Yu Chan probably really just wanted to find someone to talk to, to let out the suffocation in her heart, and it would be much better.

"Ah Shu, I'm sorry, I wasted your time. Look at me, the senior is the president of the Song Corporation. What can you do as a student who hasn't graduated? It doesn't matter. The senior sister is just a little sad. I told you for a while. My son’s words are much better now. No matter how the senior treats me, in my heart, he will always be my most important brother. Today is Thursday. I remember you have a lot of classes. Senior sister will not bother you. Go to class. .”

"Well, senior sister, don't pay too much attention to it, you can call me anytime."

"I know, I know."

The two ended the call.

Holding the phone, Yu Chan walked towards the office with a smile on her face.

On a wooden chair outside a certain university dormitory building, Xu Shu lowered his eyelashes to cover the turbulent unwillingness in his eyes.


As the senior sister said, he is just an ordinary student now.

say something bad
Can the mud on the ground touch the clouds in the sky?


But fortunately, although the president is high above and out of reach, he has a very down-to-earth younger sister.

As long as he can add trouble to the surname Song, it can be regarded as revenge for the senior sister.

Xu Shu walked to the library with the book in his arms.

"Xu Shu!"

The girl with a delicate face was waiting by the side of the road, her eyes lit up when she saw her sweetheart.

Xu Shu frowned reflexively, a feeling of disgust welled up in his heart, he walked forward blankly, without giving her a single extra look.

Song Yu didn't care either.

In fact, she has long been used to the cold face of this school bully.

Besides, it's not just for her.

All the girls who show that kind of look at the school grass can only get a cold face.

Pidiandianer followed up.

I can't eat grapes here, so it's good to watch it to satisfy my gluttony.

A few days later, Xu Shu stood in front of the library, his eyes were clear and handsome, and his temperament was like bamboo, "Student Song, don't you have anything to do?"

Stars appeared in Song Yu's eyes.

Sounds great!

sounds amazing!

For the first time in a long time, the male god spoke to her!
Sure enough, persistence is victory, and the ancients did not deceive me!
Trying to control her behavior of holding her face and screaming as a groundhog, she secretly pinched herself, and the pain made her brain full of masculinity clear up a bit.

The male god asked me if I had nothing to do?

Of course I have, isn't this what I'm doing!
But you can't answer that.

Blushing, "Xu Shu, are you caring about me?"

Xu Shu:! ! !I care about you big slot!
Although Xu Shu didn't answer, he didn't deny it either!

Song Yu brain made up a lot.

I lay in bed at night and struggled for several hours, and finally decided that the two children, regardless of gender, should be named Xu Song.

Song Shi didn't know that the cheaper sister had a relationship with the third boy.

I think I have drawn a clear line with the heroine. During this period of time, new projects have started, and several old projects have been paid in one after another. I have money and leisure, and I am proud of myself.

Go back to the old house for dinner as usual.

The black understated hides the luxury of a stretched custom limousine driving into the courtyard.

As soon as Song Shi entered the door, he felt that the atmosphere in the room was not very good.

But he didn't care.

There are so many wealthy families.

Yuan Zha is still a big family, and his face was torn apart when he was fighting among himself. If you really are hello, me, hello, everyone, that would be abnormal.

As soon as he came in, the quarrel stopped.

This peace is also too carelessly whitewashed.

He asked casually, "What! Who caused trouble again?"

There's really nothing else to say other than that.

It's also fortunate that the original slag is escorted by the author, otherwise, as long as the one in this family is in trouble today and the other is in trouble tomorrow, even the king of heaven and I will have a headache.

The living room was silent for a few seconds.

I heard Yuan Zha's third aunt sneer, "Why, why didn't sister-in-law say anything in front of Ah Shi? Huh, in my opinion, it's better not to waste that money, and make up for it. It's boring, and you don't have the ability to make money Just admit it generously and save money!"

"What are you talking about!!" Aunt Yuan Zha stood up, her eyes popped out of anger, she pointed at the third child and began to scold: "At least my family, Ah Yan, is still working outside, unlike your son, who can't study well, except every day Chewing the old man is Bao Xiaoxing." He said with a sneer, "It's really embarrassing to make a scene of ridicule on the Internet for a little star!"

Still stupid!

If something happens and you don't know how to solve it, you just know how to hide!
There is no mother in the world who can endure her children being rejected by others.

Chen Meifang immediately yelled back: "Your son is capable, your son doesn't gnaw at the old man, and he doesn't gnaw at the old man and come back crying for nothing, just tens of millions, heh, don't even think his little broken company is worth it so much How much is it? Don’t be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!”

"What's the matter with the tens of millions? Anyway, we, Yan, are using it on the righteous way. Unlike some people, who spend tens of millions to raise vixies, and are kicked by others in the end! I know that your family is very rich, brother and sister. It’s cheaper for outsiders, why don’t you invest in your nephew.”

"Investment? I'm afraid I won't even be able to get back the capital!"

Two people, you come and I go, neither one is willing to back down.

Song Shi ate the soft and soft cake that was just served, took a sip of sweet and sour fruit tea, and listened to the daily farce in the old house.

Needless to say, my nerves were relaxed.

Isn't there a saying?The child is quiet, he must be acting as a demon.

On the contrary, it is still within the controllable range.

The two fought to the end and looked at Song Shi together, "Ah Shi, what do you think?"

Before Song Shi could speak, Li Xianglan next to him quit.

You two are arguing with you, what are you doing to drag her son into the water.

"It's not like I said, sister-in-law, third siblings, this child is grown up, we adults should let go, as the saying goes, if you don't go through wind and rain, you can't see a rainbow, and if something happens, you will find it at home. Kindergarten children, if we are parents, we can manage for the rest of our lives, and we must let the children learn to solve problems by themselves. There is pressure to be motivated."

A strong tea aroma.

The two were so angry that they gritted their teeth: The second family is showing off again! !

They still have to suffer! !
Who told someone's son to be capable?

The old man came down from the stairs, Song Shi swallowed the last bite of the cake, and drank fruit tea to relieve his boredom, and the grandfather and grandson went for a walk in the garden.

The Song family's old house was built on a mountain.

Detached villa.

There are gardens all around, precious flowers and ornamental plants, and small bridges and flowing water.

The old man asked about the company as usual, and mentioned the boss and the third family, "Every time I come back, there is a lot of noise, it makes my ears hurt!"

Song Shi smiled and said, "It's pretty good, it's lively."

Already living in a remote place, without any popularity, is no different from living in a tomb.

"You manage the company well, don't bother with their affairs."

In the old man's heart, there was absolutely no need to bring up Ah Shi's petty fights with the sons of the boss and the third family.

When no one knows their plans.

It's nothing more than wanting Ah Shi to help clean up the mess.

Song Shi said inadvertently, "They are all my brothers. If something happens, I still need to help."

Otherwise, is it really necessary to treat outsiders like the original slag, to treat family members in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and end up betraying all relatives?

Do not!
It's the other way around.

What Song Shi hated most about him was that he was scum without knowing it, and in the end he was squeezed into scum and gave money to others.


(End of this chapter)

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