the other side.

Song Shi had already left the city.

There was no pursuer behind.

In fact, not even a single person.

A mottled and decayed city wall separated him from the entire world.

Perhaps, this world is inherently fragmented.

He was standing outside the city, but he didn't hear any sound. It was quiet, as if dead. The sky was filled with yellow sand in front of him. You know, just a few minutes ago, there was a large forest not far away. There were farmland on both sides of the official road. There were still haystacks basking in the sun, and people walked by on the road from time to time. Horse-drawn carriages flew by, kicking up the dust.

Then in the blink of an eye, the dust turned into a sandstorm.

Devour everything instantly.

except him.

Song Shi felt a little relieved at the moment.

The yellow sand was getting closer and closer, overwhelming the sky. He couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his mouth and nose with his sleeves. He felt a huge suction coming, and he was blown around like a kite, spinning around.

Before I could stand still, the aroma of food rushed into my nose.


Song Shi swallowed.

When he opened his eyes, there was a tray placed outside the iron fence, with a bowl of hot white rice, a plate of braised pork, a small plate of vegetables, and a bowl of soup on it.

Not very fragrant.

Just an ordinary meal.

But he could feel the extreme longing in Yuan Zha's heart.

There was rotten and wet straw under the buttocks, which was sparse. Cockroaches crawled quickly, and the eyes of mice in the corners were glowing green.

"Eat quickly. I'll send you out early tomorrow morning after eating. Be a good person when you get out!"

After the officer finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Song Dynasty: .
So speechless.

I can only lament that you are a real scumbag!
The old man in the next cell stretched his neck to look here, and took a deep breath of intoxication. It smelled so good!
"Young man, do you want to eat it? If not, give it to the old man. Don't waste it."

The roommate in the other room stayed far away and said coolly, "Anyway, I have lived here for several years and I have seen a lot of people coming and going. I have never seen anyone treated like this after being released from prison. There is only one situation, deprivation of food."

Eat well and hit the road.


He paused, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "What can people like us do?"

Just like that beast, he cannot control his life or death.

The old man doesn't care about this.

"Young man, do you want to eat or not?"

Song Shi glanced at him, "Aren't you afraid of poison?"

"What are you afraid of? Old man, I'm old and can't get out. I might die in there one day. If it's really poisonous, I might as well become a dead ghost and hit the road." He had a very broad view. He could see the end of life at a glance and he would die early. Dying late is a death.

"There's no poison in this rice." He pushed the tray over and said, "It's been laced with sweat medicine."

"It just so happens that the old man has been so hungry recently that he can't sleep." The old man directly grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth. He swallowed it whole and choked until he rolled his eyes and couldn't bear to vomit.

The roommate on the other side asked curiously, "How do you know there is sweat medicine in it?"

Song Shi raised his eyelids and said, "In order to survive, I have learned all kinds of things."

But the man nodded, "No, you thieves are not easy to get into."

Song Shi: "."

The original dregs are really getting worse as they get mixed up.

After the old man finished eating, he pushed the dinner plate over and soon fell asleep on the rotten grass with his eyelids twitching and snoring.

Song Shi also leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps came from far away. Several government officials with knives walked outside the cell, and first looked at the food at the door.

"Open the door."

One of them took out the key and opened the door.

walk into.

He pushed the man leaning against the wall and he fell down.


"Two people will drag him out."


Two government officials walked in quickly, and one of them grabbed one shoulder and dragged him out.

The roommate next door was holding on to the fence, "Sir, where is he going to be sent?"

The leader looked at him lightly and said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Roommate: "Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

Hurry up and retreat to the corner.

Use yourself as a background and don't notice me.

What to get out!
Then you're going to step into hell as soon as you get out.It's boring to live in prison, but you won't even feel it's boring to be dead.

The cell was dark and dark.

The sun is actually shining brightly outside.

The officer dragged Song Shi out and asked, "Boss, is it almost three-quarters of noon?"

The leader looked at the sky, wiped his sweat, and said, "Wait for now."

The sun is high in the sky.

It's so hot.

A prison van is waiting not far away.

There is no doubt that it is another day to go to Caishikou.

What good things can come from going to Caishikou?

Several people walked and chatted.

"This man is also unlucky. Who told him that he looks so similar to Master Shangshu's son? Who will be punished if he is not used as an atonement?"

"So the dandy in Beijing is confident."

"We, the people, must die if we die."

"It is his blessing to be able to take the blame for a noble person. In his next life, he will be bright-eyed and find a good family."

Song Dynasty: .

I must die, right?

When he was dragged into the prison van, he exploded, punching one after another.

In the end, he stole the money and the horse and escaped.

The purpose is very clear, city gate.

When Caishikou got the news, they immediately sent people to chase him.

The supervisor was furious.

"Chase! Chase me!"

Must chase it back.

History is always surprisingly similar.

The streets were full of officers and soldiers arresting people, and there were notices offering rewards everywhere, but no one could be found.

Song Shi walked all the way out of the city gate.

Run in the other direction.

During this period, he escaped several pursuits by officers and soldiers. It was not until one day that he heard that the young master of Shangshu Mansion had been beheaded that he saw the rolling yellow sand in the distance.

A sweet smile appeared on his lips.

So, what the hell kind of world is this.

Once again, I was wrapped in yellow sand, spinning, and struggled to open my eyes again.

A strong medicinal smell came from the tip of my nose.

The tonic is a good tonic, and the age is not bad.

The woman's face was picturesque and her voice was soft with a hint of care.

"Dalang, drink the medicine."

Song Shi: "."

May I ask how you used such a tone to persuade labor and management to drink this highly poisonous drink?

The original residue was just a loss.

If you finish this bowl, not just one bowl, but one bite, you will immediately burp.

God special.
Labor and management must die, right?
Quit it! Quit it!

"Hel me sit up"


The maid rushed forward to help.

He sat down against the soft cushions and waved his hand, "Everyone, please go out. I feel dizzy."

The maid glanced at the woman holding the medicine, saw her nodded slightly, and then withdrew.

"Da Lang."

"Cough, cough, come closer, I don't have the strength." After Song Shi finished speaking, he coughed twice.

The woman sat closer and said with a smile, "Dalang is in much better spirits today."

"Yes." Song Shi took the medicine.

Putting the medicine bowl to her mouth, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the anticipation in the woman's eyes and the undisguised malice at that moment. He suddenly pulled her to the bed, held her down tightly, and poured a bowl of medicine into her mouth.

The woman was in disbelief.

Struggling for a moment.

A wisp of black blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, no longer alive.

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