Qu Da thought of his young daughter, his wife who had never had an easy day since she got married. If he died, even if he didn't have to die but was in prison, his wife would definitely be forced by her parents to remarry, and the three girls would be without a father. Without their biological mother, the family already disliked them for being girls, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

There is no way to escape the end of being sold.

The family is broken.

It obviously has nothing to do with him.

He lowered his head and said, "I hope the adults will be aware of it, but I won't be willing."

Not willing to die.

"You traitor! You have a bad heart and a dog's heart! You have to watch your third brother die!"

Qu Mantian roared sadly and angrily.

Qu Da didn't dare to look, and his back became even more stooped. "Does Dad want to watch my family die?"

Is the third brother that important?
What has he done for his family over the years!
Just because he is young, he can always enjoy privileges?
Qu Da felt dissatisfied.

In this world, only the people you care about most can hurt you.

Sister-in-law Qu had no expression on her face, "Dad, this is a court, and your Excellency is the most fair and just person. You want me to let the real murderer go and find someone to scapegoat. You are looking for a scapegoat in such an open and just manner. Dad, you want me to be more fair and just among the people." Do you want to act like a failed official in front of everyone, do you want to harm your future?"

This is obviously going to kill the whole family!

Qu Mantian: "."


How could he have thought of so much? All he wanted was to take out the child.

Seeing the adult's face as gloomy as ink, he hurriedly kowtowed, "My lord, please forgive me. Please forgive me. I'm just talking nonsense. I care about you."

Sister-in-law Qu interrupted with a sneer, "Dad is indeed too caring. He will not stop caring about our eldest family until the wife and children are separated."

"Shut up!" Qu Mantian was furious with his eldest daughter-in-law, and he pointed at her and cursed, "I usually think you are an honest person when I see you being silent, but it turns out you are a traitor inside. Our Qu family has been so unlucky for eight lifetimes. Come in with your daughter-in-law, and I will definitely ask the boss to divorce you when I get back!"

Staring at Qu Da again, "Boss, what do you say!"

Qu Da:.
Bearing the gazes of his father and wife, he was under great pressure.

He did not want to divorce his wife.

But his wife has no way to have another son, and he wants a son.

Isn't it because the second child was not given up by his father because he gave birth to a son?
It can be seen that having a son can indeed gain practical benefits.

He didn't speak.

Sister-in-law Qu's heart dropped.

The county magistrate looked at the Qu family below like a group of clowns.

So blatant and unafraid
It seems that he, the county magistrate, is not majestic enough in the hearts of the people.

It needs to be dealt with more seriously.

Is there any worse punishment for a murderer than paying for his life?

not to mention--

He slapped the gavel, and the noisy sound below stopped instantly.

"Qu Fu, if you don't bring the matter to light, you won't be blamed for the torture!"

Qu Fu was at a loss.

So, the slap just now wasn’t even considered a punishment?


He really doesn’t punish him!
At this time, in addition to confessing, I kowtow, "Sir, if you confess, you must confess!"

So he told the story of what happened and how it was resolved afterwards.

It turned out that that day, Qu Fu killed someone impulsively and ran back home in a panic. It happened that the first family and his family went to weed the fields, and the second family returned to their parents' house. After Qu Mantian found out, he asked a lot of details and stamped his feet back and forth for a long time. Only after an hour did he decide to transfer this crime.

It’s okay if you can’t recognize it anyway.

When Qu Laogen saw his old wife coming back from outside with a basket on her back, his thoughts changed.

If you can still get some property by the way.
Earn blood!

No one is more suitable than Qu Zhe.

The resolution was approved by the whole family.

Qu Mantian immediately called his eldest son and second son back and asked them to report the crime and testify together.

Of course the two asked why.

But the Qu family is Qu Mantian's one-word court, whatever he says is finalized.

Then he said, "Don't ask any more questions. Just remember that this matter will be of great benefit to your family."

This is what happens after that. "Sir, I listen to my father. It's my father who told me to do this. It's none of my business!" Qu Er was the first to react.

If the adults think that their family is deliberately deceiving.
Qu Er shuddered.

"Sir, spare my life, spare my life!"

Sister-in-law Qu's face turned pale and she looked at the man subconsciously. The man was still confused.


In the past, she felt that being honest and honest was an advantage, but if she were asked to choose again, she would rather choose a cunning one.

Qu Mantian had tears in his eyes, "Sir, I love my son so much!"

The county magistrate's face was expressionless.

Your love for your children has caused so much trouble to labor and management!
Why don't you think that Qu Zhe is also someone else's son?
This matter does not need to be discussed further.

The evidence is solid, signed and stamped, it's clear.

He announced in front of the audience.

Qu Fu killed someone to pay for his life and maliciously evaded the order. He was sentenced to death.

Qu Mantian, Wang, and Qu Laogen deliberately deceived and caused serious consequences, and were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Qu Da and Qu Er gave false evidence to confuse the public and were imprisoned for ten years.

Qu Zhe was not guilty, but he injured the court officials and government officials and was imprisoned for three years.

The circumstances were egregious and he was immediately arrested and brought to justice.

Not to mention how the Qu family cried and begged for mercy.

The government officials rode horses to Changtiankan Village, where they caught the embarrassed Wang family, and then went to Qu's house to arrest Qu Laogen. Whoever tried to open the door of the back room was hit by an extremely unpleasant smell.

The yamen officer covered his nose and stepped forward to check, only to find that the two old men on the bed were stiff.

It has been dead for a long time.

Based on the information provided by Wang, they ran to the mountains. The dilapidated wooden house was crumbling and empty.

Qu Zhe had already run away.

I searched the village and the mountains, but couldn't find it in the end.

The county magistrate was furious and confiscated the property of Qu Zhe's family and closed the case.

What happened in the Qu family quickly spread back to the village, and everyone was stunned. Qu Fu's newlywed wife, Jiang, fainted and fell to the ground.

When she wakes up, she packs her bags and goes home to get married again.

She was originally married off by the Qu family at a high price after swallowing Qu Zhe's things. The time was short and she had no children, so she left very simply.

Qu Er cried and howled for several days, hurling all kinds of abuses.

Later, she also returned to her parents’ home.

Not long after, he remarried to a widower from a neighboring village.

Ten years!
What a concept!
She couldn't survive the past ten years without a man in the family.

Someone also came to Mrs. Qu's house. She didn't leave, but stayed.

if not?
Without an adult to support them, several children would be dead in less than a year.

It's said to be ten years, ten years in prison, how many of them can make it out alive?
Life is not easy if you remarry.

She serves the entire family, acts as a stepmother, and is guarded by everyone who treats her like an outsider and a thief.

If you stay, you can at least make your own decisions.


Be your own boss.

The elder men in the family have either died or gone into prison, and no one will interfere with the daughters' marriages. The children will not be sold casually.

That's fine.

As a mother, all she wants is for her child to be safe and happy.

As for Tianbao, the only boy in the Qu family, she still raised him, but it was impossible to imagine that everything good was his like before.


Even, out of revenge, make him do more and eat less.

no way.

The family has really treated them too badly for their grandson.

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