Of course the two broke up unhappy.

Lu Jiaming had tooth marks on his neck, was hungover, had a headache and felt guilty, so he directly told the driver to go home.

Lying on the bed after taking a shower, he frowned. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the person surnamed Song was different from the past in this confrontation.

Talk too much.

Words do not give way.

It's also because of my own negligence that someone took advantage of the loophole. It was a coincidence that I was caught by my love rival on the spot.

Back time!

I guess I still feel unhappy about losing the land in the southern suburbs.

Thinking of the land in the southern suburbs, the corners of his mouth curled up, so what if he was unhappy, no matter how strong the Song family is, now, that land belongs to him.

Don't you look down on him?
He insisted on turning that land into a landmark building in the commercial center, so that the surname Song could see that he, Lu Jiaming, was no worse than him at all!

Yu Chan didn't find a boyfriend at the company, so she asked Secretary Wang to find out that he had gone on a business trip and would take a few days to come back. It happened that Kong Yinyin came to the company to find her fiancé, and directed the gunfire at her.

Let's serve tea for a while, make coffee for a while, and buy cakes for a while
And all kinds of disgust.

Yu Chan didn't get a rest all morning.

Her legs were about to break.

The point is, that person orders food, eats and drinks, but remember to pay for it!

Raised by the daughter of the Kong family, the food and clothing are not affordable by ordinary people.

So Yu Ordinary Chan was miserable.

Not only did she have to pay for it out of her own pocket when she ran up and down as a maid, but she also had to be complained and ridiculed, and she spent money to find guilt. Who could be more aggrieved than her.

His eyes were red, holding back tears.

Kong Yinyin smiled coldly, "Why, I don't like to ask you to serve tea, I don't even want to do such a thing, and I want to be someone's concubine. She doesn't look very good, but she thinks it is beautiful!"

Yu Chan bit her lip tightly, her face turned red and pale, "I didn't!"

"No? Are you not dependent on my fiance or do you not want to marry him as Mrs. Lu?" Kong Yinyin looked down at the newly made nails and raised the corners of her mouth, "I've seen a lot of women like you, and kept saying True love is not for money."

"That's not true! Jiaming and I are together because we love each other!"

It's not because of money!

Talking about money hurts feelings.

When the feelings are in place, will the money still be short?

Yu Chan clenched her fists, "I'm with Jia Ming, and I've never used a penny from him!"

dare not use.

I am afraid that the pure love will be tainted with the stink of money.

It was also because of this that she was able to face Kong Yinyin's provocation head-on without any guilt like today.

Kong Yinyin said with a contemptuous smile: "Look for a long line to catch big fish. Who doesn't know? There's no need to be unusual now. If you have the ability, you won't need it in this life. Don't make a whole family who owes gambling debts." Or if you get Bai Xue's disease and ask Lu Jiaming to sign a package,,, support agreement, that would be boring."

"You..." Yu Chan ran out crying.

I can still hear Kong Yinyin complaining to the people around her: "I can't bear this kind of grievance, and I want to be someone else's three, I'm really not sincere!"

The secretary who heard this was speechless, who would sincerely be the third, and whoever became the third would go to the wife, okay?

In fact, Yu Chan was already very cheeky.

Putting it on someone else, he had already been scolded and left in shame.

Yu Chan ran to the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror with crying red eyes and pitiful face, the more she looked at herself, the more pitiful she felt, tears poured down like rain.

She just wants to be with the one she loves, right?Is it that difficult?


I heard the sound of flushing.

Then the door opened, and the sound of high heels sounded.

Yu Chan hurriedly wiped away her tears, and poured a handful of water on her face as if washing her face.

The man walked to the side, washed his hands, and began to take out lipstick to touch up his makeup.

It's Zhang Yunli from the secretary department.

She is gorgeous, especially her pair of red phoenix eyes are very charming and affectionate. She covered the black and blue under her eyes with powder, and put on lipstick, her whole complexion has risen by more than one level.

Looking at the two standing together in the mirror, Yu Chan felt a little inferior for no reason, she was like a maid, insipid and tasteless.

what is that?
She suddenly opened her eyes wide. In the mirror, Zhang Yunli, who was touching up her makeup, had bright red dots on her neck covered by her hair. That, that was...
After sneaking a few glances, it wasn't until Zhang Yunli left with her high heels that she breathed out.

It turned out that this peacock girl actually had a boyfriend, and she couldn't pull her eyeballs off Jiaming, so she thought she was trying to kiss Jiaming.

But even if she had that idea, it wouldn't work.

Jiaming didn't like this kind of thing.

Yu Chan thought she had discovered a big secret, and the grievances that had been embarrassing by Kong Yinyin had disappeared a lot. When she returned to the office, Kong Yinyin had already left.


It was finally quiet.

I made a sweet phone call to my boyfriend during lunch.

Lu Jiaming just made a mistake, today he was very gentle and considerate, he said a lot of sweet words, made many vows, Yu Chan reluctantly hung up the phone, only feeling that the future is bright.

So what if Kong Yinyin is proud, no matter how proud she is, she will never get Jia Ming's love.

Here, Song Shi quickly severed his relationship with Yuan Zha Bai Yueguang, and he didn't get a few days of peace before he was called back by the old house.

The third aunt sat on the sofa and cried: "It's not good for him to find someone, but he just fell in love with that little star who didn't know how to do it. He threw a lot of money into it, but he didn't even hear a sound. The Internet is scolding him, and he was hit by a car yesterday, Ah Shi, that's your brother, you just have the heart to see him being bullied!"

It means let him seek justice.

Song Shi only listened to it before, and he didn't know the specific situation.

After asking clearly, I feel speechless.

It turned out that two years ago, Yuan Zha's cousin Song He suddenly fell in love with a sister of a certain singing and dancing girl group, and saw Tian'er giving food, drink and gifts.

The sister papers were also accepted.

One bite at a time, the cry of my brother was sweet.

He also went out with Song He to attend several gatherings in the circle.

Song He is the only child of Sanfang. Of course, those who are illegal outside are not counted. He has money in his hand and has always been used to squandering it. He spent a lot of money to pamper the girl, and he really did.

Not to mention being popular, but having more resources in hand, showing more face, and gaining some popularity.

Not long ago, there was a scandal with an actor, and it was widely spread.

Song He was not happy.

Beat the actor.

The other party immediately called the police, and whoever posted the video of Song He beating someone.

Fans of the actor were outraged.

What a dude not only coveted their goddess, but also beat their male god, and wanted to tear down everyone's favorite Xipi, it is unforgivable!
Hmph, do you think it's great to have two coins?

The love between a male god and a goddess cannot be measured by money.

So Song Hehong became popular.

Unprecedented red.

Being scolded on the hot search, it became so popular that it became black.

As the little overlord of the Song family, he is not one who can swallow his anger, and immediately turned back, and later bought water,,, army, scolded fans, even pulled the little star, belittled the male star, and finally...
Now, I'm lying in the hospital now.

In the final analysis, there is still too much money to burn!

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