Chen Meifang was still crying, and Aunt Song was drinking tea and talking sarcasticly, and what she said was that Song He had no brains and was being played around by a woman.

"If you want me to tell you, take this time as a lesson, so that he knows that he has to take his brains when he goes out in the future, and don't just go up there with money like a licking dog after a few words of coaxing, and he hasn't gotten a good deal in the end. .” She curled her lips as she spoke, “It also hurt the family.”

"You! Sister-in-law! If Ah He doesn't live up to expectations, he will be your own nephew. How can you say such a thing! You can't write two Songs in one stroke. If others bully Ah He, then you look down on the Song family! Ah Shi, you are Song President Shi, just tell me what to do!" She dropped the handkerchief in her hand, looked at Song Shi, and insisted on his statement.

Song Shi glanced at the original mother who was muttering dissatisfaction in a low voice, and said, "Speaking of which, my cousin is already 27, and he can solve his own affairs by himself, but as the third aunt said, we all have surnames What about Song, right, I can help him."

Chen Meifang was overjoyed, "You are the best, Ah Shi." She glanced to the side, "Unlike some people, they are very cruel."

Aunt Song snorted coldly, "Raising my son to be like this bastard, if you want to say that he is as cruel as your own mother."

"Sister-in-law, what you said is funny, it sounds like your Ah Yan is quite promising."

These two people come and pinch each other, yin and yang are strange, and no one will let the other.

Yuan Zha's mother also went in to add firewood and fire while drinking tea: "Children are all debts. If you have such a creditor, you can't get rid of it. Who calls us mothers?"

Song Dynasty: Watching operas every day.

After the three said enough, the servant brought tea.

He just looked at Chen Meifang and said, "Third Aunt, I can take action on Ah He's matter, but you know, I am a person who doesn't take action easily, but once I do."

The fluffy words made Chen Meifang shudder.

However, thinking of the pair of dogs,,, men and women who suffered the disaster, I immediately felt relieved, "Whoever let them plot against me, no matter how miserable they are, they will ask for it!"

Seeing Song Shi shaking his head, "Third Aunt, what I mean is, if you want me to do it, I might take Ah He away."

Chen Meifang: ".!!!" eyes widened, "Ashi, what do you mean? Your brother is a victim! He is still lying in the hospital!"

It's easy for those two to clean up!

"Those two people were wrong, but in my opinion, the cousin is too stupid. As the saying goes, if you are sick, you must be cured. This stupid disease is especially terrible. You have to cure him once and don't dare to do it again. The company There are a lot of things, and I will help the family clean up the mess, so the family will not have to eat." He said lightly.

Chen Meifang's face was full of hesitation.

Selfishly, whoever is a mother wants her son to suffer.

Can't we just take care of this matter and solve it all by ourselves?

She really thought about it, so she asked. Of course, the words were much more tactful and pleasant.

Song Shi hasn't spoken yet.

Yuan Zha's own mother, Li Xianglan, turned back, "My family should be yours! If you have the ability, you can solve it by yourself!"

Chen Meifang stopped talking.

When she didn't move her hands?
The water, army, and army were also invited, and the momentum was created, and a large sum of money was stuffed into the paparazzi.


If I really want to win, I won't sit here anymore.

And that pair of sluts, on the basis of her son's reputation, attracted a lot of fan traffic, and now they have become the most popular representatives of couples against capital on the Internet.

It's hilarious.

And against money.

If there is no financial support from her son, that bitch,,, person still doesn't know where to play tricks!
Can't think!
Liver pain!

Chen Meifang came from a bad background, but after being the third wife of the Song family for many years, she felt that her status was superior to others, so she couldn't bear it anymore.

However, my son broke a leg and still wanted to change his mind from that woman.

Typical if you have a partner, don't be a mother!

Indeed, what the sister-in-law said is right, it is time to give him a good meal, let him remember well, and don't get lost by those fox spirits outside.

The dog man doesn't know how many homes he has outside, and he rarely comes back.

She has to rely on this one son.

Gritting his teeth, "Okay, then the third aunt will hand over your cousin to you!" Thinking of this nephew's methods, he was still a little worried, "Ah Shi, you also know Ah He, he has a good nature and was raised by others. naive, easily deceived”

"Third Aunt can rest assured about this. As an older brother, I will definitely teach him to be a new man." Song Shi interrupted Chen Meifang with a smile, "Leave it to me, my cousin. If Third Aunt is fine, you can go abroad for vacation shopping." Shopping or something."

Chen Meifang froze for a moment, then refused with a dry smile, "I still can't do it, I want to look at Ah He."

She was still worried and had to watch with her own eyes.

Aunt Song sneered, "What's so interesting, it's just the same, don't you think it's a headache?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"Who cares about it?" Aunt Song replied, and hurriedly called Song Shi who was about to leave, "Ah Shi, your hall brother's company has encountered some difficulties recently, do you think so?"

Song Shi didn't even look back, "Auntie just take the money and paste it."

The Song family has a big business.

Things that can be solved with money are not considered a problem.

In other words, if money can't solve it, then it will be troublesome.

Aunt Song's eyes were red with anger.

Looking at Chen Meifang with a sneer, "I'm just waiting to see how your son will behave again!"

Chen Meifang:! ! !You curse!

The two tore up again.

Li Xianglan yawned, raised her hand to check the time, and called the servants to start preparing dinner.

After her son came back, she had to take the opportunity to ask for more money.

Yes, ask for money.

Not long ago, Ah Shi suddenly suspended their cards and only gave them a little living allowance every month.


That's a lot of money for the average family.

But are they an ordinary family?

It usually takes a month to buy two bags, and it really can only be described as a day.

I can't stand it anymore.

In just a short time, she has pushed down invitations from many wealthy wives.

She is the mother of President Song's. If those women know that her consumption is being controlled, she doesn't know how to be laughed at.

Song Shi did what he said.

Early the next morning, the details of Song He's investment in the starlet over the past two years were posted on the Internet, including but not limited to transfers and various luxury items.

There are also photos and chat records of the two of them.

To tell the truth, if Song He had brought these out earlier, he would not have ended up being blacked out by the whole network. It is nothing to be knocked off a leg. After that, the farce intensified. The world hates the rich. Vulnerable group, one day, someone suddenly broke into the ward, hacked Song He to death while sleeping with a knife.

After posting the evidence, Song Shi gave another push.

In the end, he posted the lawyer's letter with a very strong attitude, and the person who hit and injured Song He by car had already gone where he should go because of solid evidence and premeditated intentional injury.

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