Secretary Wang wiped his face, and really felt that the president was out of luck recently, but he didn't let Su Li threaten him, and sneered, "Miss Su has been in the entertainment industry for several years, she must be used to the ups and downs in the industry." Fufu, why are you still so naive? Capital is willing to praise people, and those who are praised will become popular. On the contrary, if capital hates someone, then even if they are popular, they will immediately fall from the altar to the mud and never turn over for life. I I advise Ms. Su not to be impulsive, think it over, the Lu family is not short of money, and they also cooperate with the entertainment industry, and Ms. Su is in the industry now..." He shook his head and chuckled, "It's not that I look down on Ms. Su, it's just that, If you were any other star, you would only hold on to even a straw that can turn the salty fish over, and only if you are extremely stupid will you offend the capital to death."

Su Li was originally impulsive, and when she heard the other party say this, she clenched her fists, "You, you are not afraid..."

Of course afraid.

Anyway, he is the president of the company, and he really became famous in a small movie, which has a great impact on the company's reputation shares.

But, don't be timid.

Secretary Wang made a strong output, adhering to the principle of giving a sweet date with a stick, Su Li was fooled into a daze, and finally compromised.

She has nothing now.

After that time, Song He was disappointed in her, packed his things and went home, and left the country within two days.

However, she doesn't regret it either.

are poor.

If you don't have money, you don't even have the qualifications to be a dog.

She had no choice but to hold on to Boss Lu.

"Then, then I..."

Secretary Wang said, "You are still very dark now. We will arrange it when the wind blows over. After all, fans are very resistant to you. Even if you are allowed to appear on the show, it will have no other effect except to get a lot of scolding, and it will also hurt you." Program crew, you don't want to do this, do you?"

Su Li had no choice but to agree.

The new year will come soon.

Lu Jiaming has an overseas project, and he flew away with Yu Chan a week ago, and even the annual meeting was hosted by the vice president.

He accompanied his true love to go shopping in the international fashion capital, lived in a wine estate for two days, and finally went to a private island for vacation. Sunshine, sand, blue sky, and white clouds, the two had an extremely sweet and happy two world.

Have a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve.

The company was on holiday the day before yesterday, and Song Shi ended his morning and evening clock-in life. He slept until noon for the past two days, and spent an afternoon in the sun in the garden, making him lazy. In the evening, the whole family All here.

The big families with prosperous children and grandchildren gather together to compare the shortcomings of various parents and vanity.

But no one dared to come to him with strange qi.

Song Yu was paralyzed on the small sofa on the terrace, an elegant lady without a wealthy family, she called Mrs. Zhou to bring two plates of dim sum, and complained to Song Shi while eating: "I'm exhausted, no matter how anxious I am, I can't help it." It is necessary to make all the spring models, first make a series and then slowly launch new ones, spring is still so long."

But her boss, Sister Zhang, was so stubborn that she had to force the design department to work overtime. Everyone was in the dark, and finally completed the task plan.

It's also Chinese New Year.

Xu Shu had been taken by the manager to participate in the wine bureau before, to talk about the cooperation for the next year. He was young and had never experienced this kind of torture in the workplace. to continue.

Just miserable.

Of course, it’s great to get the commission bonus.

Both of them are busy, and the companies are far away from each other. When they get home from get off work, they don’t even want to eat.

Not to mention that this relationship was not what he wanted at all.

Don't want to deal with it.

Song Yu is also tired.

After finally getting through the holiday, I fell into a dark and sweet dream when I lay on the bed, and I didn't have the energy to go out on a date at all.

They are obviously boyfriend and girlfriend, and it's been a while since they talked on the phone.

Song Shi didn't even raise his eyelids, "Now you know it's not easy to make money? Go ask your classmates, who didn't start as an assistant designer, that is, in our house, someone like you who has no education and experience and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long. As a dog, he designs things as soon as he enters the company, and is taught by the design director."

Song Yu was dissatisfied: "As if someone is willing, Wu Qiongyao, Wei Sheng, and the others have gone out to work, I don't look like a rich lady!"

She stretched out her hand in front of Song Shi, "Look, this is rough!"

"That's nothing." Song Shi glanced at it and slapped it away, "If you marry your boyfriend, you will have jobs in the future, such as washing clothes, cooking and washing dishes, let alone hands, you won't even notice when your face is rough .”

"Impossible!" Song Yu stared, "How can I do housework, I can't."

She'd never done that.

Song Shi curled his lips, "If you don't do it, what about your man?"

Song Yu: "..."

I was stunned all of a sudden.

Xu Shuqingfengliangyue, Yunsongqingbamboo, she never thought about his appearance in the kitchen.


In her opinion, things like firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea shouldn't appear in her love at all.

Her surname is Song, so she is afraid that no one will serve her?
Song Shi shook his head disapprovingly, "It's okay if it's just the two of you. What if Xu Shu's parents insist on eating the food cooked by their daughter-in-law if they stay with the parents-in-law? I heard that their family's conditions are not very good." Well, thousands of miles away, if we get married, we can't leave our old and poor parents in our hometown."

Song Yu was dumbfounded.

"This this…"

It took her a long time to come up with a solution, "I'll buy them a house nearby..."

Song Shi took out his mobile phone, "Anhe Villa District has a good environment and developed businesses. It is quiet amidst the noise and is very livable."

Song Yu's eyes lit up, "I think it's good too, brother want to send me?"

Song Shi glanced at her lightly, "I just want to tell you that the housing prices in Ancheng haven't risen recently, and the villas there have a good location with a large garden in front and back, and they have already exceeded 4000 million, but I can get a preferential price, you If you want to buy two sets, you can win [-] w."

Song Yu: ...

After losing his popularity, Song Shi ate snacks leisurely. He took out his mobile phone and scrolled through a certain red book. As the Chinese New Year was approaching, students had a holiday and the weather was nice. Many people posted photos of walking their children in various parks on the weekend. video.

The parks are all new.

The children's playground is especially crowded, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is full.

Yuan Zha's mother Li Xianglan came over, took a look and said disgustedly, "There are too many people, you have to queue up for everything, if you can get something to play, why not go abroad for vacation."

Song Shi curled his lips, "You treat everyone as you."

Li Xianglan was not angry either. She glanced at the living room, looked away, and said in a low voice, "Song Yan's business is losing money again. I heard that this time the basket was a bit big. I will definitely look for you. I think I will cry miserably after the New Year's dinner." , Ah Shi, you can't agree to everything, and your uncle and the others are here, so it's nothing to come to you if you lose money." He pursed his lips, "My son doesn't owe them anything!"

Song Shi casually said a few words of comfort.

Li Xianglan then talked about something else, she wanted to urge the marriage, but her son finally jumped out of Yu Chan's hole, she was afraid of causing his son's resentment, so she insisted on not mentioning it.

Time heals all things.

In a few months, it should be no problem to propose a blind date.

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