Brother Gan cane asked people to post the evidence, and found dozens of big Vs to repost it to wash it away. He didn't let go of the private, sexual, and raw rice who drove into someone. Sixteen will do.

That parent wants to coordinate.

Can lose money.
The one you bumped into wasn't an ordinary person whose family didn't have a few meters. It was someone from the Song family who was worth billions of dollars. Anyone who said anything casually would be a sky-high price and couldn't afford it.

I had to do enough to apologize.

Weep bitterly and regret my mistakes.

I hate myself for not disciplining my son well so that he made a big mistake.

In the past few years, the cub and his father and mother have done too many weird things, and once something happens, "he is still a child" becomes a shield.

Netizens really hate this sentence.

The parents of that family are also smart, they obviously understand the shortcomings of netizens, so they didn't use 'children' as an excuse in the first place, they just said that they didn't teach their children well.

In this way, the people who eat melons are not so angry and resistant, and they are quite tolerant.

They spoke up for the family of the perpetrator.

Shouting from the air to ask the Song family to forgive, interspersed with the rhythm of the Xipi fans, anyway, the Internet was very lively for a while.

Therefore, in addition to those black fans who made up random things on the Internet before, many who felt that they were not responsible for speaking on the Internet received subpoenas.

Why is this so?

Isn't it just a few casual remarks?Need to go to court?It's a big deal and I won't talk about it.

Some people even think that Song's big company is stingy and preoccupied, and that it will collapse one day sooner or later.

However, other than sending out a few more tickets, it was useless.

The Internet is quiet.

The old man, the mother of the boy who caused the accident, was dumbfounded.

What's up with this?
Ants are no match for elephants.

This is not like before, just pay two money casually, just tear it up and threaten it.

They want to apologize to Song He, want to sell miserably, but they can't even see anyone.

Song Shi had already transferred that careless idiot to another hospital.

It is a very, very expensive private hospital, which is looked down upon by ordinary people.

And the diamond VIP area where Song He lived had to use facial recognition to get in.

Therefore, not only the perpetrator could not find the victim, but also the little star who had taken advantage of the Song family's youngest and wanted to go ashore innocently.

That's right.

Song Shi even confiscated his mobile phone.

When this matter is completely resolved, he can be a licking dog whatever he wants, as long as he can still be a dog.

"Can't get in touch yet?"

In a Nordic-style apartment, Xu Zhiyi was walking back and forth. Her mouth was bubbling and her eyes were red with anxiety. Seeing Su Li on the sofa with her head lowered and helplessly putting down her phone again, she couldn't help but said, "At the beginning, I I don't agree with you breaking off contact with the third young master, but he is the cousin of the president of the Song family, even if you break up, you have to gradually alienate him, and now you have offended him to death all of a sudden, let me see how you end up!"

You are a small few-line star, someone can crush you to death with one finger!
And myself, whose head was caught by the door!
Then you should oppose it to the end!

Su Li raised her head, her palm-sized face was full of gloom and irritability, "What's the use of saying this now!"

After a pause, "Did the company say they would help me with public relations?"

Return public relations?
Xu Zhiyi laughed angrily.

That's the Song family, can the company offend you, a little star?
He waved his hand, "It's useless for anyone to say about this matter. If you want to clean up, you still have to find Third Young Master and ask him to intercede. If it doesn't work, you have to apologize publicly."

But this is a public apology. To be honest, if there is a way, she will not take this last step. After apologizing, it doesn't mean that she did something wrong before, and she was lying and deceiving people.

Netizens are the most forgetful, but also very vengeful.

No one likes being fooled for being a fool.

Xu Zhiyi rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, "What did Bai Jing say?"

Su Li bit her lip and shook her head, "I didn't get in touch with him."

Xu Zhiyi: Slot!
Take a deep breath, "During this time, you can rest at home, don't go out, and don't respond to anything on the Internet, I'll go back to the company first."

Su Li's eyes widened, "Sister Xu, I have another endorsement tomorrow."

"That endorsement company was given to Wu Ru." Xu Zhiyi looked at her, "I know you're angry, but there's nothing you can do about it. You're full of black material now, and you don't know if you can get away with it. It's impossible for the endorsement party to let a famous flawed artists to endorse products."

"That's what the company means."

Su Li clenched her teeth, "Then I have other resources."

"Don't worry about the rest, you should take a long vacation now." Xu Zhiyi said and left.

Take a long vacation.
Heh, maybe the money earned by Song Sanshao in the past two years is not enough to pay for it.

Forget it.

Her little agent can't change anything by worrying about it. Yesterday the company asked her to bring in newcomers, and she had already agreed.

Su Li couldn't get in touch with Song He in any way. She stayed up for several nights and made herself pale and thin, her eyes were black and blue, completely different from the innocent little fairy in front of the camera before.

She started a live broadcast.

Wept miserably.

Another apology to Song He, and another apology to the fans.

Said that he was young and ignorant, and was taken advantage of by someone with a heart
Anyway, I didn't make it clear in the end.

She knelt in front of the camera, crying and admitting her mistake, and said sorry to Song He while shedding tears, hoping to say sorry to him in person.

Otherwise, if she offends the Song family, what hope does she have.

It's a pity that Song He didn't see it.

He had a broken leg and other injuries on his body. He couldn't move, and he was in severe pain. He also had taboos. Song Shi even refused to let him play with the phone on the grounds that the phone had radiation.

I don't know anything about what's going on outside.

It wasn't until he was discharged from the hospital a month later that he learned that his beloved Xiaoqing, Ren'er had been sprayed into the snow by netizens.

And it was his second brother who made the move.

Song He:.
This breath can only be held back!

Broken bones for a hundred days.

Chen Meifang directly took him back to the old house, and took care of him personally to prevent him from running around and being hooked away by the vixen outside.

Song He is slippery.

Taking advantage of his recovery, he secretly drove out.

Su Li lost a lot of money after the contract was terminated from the company, and now she dare not go out, temporarily renting an apartment, when she heard the doorbell ring, she ran over quickly, took a look, and then gently opened the door.

Song He squeezed in with a sick face.


His face turned red with excitement.

A look of disgust flashed in Su Li's eyes, she turned her head away, "Didn't you ignore me, what are you doing here!"

"I was sick, my cousin took my phone away, I'm sorry." He said and raised his hand, "I promise I will never do this again!"

Su Li covered her face and cried, "Guarantees are of no use! Now who dares to ask me to film a movie, fans hate me to death!"

"My fault, my fault! I'll invest in you!" That's how to coax people.

The two are sweet.

Song Shi laughed angrily when he heard the news.

So this dog, after all, can't change eating shit!

He believed anyone who made up a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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