No one is rich, especially those in the countryside. It is difficult for them to eat meat, let alone spend their money frivolously.

Qu Fu was the youngest in the family and the most favored. Wang would occasionally secretly give him some money, just for fear that he would lose face in front of his brothers outside.

The youngest son and the youngest son are not allowed to be pampered.

There is an elder and a couple of scalpers working day and night, and there are three girls from the elder's house waiting to exchange for the bride price. No one can be wronged by the old man.

Raiko remembers it clearly.

"They used to come here to rest for a night from time to time, but they never came again after that day. I even asked the neighbors if it was because someone died nearby that they felt unlucky and stopped coming."

There is no income at home, and I can’t even bear to eat eggs.

The more I think about it, the more I lose.

I even went to find out if those second-rate guys had gone to live somewhere else, and it turned out that it really was true.

Qu Fu was even more generous with his money than when he left his house. Those were all copper coins!

He felt distressed for a long time.

The yamen officer asked: "Are you sure? Could you be remembering it wrong?"

"No, absolutely not." If you don't believe me, ask around to see if other people remember things related to money.

He was negligent last time, and this time all the clues of the big boss's diplomatic relations had to be investigated. The government officials did not dare to listen to what the family said, so they visited the neighborhood again.

What a coincidence, someone actually saw Qu Fu appearing nearby.

He didn't know Qu Fu.

Because the man reeked of alcohol and was young, he looked at him a few more times and went to testify during the court session.

When he saw Qu Da, his head shook like a rattle, "It's not him, it's not him I saw. The man I saw is not that old."

And he looks like he's been squeezed dry. Do you have money to buy wine?

His eyes moved to the face of Qu Fu who lowered his head and tried to reduce his presence. After looking at it for a while, he said, "That's the person!"

Qu Fu looked up blankly, "Brother, I don't know you."

"That's why the testimony of me, a passerby, is more convincing." The man replied.

County Grandpa:
This is also true.

Qu Mantian did a lot of ideological work for his eldest son when he was in prison. Now, seeing that his younger son is about to die, his eldest son doesn't say a word.

Not angry.

"Sir, that thing was done by my eldest son and has nothing to do with my younger son!"

However, all the evidence points to Qu Fu.

A few months later, the evidence was gone.

So the county magistrate had no choice but to use the necessary skill of an official - playing with boards.

Human beings are all afraid of pain and death.

The medical conditions are not good.

Coupled with this natural class fear.

Soon, Qu Fu confessed.

Qu Mantian's legs were weak.Hated and angry.

You can't bear this little pain, you coward!

Hate that iron is not steel.

As everyone knows, Qu Fu was extremely panicked. He was the one who killed him. All kinds of evidence pointed to him. The county magistrate also looked like he wanted to beat him to death. Really?
He deserves to die!

The real killer confessed.

The county magistrate breathed a sigh of relief and shouted sternly: "Hurry up and tell me your motive and process of murder!"

Qu Fu thought for a long time, with a confused look on his face, "I, I don't have any motive, I just feel unhappy. The man bumped into me all of a sudden, and I was impulsive -" He paused, and his face twisted a few times as if Unable to control his expression, "Sir! Sir! I really didn't mean it. I didn't want to kill anyone. I've never killed a chicken before. How dare I kill someone? I didn't want to. I didn't mean it. Please spare me." Spare my life!"

County Grandpa:
No, everyone is dead.

A life for a life.

Don't think about killing someone and only being sentenced to a few years, which is such a great thing!

He is extremely strict.


The youngest son was paralyzed on the ground like a ball of mud that could not be supported. Qu Mantian was so anxious that he burst into tears. What should I do? Is the youngest son going to die? He was so young and just got married, and he didn't even have a child!

An idea flashed and he shouted to the court, "Sir! Although my youngest son made a mistake, he was young and made a mistake. If you want to find someone to take responsibility, can you replace it with my eldest son!"

"I want my eldest son to serve his sentence instead!"

The boss has given birth to three girls, and they are of little value.

The third child is different, the possibilities are endless.

Qu Da: "."

I was stabbed in the heart again, the pain was so painful that I felt numb.

Sister-in-law Qu looked at her father-in-law with hatred, "Dad, you are really not willing to kill my man until you kill him!"

Qu Mantian looked sad, "Boss, my wife, I can't do anything. As long as I have some way, I won't ignore the boss."

"Why can't you do anything?" Sister-in-law Qu sneered, "As the saying goes, it is the fault of the father who fails to raise his children. The third brother made a big mistake. Since you are the father, it is not my man's turn to be the big brother. Go and carry it.”

Qu Mantian was even more shameless, "You want to say that, the father's debt is paid by the son. I am old and can't carry it anymore. What's wrong with the boss carrying it for me?"

Sister-in-law Qu: "."

The tears flowed more fiercely.

I think men are hateful and pitiful.

Qu Da was absent the entire time.

"Just say something, your father asked you to take the blame!"

She gave the wimp a hard shove.


In her mind, Qu Da was an honest person before, but now he has become a coward who dare not act or speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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