Qu Fu is the youngest son in the family. He used to be unconventional. After getting married, he only restrained himself for a while and then returned to his old ways.

He has a lot of bad friends, he is idle, and sometimes he doesn't come back for several days in a row, and he doesn't know what he is doing outside.

Did not return overnight.

The Qu family muttered a few words and passed.

Only Qu Fu's wife, Jiang, was full of grievances. When they got married, the Qu family paid a betrothal gift of three taels of silver, and praised the man to the best of his ability. The two of them also lived a sweet life, but how long has it passed? , just... everyone in the family looked helpless, and even advised her woman not to control the man too harshly.

Really aggrieved.

She was so angry that she drank an extra bowl of sweet potato porridge for breakfast.

If a man doesn't live at home, there will be dogs outside sooner or later. In the end, this woman relies on her son.

Jiang thought it was best to get pregnant as soon as possible so that she could have hope.

However, at night, Qu Fu had not returned yet.

Qu Laogen, the head of the Qu family, frowned, "That's outrageous. When Ah Fu comes back, I must talk to him!"

Qu Mantian rolled his eyes, "Dad, don't worry, that kid is fine."

"All right?" He stared at his son with a serious expression, "Did you hear me!"

Qu Mantian obviously remembered something, and his heart tightened, and he nodded quickly, "I understand, Dad, don't worry, I promise to keep him at home."

Mrs. Wang glanced at her daughter-in-law, who was immersed in her porridge, and said with a smile, "Dad, what are you talking about? Yaozi has become a relative, he is an adult, he has a sense of propriety."

Qu Laogen snorted, "Just get used to it."

Mrs. Wang doesn't mind it in her heart. We are used to it, but you are not used to it?
Don't tell anyone.

After the meal, the family went to the fields to pull weeds. Jiang and her sister-in-law stayed at home, doing laundry, cooking, cutting grass, and feeding the chickens.

After a busy day, I ate whole-grain steamed buns and porridge in the evening, stir-fried a pot of wild vegetables, and sprinkled a few grains of salt. There was an astringent taste in the mouth. The only bowl of steamed eggs was placed in front of the only man in the house. In front of Sun, not to mention a few girls, even the adults couldn't help but swallow their saliva after smelling it.

Mrs. Jiang chewed wild mugwort seeds, which made her face wrinkled in pain.

The night is getting darker.

After finishing the meal and clearing the dishes, the family went out for a walk and then came back, but Qu Fu was nowhere to be seen.

Qu Laogen stood in the yard and looked at the horizon. For some reason, his heart was agitated. He was extremely uneasy and anxious. Just like that summer evening, it was so sultry that it made people feel panicked. He always felt that something was wrong. Things are going to happen.

"Mantian! Mantian!"

"What's wrong, dad?" Qu Mantian was packing farm tools in the yard when he heard a voice and turned around to ask.

Qu Laogen put his hands behind his back and said, "Go to Li's house and call Ah Fu back."

Qu Mantian was speechless.

But seeing how anxious my father was, he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go there."

As he said that, he put down the gun in his hand, patted the dirt on his body, and walked out quickly.

The Li family lives at the end of the village, and it takes more than half an hour to get there.

The Li family was having dinner when Qu Mantian arrived. When they heard him asking Qu Fu, they all looked confused.

The third boy from the Li family came out with a bowl, "Uncle, Ah Fu left after drinking last night. I asked him to take a rest for the night, but he said he was happy and had something to do, so he had to go home."

"He's not at your house? But he's not home!" Qu Mantian was confused.

"I don't know about that. I guess I went to town." Li Sansan finished the meal in two mouthfuls.

Qu Mantian thought of his youngest son's incoherence and asked where his son usually went before leaving.

Rush all the way home.

I'm so hungry.

"Where is the person?" Qu Laogen asked quickly when he didn't see anyone behind his son.

"Going to town."

Qu Mantian returned while eating.

in town?

"Is something going to happen?" Qu Laogen paced back and forth, his face anxious and flustered.

"What could happen? Don't worry, Dad." There were only two father and son in the yard. He walked over and lowered his voice, "Dad, don't keep talking about that at home. In case anyone else guesses, I have already told Yao Zai I have said that he will not be impulsive again." "That's what I said, but in my heart, I just..."

"Oh, you're just scared. In the past, nothing happened to Yao Zai outside. He is an adult. We should let go or let go."

Qu Laogen moved his lips, but said nothing in the end. He sighed. Just as he was about to go back to the house, he immediately retracted his step. His eyes widened, "I feel like I forgot something. It's been more than a day." Yes, why hasn’t anyone come to notify us to collect the body?”

Although they have no intention of collecting them, there is this process for death row prisoners after they serve their sentences.

When a person dies, his debts are gone and he is buried in peace.

As for whether you want to go into the frying pan or go through the mountain of knives after death, that is the business of the Lord of Hell and has nothing to do with the human world.

Qu Zhe's knife yesterday should arrive in the afternoon.

"Is anyone from the county here today?"

Qu Mantian shook his head.

Qu Laogen's cheek muscles tightened, "Is there going to be an accident?"

Qu Mantian rolled his eyes helplessly, "Dad, that's the county government. Besides, it's time-consuming and laborious to make this trip. It's better to leave it in a mass grave. It's a good thing if you don't come, it also saves our family the cost of tea."

"But I'm always uneasy..." Qu Laogen looked towards the horizon. Darkness was overwhelming, mixed with inexplicable murderous intent.

Qu Mantian thought of his younger son, "Maybe Yaozi went to the county government today."

Qu Laogen was startled, "No, we must find Ah Fu back."

But it's dark now, how can I find it?
The whole family tried to persuade them by talking and talking, and only waited for the dawn to send out the whole family to find someone.

I hope that the worry-free tomorrow will be home early in the morning.

In this regard, Song Shi said that it won't take that long to reunite your family in the middle of the night.

The wind is very strong tonight, the clouds are thick, and a heavy rain is coming.

Qu Laogen woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. He pushed his old wife beside him and said, "Get up and give me a bowl of water."

The old wife opened her eyes drowsily, mumbled a few words, opened the door and went to the kitchen.

The room was dark, without any light.

Qu Laogen waited for a long time, becoming a little impatient, and then he heard footsteps and someone came in.

"Why is it so slow? Labor and management are dying of thirst..."

he complained.

No one responded. His old wife had always been a silent person, and he didn't expect to get an answer.

"Bring the water to the laborers quickly!"

Footsteps approached.

It's not familiar, a little heavy.

In the dark night, Qu Laogen's heart beat extremely fast. He sat up and grabbed the quilt, "Who is it?"


A chuckle sounded in the darkness, "It's only been so long, how come my grandpa has forgotten me."

The voice is strange and familiar.

Qu Laogen's pupils tightened, "Yes, it's you!"

"Isn't it me?"

A pair of cold, thin but more powerful than iron claws clamped his neck accurately, and the disgusting bloody smell filled his nose. Qu Laogen couldn't get away no matter what, "You, since you are dead, you should go." , go where you should go..."

The shackles became tighter and tighter, and he rolled his eyes.

Song Shi chuckled, "People and ghosts have different paths, but I really can't bear to die with my eyes closed. I'm not willing to let go."

Why not reconciled?

What can't you let go of?

Qu Laogen had difficulty breathing, tilted his head, and lost consciousness.

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