's master, why did their cultivation reach this level.

Can crossing the river by feeling the stones compare to others helping you build the bridge?

No matter what others think, the two puppets carried Xiyao to Yunsong Terrace, pushed her forward, and a black whip appeared in the hand of one of the black-clothed paper figures, as if she was about to whip her if she didn't move.

Xiyao scolded the two puppets a lot along the way, and even made an exception to use the power of charm that only the Chosen One can enjoy, but it's a pity that the other party is just a rock and has no fart reaction.

She didn't know that these two were not human.

Pointing at the man in black, he cursed: "If you dare to treat me like this, I will definitely let Master kick you out of the sect!"

What responded to her was a loud whip, and the sound almost pierced the night sky.

Xi Yao trembled all over.

Facing the painted black pupils of the man in black without sadness, joy or emotion, she bit her lips, the grievance in her heart was about to overwhelm her.

"Please ask the host to complete the task issued by the task object. If the task is not completed beyond the time limit, the host will be punished by lightning."

Xi Yao: "."

I am special!
It feels like the whole world is pushing me!

Run with tears in my eyes.

It was only halfway through the run that I remembered, how many laps did the master say?And that sword, how many times do you have to swing it?
It's over!
This night, Xiyao did not complete the task as expected. She was not only exhausted, but also received several whips from the black and white men, which left her grinning and bruised. In the end, the sky was slightly bright, and a bright red smudge dyed the sky.

As a matter of course, it was taken as a negative teaching material by the sect to warn its disciples.

"Look, if you don't practice seriously, you will be struck by lightning!"

"Do you know that Senior Sister Xiyao in Jianfeng, if you are lazy, you will be like her!"

"If you don't want to become dark, work hard to improve your cultivation!"

"Cultivation as a monk is to go against the sky. God has given us a chance to attain Taoism and become immortal. If we don't cherish it, we will waste the cultivation of spiritual root and sect. Even the sky can't stand it!"

"If you don't want to be the next one to be hacked, you should mobilize labor and capital!"

Of course, these words are behind the scenes.

Xiyao is ashamed, but she still has the master of the number one sword fairy above her.

Look at the Buddha's face even if you don't look at the monk's face.

And Jianfeng did not respond to the fact that his personal disciple was struck by lightning.

Most people guessed that the Master Jianfeng was dissatisfied with his disciple's practice, so he gave her a longer memory, which can be said to be well-intentioned.

The love of the parents is far-reaching.

What a painstaking effort!

After Xiyao's first night of training, she collapsed on the ground like a piece of mud and couldn't tear it up. In the end, two puppets carried her back with one arm and one arm.

He gave her another elixir of nourishment.

The medicinal power with aura quickly repaired her overworked muscles and tendons.

Before he recovered, he received a voice transmission from Master.

"Continue tomorrow."

Xiyao wailed, God is going to kill me!

She's here to fall in love and get promoted, not to be an inspirational sister.

Training is so difficult.

After only one night, her arms and legs were as stiff as stones.

Under the double pressure from the system and the master.

What a day!
She discussed with the system: "Can I give up this task? I don't want the task reward."

System: "No."

The answer can be described as very heartless.

Xi Yao:! ! !
Therefore, there is no trust between her and the dog comparison system.

This torment lasted for ten days.

When Xiyao felt that half of her life was gone, Master finally gave the order to rest for a day.

What is enough for one day!

Xiyao's rants are back to rants, but she digs out her inventory from the space to see which ones can be used to take down Master Shizun in one fell swoop.

She must succeed once, otherwise, what awaits her may be the next hell.

She took a handful of elixir, and started to dress up after the soreness on her body eased a bit.

To use Qiutong Jianshui, the skin must be as white as jade, the fragrance must be that of orchids, and a mysterious fragrance must be carried on the body

She has a few attribute points left, all of which are added to Charm.

In this way, even if the master grows eight wings, he will not be able to escape!
Xiyao looked at herself in the mirror who was delicate and pure in pink clothes, showed a smile that was inevitable, and turned to go out.

She took out a delicate hairpin from her hair.

a few breaths.

The hairpin got bigger.

Xi Yao jumped up, and the hairpin flew towards the top of Jianfeng Peak.

She was also helpless.

I also know that other disciples of the sect must look down on her.

But what can she do, she is just a rookie at the sixth level of qi refining, and she can't fly at all.

Even this flying aura needs the help of spirit stones.

However, this will all end soon.

Wait until she captures Master.
This time, she will definitely succeed!

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