Chapter 176 No. 9 Sugar Cane [-]
Song Yu came back in the evening.

She is the youngest child of the Song family, and also a girl, raised pampered and self-willed, but in the eyes of her family, the Song family is rich, and children are already expensive, so it is not too much to be spoiled. Anyway, something happened, and the family It's also flat.

Besides, didn't the ancestors earn this family business so that the future generations could live comfortably and nourished? If you really want to live a miserable life like ordinary people, what's the point of earning more money?

Life is alive, enjoy the word.

Therefore, there are omens for everything, and the three views of future generations are not correct, and it will be over sooner or later!
The whole family left after dinner.

On the way, Song Shi received a call from the original slag brothers. He thought it was all right, so he asked the driver to divert to the bar where the party was held.

Chen Shen and the others had already arrived.

Seeing him push the door open, he joked, "Mr. Song has a lot of opportunities every day, so it's so rare to make an appointment."

Song Shi walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up a glass of wine, and leaned back comfortably, "It's just working for myself, how can you live comfortably."

Chen Shen: "."

So angry.

Yes, you work for yourself, you are proud!

Labor and management can get bonuses while lying still, how cool and relaxing!

Who the hell is a young guy who would like to do nothing all day long and live a life of dreaming and dying, and he also wants to be a social dog in the company.

Quickly poured himself a glass of wine to quench the jealousy in his heart.

Luo Yunfei, who was sitting next to him, came over, "If you want me to say, you should just agree to the marriage with the Wu family, and then directly marry in, and your old man will be mad at you!"

"Get out! You look mean, stay away from labor and management!" Chen Shen took another sip of wine to drown out the sullenness in his heart.

This mouth is really damaged.

Can such a brother throw the trash can?
Sitting in the corner and wearing a white shirt, the man with an exceptionally warm and handsome appearance showed his signature smile, "Why don't you come to my company? Although Ah Shen is a hater, fortunately, you can still read this face. Male third, you can play in your true colors when you go."

Chen Shen became interested: "Can I really be a star?"

Actually he looks okay.

Belongs to the sunny type.

It's just that the brothers around him are too outstanding, so he escaped again, so...
Zhang Zhe nodded, "With brothers around, are you afraid you won't be popular?"

Chen Shen thought about it, but still refused.

If he becomes a star, not to mention the old man, his parents and elder brothers will tear him apart.

Luo Yunfei asked curiously, "Who is that male third?"

Zhang Zhe snorted: "Lick the dog without thinking."

Luo Yunfei: "."

Chen Shen: ".!!! Get lost!"

Rinse him!
Song Shi started laughing.

Mindless dog licking, this role is most suitable for Yuan Zha to play.

Several people drank for a while, and they got drunk.

Drunk, he directly found a nearby hotel to live in.

Boys should also pay attention to safety outside. Song Shi told them to lock the door. Just as they were about to close the door, they saw a man entering a certain room with a familiar figure.

But he didn't remind me.

Never mind his hammer!
A good night's sleep.

The biological clock naturally woke up the next day.

After Song Shi packed it up, Chen Shen opened the door with a yawn, "Boss, I don't have to go to work, let me sleep more." He didn't even change his clothes.

Lie back on the bed again.

Cover your head and continue to sleep.

Luo Yunfei and Zhang Zhe both had their own companies, so they sent a text message and left in a hurry without even eating.

Song Shi was bored waiting for the elevator.

I heard a slamming door behind me.

Turning around subconsciously, I was immediately happy, heh, I'm still an acquaintance.

Lu Jiaming's face was dark.

Can it be black?

Whoever wakes up with a splitting headache, unable to lift his arms, opens his eyes and sees that there is a person on the pillow, with red marks all over his neck, and even if he is drunk, he wakes up with fright.

Looking at the ground again, clothes and pants were thrown all over the floor.

It's like nothing happened here.

Not to mention that the man doesn't know when he's drunk, no one knows better than himself what his body is like.

Fortunately, the secretary was very sensible, accepted his check and promised to keep it confidential.

When you come out, you will meet a rival in love.


Because of Yu Chan's concealment, Lu Jiaming didn't know that the two of them had already returned home.

With a dark face, embarrassed and guilty, "Mr. Song is also staying at the hotel?"

Song Shi's eyes fell on the teeth marks on his neck, and there was a tacit understanding that only a man could understand in his eyes, "It seems that Mr. Lu had a good time last night."

Lu Jiaming: "."

That's true according to the situation.

But, does it have anything to do with you?

This is not what he wants at all.

Thinking about how it would end if Yu Chan found out about it.

Lu Jiaming looked at Song Shi: "This is my private matter, I hope Mr. Song will not meddle in his own business."

Song Shi was speechless.

Is this the attitude of asking for help?
Dang even smiled, "It just so happens that I'm quite free recently."

Lu Jiaming: "You!!" But threats are useless, the stall surnamed Song is bigger than him, and has more network resources than him, so he can't threaten him even if he wants to.

Taking a deep breath, "What does Mr. Song want?"

Song Shi smiled, turned his head to look at him, and smiled villainously, "I think Mr. Lu should be very clear about what I want. What I want has never changed."

"Impossible!" Lu Jiaming's cold face was filled with anger, "I won't give up Xiao Chan to you!"

"I advise Mr. Song not to be delusional. Xiaochan only has me in her heart. Even if you... hum, Xiaochan won't believe it."

That being said, he convinced himself.

The more I think about it, the more confident I feel.

Only three people knew about this matter, the secretary had already settled it, and Song Shi, if Song Shi really told Yu Chan, it would be fine if he didn't admit it.

You can also beat back.

Song Shi smiled, "Really? I thought Xiao Chan still had some trust in me."

If the result is doomed, then the process is very important.

For example.

The ending of sweet pet and sadomasochism is that the hero and heroine live happily and richly together.

but the process is
Lu Jiaming obviously thought of it too.

But he didn't care, at most it was just making noise.

He knew how much Xiaochan cared about him.

All love in this world is the same, the one who loves more is easier to compromise.

With downcast eyes and a sneer, "I'm her boyfriend."

"Then you are still someone else's fiancé, and you are still someone's one-night,,, love." Song Shi unceremoniously turned on the mocking mode.

Lu Jiaming almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Don't think that I will give you the land in the southern suburbs! It's not rich!"

Song Shi also sneered, "Then Mr. Lu asked the project department to be more careful about the design. The land is not small. Don't even pay the workers' wages by then, but it will be ridiculous." He snorted again, "If you want me to say Ah, this person can serve as big a bowl as he is capable, and he thinks that he is the chosen one if others praise him for being young and promising, so be careful when the bowl is smashed."

"You don't need Mr. Song to worry about that!"

The elevator just came up.

Lu Jiaming stepped into the elevator first.

(End of this chapter)

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