Song Shi stayed in space for a while before starting the next world.

Before I opened my eyes, I heard a loud voice shouting: "At three quarters noon, execution!"

The sun burns one's skin, and bean-sized sweat rolls down into the eyes, which is salty and hot.



Vision blurred.

But no matter how clearly he could see, Song Shi could still see the butcher's knife held high above his head as if condensing the light of the afterlife.

The blade is shiny and cold.

Next to him, the burly executioner with a red face and a beard looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a dead man...ah, he was indeed about to become a dead man.

The sun rises overhead.

The executioner was firmly planted on the ground, holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands. Suddenly his face darkened, his jaw tensed, and veins protruded on his arms.

The knife fell quickly.

Caishikou was so quiet that even the barking of dogs disappeared.

In just a moment, blood will be splashed three feet.

At that moment, the blade collided with the chain, emitting dazzling sparks, and the sharp sound made everyone turn their heads subconsciously. When they turned around again, they happened to see the scene of the wild man falling on the sand.

To ...

The flying dust and twisted muscles were painful to look at.

The chains were cut and the hands were freed.

He picked up the butcher's knife and struck it hard between his feet. He didn't know whether the knife was too sharp or the iron chain was too weak. With just one blow, the shackles that bound him to walking were broken.

Free again.

Of course, you have to grease your feet and slide quickly.

The butcher knife in his hand was slashing wildly, occasionally bringing out bright red blood, and the onlookers screamed and ran away wildly.

Officials sitting on the high platform shouted, "Catch him! Catch him! Life or death!"

The yamen servants rushed over wielding their knives.

Song Shi kicked him one by one, looked at the gap, grabbed a knife, and threw it at the official whose face was deformed with anxiety.

The sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo.

"Someone! Somebody!"

The official fell to the ground in fright.

The officer left the condemned man behind and ran over.

Song Shi took the opportunity to rush into the crowd and disappeared into a certain alley in the blink of an eye.

"Run away! The prisoner ran away! Chase! You wastes! Wastes..."

The angry roar could still be heard from far away.

Song Shi did not stay in the city. He randomly pulled some clothes hanging on a bamboo pole in a certain yard and wrapped them around his body. He also grabbed his hair a few times and tied it up randomly before running out of the city in a hurry.

The condemned prisoner escaped from the battlefield and caused a scene in Caishikou. Many people were injured. The Yamen will definitely try their best to capture him.

Staying in the city is like staying in a prison. You will eventually be found.

Fortunately, his trip out of the city went smoothly.

It is not at all awkward to be mixed with a group of old farmers selling vegetables.

He followed for a while, and when he passed a forest, he got into it.

The original slag Qu Zhe, yes, is not called Song Shi anymore, which is very strange, and the fault of this person must also be blamed on him.

Qu Zhe's life is just like his name, full of twists and turns.

When he was young, his parents passed away one after another, and he finally grew up stumbling, seeing the age of marriage, but one day the government officials came to his door and took him away, saying that he was a murderer.

Just... Qu Zhe was very confused.

kill?Kill whom?Who did he kill? ! !
He was wronged!

But he had no alibi.

Some people even came forward to testify that they had seen him near the murder scene.

He really didn't go.

But the county magistrate seemed to think it was related to him.

Seeing that he would bite him to death and refused to admit it, he rewarded him with twenty boards and beat him until his skin was torn and his body was bleeding.

His uncle and aunt also hypocritically persuaded him to confess his crimes and be a good person.Qu Zhe: "..."

After being beaten several times, Qu Zhe understood the truth that everyone is destined to die, either by being beaten to death, or by injuries or illness.

Maybe plead guilty and just get jail time.

Qu Zhe was just a 15-year-old boy. He didn't want to die, so he admitted that he had killed the deceased who only existed in these people's mouths.

But, there is no possibility.

It’s good to plead guilty.

This is unjustifiable, so he was given a beheading card.

Once the mark is drawn, it is like nails set on an iron plate. There is no need to change it, and there is no point in complaining.

Micheng is remote and small, so there is no such thing as overturning the verdict once the final decision is made.

Qu Zhe's fate was decided.

If Song Shi hadn't been there, he would have been separated from his body and thrown on the mass grave by wild dogs by now.

With this layer of memory, it will be easier to handle.

The sun slanted westward.

It was darker in the woods.

Stepping on the last ray of light, Song Shi walked towards the direction of Yuanzha Village.

It's dark tonight.

The moon popped up for a moment, then sank into the clouds and never came out again. The wind blew loudly, and the clouds rolled up and piled up high and thick, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

Qu Fu wrapped his clothes and scolded the ghost, but he drank a lot, and now he was drunk and couldn't walk fast at all.

Growing up in the village, Qu Fu was not worried at all if he could not fall down with his eyes closed.

The night was dark, and a person appeared in front of him.

He blinked hard twice, and the afterimage of the man shook left and right, making him dizzy.

"Who came out here without sleeping in the middle of the night..." Qu Fu muttered and complained.

He staggered closer.

The man stood in the middle of the road with an expressionless face. He was holding a stick crookedly, and the corners of his mouth were raised as if he had seen something happy.

"Hey, you...get out of the way..."

Qu Fu couldn't hold himself steady, his shoulder hit the side hard, and he was still saying harsh words, "Laobei, let me tell you, Laobei is my special mother..."

"Let... let go..."

Song Shi pulled his hair hard, causing Qu Fu's scalp to sting, and he fell to the ground with the force.

He had been drinking and had no strength in his body.

Lie down, it's very comfortable to lie down.

Although my heart was boiling with anger and anger, "Don't...don't be complacent. If you have...the ability, don't run away. Wait until the employer and employee wake up..."

Song Shi laughed.

"Don't wait, why are you waiting? I've been waiting for you for a long time." He smiled and raised the stick in his hand to hit it hard.

A scream sounded.

Qu Fu was mostly awake from the wine.

He was hunched over on the ground, sweating in pain, and then he saw clearly who the person in front of him was.

"Qu...Qu Zhe? Are you Qu Zhe?" His eyes widened, "Why are you here! You, shouldn't you..."

Could it be that this guy has died and turned into a ghost?
Qu Fu was so frightened that he trembled all over and begged for mercy, "It's not me. It's me who wants to kill you. If you want revenge, go to him. Why are you looking for me? It's none of my business!"

Song Shi gave him another stick and said, "It's really none of your business? Think it over before you talk."

Even Qu Fu couldn't hide.

The stick is solid.

He felt like he was about to be smashed into dumpling stuffing, "I...I really...don't know..."

Song Shi smiled, "Why don't you think about it again?" He said and shook his head, "I'm just afraid that you won't have enough time to think clearly."

Qu Fu was horrified.

Why don’t you have so much time?
He's going to be beaten to death, so he doesn't have much time left?
"I-it was all my father's idea. If you want to find it, go to my father!"

" turned out to be what the uncle meant. Of course I have to go find the uncle, but before that..." (End of Chapter)

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