As the saying goes, a good dog never eats back shit.

What's more, Song He's lump had almost poisoned him to death before.

Chen Meifang loved her son very much at first, and smiled on her face, but in her heart she still felt that Song Shi's decision was too cruel. Looking at her son's attitude now, she just wanted to split his brain to see how many catties of tofu scum was inside.

Stupid as hell!

If that woman really wanted to let that woman in, there would be no place for her to be a mother.

I heard my son calling for money.

Her heart skipped a beat and she asked, "What do you want money for?"

Song He also knew that his mother hated Su Li very much, so he made up an excuse.

Chen Meifang sneered, "Do you think I don't know who you are for? If you want money, dream!"

Song He was very helpless, "Mom, Susu is really not like that, you really misunderstood."

"What did I misunderstand! I only know that when you were being sprayed all over the Internet, she was still showing affection with other men on the Internet, Ah He, don't forget, you were hit by her fans and broke a leg." Said At this point, she paused for a moment, and said bitterly, "Why didn't the car accident hit your brain well!"

Song He: "."

This is really a real mother!

"Mom, it's really a misunderstanding. It's actually like this."

Then he told Chen Meifang about the so-called misunderstanding.

Su Li's family background is ordinary, and she has been quite inferior since she was with Song Sanshao. Later, she finally achieved some achievements, but she was often laughed at by other female stars, saying that she was not worthy of the Song family's Sanshao.
"...Susu got distracted for a moment, thinking that I would give up when I saw her with another man. Who would have expected those fans to be so crazy, the company is forcing her, and her manager is nothing. Good thing, she was a young girl with no background, she was so scared. Her bib account has been kept by the company, and it didn’t matter what the company said. At that time, she was filming variety shows again, and she handed in her mobile phone. When she found out about these things, there was nothing she could do about it. After all, I was too impulsive, alas."

Chen Meifang's face was numb.

So what the hell did she do to give birth to such a fool!

Do you think I believe it?
"Mom, Susu's career was ruined because of me, and I have to make it up to her."

You have to spend money!

For this, Chen Meifang had only two words for him, "No money!"

Song He earnestly said, "Mom, I'm really not a mess."

Is it better for you to just give a reason than to have no money?
What is our Song family? It is a colossus. The whole family can survive for several generations by lying on it and eating blood and meat. Could it be that his two rice flowers are missing?
Playing tricks: "Mom, just give me some money. You see that your son has suffered from old crimes for a while, and he finally recovered, so you don't feel sorry for him!"

Hee hee haha ​​no shape.

In the past, Chen Meifang had long been unable to bear her son's acting like a baby and lending money easily.

Oh, it still hurts.
Now I just feel tired, heartache, cold heart, cold heart.
His eyes are full of the little,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, plotting outsider against him, and that's why he is so confident because he is his own mother.

I have worked so hard to raise him, and he treats me like this!

Who will feel sorry for yourself!

There is no doubt that his mind is so unclear, and he is so easily fooled by women, so this is definitely inherited from his good-for-nothing father!

Leaning on the sofa in frustration, "I can't control this matter, you can ask your second brother."

Hang up when you're done.

After hesitating for a long time, I still didn't blacklist the stupid thing.

Thinking of Ah Shi's previous suggestion, forget it, instead of watching his son being stupid every day, it's better to go shopping abroad and change his mood.

"Sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, why not go to the fashion week together"

Aunt Song and Yuan Zha's mother readily agreed.

No matter how fiercely you pinch on weekdays, your family is still your own family.

Chen Meifang left easily.

Song He had a headache.

His mother didn't give him money, but asked him to find his second brother
His second brother can be found casually!
One look can freeze him into an ice cube!

dare not!Really dare not!
But Su Li really needs money here, a lot of money!
To be popular with an [-]th line, one must either be very rich or have resources.

Song He didn't dare to call Song Shi. After struggling for a long time, he finally asked his own father for help.

Song Jianlin is a scum!
Huaxin radish dregs!
When I was young, I spent a lot of time, changing clothes without even changing women. Later, I met Chen Meifang and stepped into the vortex of love. It was as hot as the sun in the dog days, but the fire of love came and burned quickly. Also anxious, Chen Meifang was still pregnant with a child, so Song Jianlin went out to find a dog.

Of course he has money.

But it also costs a lot.

To raise a dog, to raise a pup born outside, it takes a lot of money
Where is the money for a cheap son.

"No! Do you have anything else to do? I'm going to hang up!"

"I ding—"

Rao has long been used to his own father's attitude, Song He's heart is still sour.

Gritting his teeth, he called the lobby brother again.

Unsurprisingly, there was some ridicule.

In the end, I pinned my hopes on my uncle. His mother has subsidized her natal family a lot these years.

Not to mention too much, at any rate. At any rate, let him have two points of face in front of the one he loves.

Uncle Chen is a smiling tiger.

He is very clever. He and his wife have no jobs, so they just point to this sister to live. How can they get the meat out of their mouths.

Immediately, he looked disbelieving: "You kid, you are joking with your uncle again, can the Song family lack your money? Don't make trouble, let's play."

After speaking, someone seemed to be shouting over there, and he answered and hung up.

Song He:.
Suddenly, there is a feeling of being deserted by all relatives and living on an isolated island.

Su Li obviously heard it too. She bit her lip, tears streaming down her face, pitiful and helpless.

Song He finally called Song Shi.

Of course, before that, he did not give up and called his mother again, but hung up after one ring, and no one answered the call again.


Song Shi had just finished a meeting and was drinking coffee in the office when he received a call from Song He as expected.

He patiently listened to the other party's nonsense.

Song He wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Second brother."

I have never felt so tormented to find someone to chat with.

"Second brother, I have no money."

In the end, he still said it.

It's too embarrassing!

The pretty big guy actually asked his cousin for money.

It is rare for a dude who has always been so generous and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun has a sense of shame.

Song Shi corrected him with a smile, "Song He, you are wrong. Not only do you have no money, you are also in debt." There is a lot of debt.

Song He didn't react at first glance: "Are you in debt?"

How could he not know when he was in debt?
"Second brother, someone must have borrowed money in my name, I didn't!"

Song Shi smiled, "Why, didn't your mother tell you?"

Song He: "What did you say?"

"Talk about your family having no money."

Song He: "??!"

His mother said that he had no money, so didn't he have no letter?

Who would believe it.

Will the dignified Song family have no money?
However, listening to what the second brother said, it seems that what his mother said is true.
"Second, second brother, no way, why... how could there be no... no money at home?"

You must be joking.

But I heard the opposite person say coldly, "The Song family is naturally rich, your family has been separated long ago, and you shouldn't come to me if you have money or not."

One sentence made Song Sanshao dizzy.

Divide. Divide out?

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