Sure enough, after dinner, Song Yan came over with coffee.

He is already thirty, tall and tall, with a pair of valuable glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. He is polite and unsmiling.

Of course, this is external.

The cousins ​​hadn't seen each other for a long time, and after a few words, they cooled down.

Song Shi was about to go upstairs and change into comfortable clothes to watch the new year.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Song Yan didn't care whether to speak or not, so he quickly called out to him, "Ah Shi, I have something to ask you for help."

Song Shi casually asked what was the matter.

Song Yan opened the chatterbox.

It was nothing more than an idea in the mall. I was accidentally tricked by someone, and I suppressed a lot of unsalable goods. I had to pay other manufacturers, and the loan could not be approved. I couldn’t find a solution. Going bankrupt.

"I know this is not a problem for you, cousin, but I founded the company with countless efforts, just like my dog. When the dog is sick, I have to find a way to cure it. " And complained: "I also blame those people for being too ruthless. It's not that I want to renege on the debt. Can't I settle the payment two months late? After this difficult time is over, I will definitely not cooperate with them again."

Song Shi snorted, "You can do it as you see fit."

Then I was speechless.

Song Yan: "..."

He is still waiting for his cousin to ask, there is no follow-up, how should he answer?
I had no choice but to say cheekily, "Ah Shi, that's what I thought. Anyway, our Song Corporation also has a similar company. The materials of the parts in my warehouse are all good, and the quality has been tested. In this way, I It doesn't take advantage of you, the price is [-]% off the market price, and the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields, you help me, and you don't lose money."

His eyes were fixed on Song Shi, and his heart was in his throat.

Song Shi shook his head, "I won't do it."

"Ah Shi, I assure you, that shipment is really..."

However, looking at the other party's half-smiling expression, he turned his face unnaturally and said, "I really can't help it. Besides, we are all a family. If I don't live well outside, others will guess whether something happened to the Song family." What happened?"

"Then you are overthinking. Mrs. Song is very good, and others will only think you are incompetent." Song Shi said unceremoniously.

Song Yan choked: "I was just tricked."

Anyway, he didn't admit that he was incompetent.

If he doesn't have the ability, he can't start a business outside. Compared with the young man in the circle who eats, drinks and has fun all day with bonuses, he is hardworking and hardworking.

"I have to be cheated several times a year, and I am convinced."

Song Yan wiped her face, "I promise this is the last time, please help me, Ah Shi."

"Then I don't believe it. How many times have I helped you solve troubles? My company is busy with so many things every day. If you let it go, it will become a waste collection station or the kind of high-priced recycling that doesn't make money. What am I trying to do? Waste At that time, it would be better to discuss a few business deals that cost millions of dollars per minute." At this point, he waved his hand, "Don't say the last time, I understand it, no matter how many pits are stepped on, no matter how big the basket is poked , As long as you don’t solve it by yourself, you will never learn from experience and lessons. You didn’t pay the price, so of course you have nothing to fear, and you don’t even know it hurts until the knife falls on your instep.”

Yuan Zha didn't have much affection for this cousin. Every time he helped clean up the mess, it was because of his surname Song. Besides, he didn't pay attention to the little money.

This makes some people even more arrogant.

When he opened his mouth to ask for help, he didn't think that he would have thought that the dignified CEO of the Song family would also settle old scores. This settlement made him feel that he had gone too far.

Also ashamed.

Because it was true.

Thinking that he has the Song family as his backer, even if something goes wrong there will be someone to take care of it, so when he cooperates with others...

"Ah Shi, I know I was wrong, don't worry, I will be careful next time we cooperate." He hastened to promise.

Song Shi smiled unceremoniously, "Don't think too far ahead, just fix this mess before thinking about anything else."

Song Yan: "As long as you help me this time..."

"I can't help. My uncle and aunt are still here. It's none of my business." He refused directly.

Song Yan didn't get the desired result, didn't want to say a word, turned around and left.

Aunt Song had been paying attention to this side, and seeing her son go upstairs with a stinky face, her heart sank, she said a few more words, and then said that she was tired and wanted to go back to her room to rest for a while.

Song Yan was angry in the room.

Hearing a knock on the door, he opened the door and looked aggrieved, "Mom..."

Aunt Song's heart ached immediately.

"Is it because Ah Shi doesn't want to? It's okay. Mom will tell him later. If it doesn't work, your grandpa will still be there."

A man is a fool, she has to be such a cub, how can he feel wronged.

Song Yan bowed his head in response, and said dejectedly, "Am I not suitable for business?"

"Ashi made the Song Corporation so big, but I can't even handle a small company. I'm not a business material!"

This made Aunt Song's heart ache, "Your cousin's business is doing well because of relying on the Song family."

This did not comfort Song Yan.

He lowered his eyes and said, "If it really doesn't work, forget it. The company will be gone sooner or later in my hands."

Aunt Song tried to persuade her for a long time to no avail, so she had to give up.

"Have a good rest, you have to get up early tomorrow."

It was useless for her to persuade.

The son has a stubborn personality. He established the company by himself, so he can't just let it go.

Aunt Song came down from upstairs and went to find Song Shi. In her words, she said that the whole family was prosperous and that not to help was to ignore the blood and family ties.

Song Shi didn't like to hear these things, so he said angrily, "Anyway, the hole in Song Yan's place is not big, so Auntie will fill it in for him."

"How can I have so much money!"

"It's funny what my aunt said. My cousin doesn't want much money. You can just sell a few jewelry and a few classic models to get it together. But if it doesn't work, you can sell a villa and everything will be fine."

The two parted unhappily.

Early in the morning.

After breakfast, the whole family is ready to go back to their hometown to worship their ancestors.

This is tradition.

Although in the circle, the time for worshiping the ancestors is basically moved back, but the Song family did not, and it is what should be done. This is the rule passed down by the Song family.

The old man is too old to work hard, and he didn't go back to his hometown a few years ago.

My hometown has a good environment and good air.

Song Shi didn't want to carry his workbook with him throughout the year like Yuan Zha. He stayed in his hometown until the eighth day of the lunar new year before driving back.

Years later work is not stressful.

It didn’t get busy until March.

In late March, the Anseong government, government, and government passed the resolution of "retiring public service and replacing it with farmland" and quickly designated cultivated land in each area for food production.


The land in the southern suburbs is among them.

At that time, the development of this project focused on the park house, and there was a large lake nearby. Now with this resolution, all the built parks have overturned the cultivation of wheat.

Lu Jiaming: "..."

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