Qu Dafu took his wife Zhou and his eldest son home dejectedly.

The neighbor's door opened.

Sister-in-law Wang stretched out her head, her eyes sparkling, and said hello with a smile, "You are back so early? Is the wedding over?"

Zhou: "."

Qu Dafu had already entered first with a serious expression on his face.

She had no intention of exchanging pleasantries, it was just that evildoer who had gone too far!
He said he was going to the toilet.

As a result, they spent a long time arguing in the lobby, apologizing and making promises, but no one came back. In the end, they were asked out by the housekeeper.

"Yes Yes"

He muttered a few perfunctory words and prepared to go in.

Sister-in-law Wang blinked, "Is the marriage going well? Ah Zhe's child has already settled in Rong Mansion?" She quickly explained, "I was so busy just now that I seemed to have seen Ah Zhe come home, but I felt uncomfortable. Maybe Azhe and Rong Dong are getting married today, so they should be at the wedding ceremony."

Zhou's face was dull.

What else can I say.

Do you want to tell the story about your son who escaped while worshiping God?

Fortunately, Qu Dafu came to her rescue at this time.

"What are you still doing outside! I don't know what to do with all the work at home!"


Mrs. Zhou smiled sheepishly at Sister-in-law Wang, "I'm still busy at home, so I'll go back first."

Turned and entered the door.

The door is bolted.

Sister-in-law Wang curled her lips, went back to the house to get her sewing basket, and went to the alley to visit.


Qu Dafu frowned and scolded his wife, "What do you have to say to her? She is the most talkative and unkind. Believe it or not, it won't take long for everyone in the alley to know about our family."

Mrs. Zhou wiped her tears and said, "Then what should we do? We can't cover up this matter at all. What do you think the child thinks? He was the one who said he wanted to get married, but now he doesn't want to do it. This is what we call How do you behave at home and how do you survive in the city?"

The Rongdong family is very capable and their business is huge. Without her instructions, the people below and the big men in the city can take care of their house for her.

The more I think about it, the more difficult the road ahead becomes.

"How can this be done!!"

Qu Dafu squatted on the ground and held his head, with the same sad look on his face.

"What else can we do? Let Azhe go and coax Rong Dong's family so that they can reconcile as before."

No more trouble.

There are countless blessings waiting for them to enjoy.

Qu Feng came out of the room and said, "Father, mother, second brother is in his room."

Qu Dafu and Zhou quickly walked in.

Suddenly speechless.

The whole family is extremely worried, but you, the instigator, sleep soundly.

Mrs. Zhou sighed, "Azhe is good-looking and well-educated. There is no need to worry about choosing among the virtuous and beautiful women in the city. Although the Rongdong family is good, it's a shame."

The three of them knew exactly what it was.

Whether age is an issue or not depends entirely on whether the other party cares about it.

"What's the use of talking about this now? How to calm down the anger of the Rongdong family is the most important." Qu Dafu said.

Today was a busy day, and my son was running away from his marriage. They were physically and mentally exhausted, so the three of them went back to their houses to rest.

Zhou thought she couldn't sleep, but to her surprise, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, without even dreaming.

It's amazing.

I felt very energetic after waking up.

Song Shi had already gotten up and was reading in the yard. He was sitting under the grape trellis, wearing a green robe, with handsome features and noble temperament.

The younger son was born really well.

Although Rong Dongjia doesn't look like a woman in her 40s, she doesn't look like a teenager either.



Song Shi said hello.

Zhou's brows tightened, "Azhe, what are you going to do today?"

"Get the labor and management in!" Qu Dafu's roar came from the room.

Song Shi put down the book and smiled lightly, "Mom, I'm going to have a heart-to-heart talk with dad first."

Mrs. Zhou: ".Go, go."

Worry worry.

Calling the eldest son, "Go inside and watch, but don't start a fight."

Qu Feng: "Okay, mother."

But there was no fight.

Dad was very angry at first, but the second brother didn't know what to say. In the end, he completely lost his temper. He even patted the second brother on the shoulder with a look of relief on his face and said, "The Qu family has you, so dad can rest assured in the future."

Qu Feng:.
No dad, have you forgotten that you have an eldest son?

I am the eldest son, okay!
Shouldn't it be me who has high hopes?
He only felt sad for a moment before agreeing with his old father's idea.

My younger brother is very good at reading, and he will definitely be able to bring glory to the old Qu family. All he needs to do is stand with his younger brother and wait for soft meals.

This has nothing to do with teeth, it’s just the smell of rice.

In the evening, news spread throughout Xuancheng that the second son of the Qu family abandoned his bride in the wedding hall and ran away.

People in Xuancheng: ".Ah this"

Although it is quite true that Qu Xiucai escaped from marriage, but... this matter

how to say.

It's quite understandable.

The woman even has a grandson who is ten years old.
It can only be said that Qu Xiucai should have figured it out.

A young man with talent and good looks and a bright future couldn't figure out how much he thought before he committed his whole life to an old lady. It was like he had been possessed by a poison.

Anyway, what to say.

Rong House.

Rong Yao is sitting in the study room reading the account book.

A year ago, the original owner, Ling Ming, was about to die on the hospital bed. It was she who took over the body in time and nursed it back to health. A few months ago, she designed and dealt with the eldest man and his beloved concubine, and took over all the Wang family's business. , and quickly asked the Wang family to change their surname to Rong.

The Wang family has a big business and has a lot to deal with every day.

Originally, there was a lot of delay because of getting married, but in the end
When she thought of her enemy, she was not angry. After experiencing so many worlds, she didn't know how many times she had prayed to him. She was just a little strange and worried, fearing that something would really happen to him.

Tell the truth.

After so long, she still hasn't figured out what secrets Qu Zhe hides.

She also asked Qu Zhe, but Qu Zhe himself didn't know.

A wave of exhaustion hit.

Rong Yao rubbed his eyes, his back was stiff and sore. After all, his body was no longer young. Although it should have improved a lot after her conditioning, her age was there, and her medicine was not an elixir, right?

He hit his shoulder and said, "Xiao Cui, pour me a cup of tea."

A maid dressed in green clothes walked in at the door, her fair and firm face wrinkled unhappily.

Rong Yao smiled and joked: "Who made our Sister Xiaocui angry?"

Xiao Cui puffed up her cheeks, "It's not like those people outside, old lady, you don't know how unpleasant they are to say that you." She gritted her teeth and stamped her foot, "I'm so angry! It's obviously my uncle who did something wrong!"

So bullying!
Rong Yao was speechless.

Even if Xiaocui didn't tell her, she would have guessed. She was just saying that she was an old cow eating young grass.

She didn't want to either.

But the original owner was at this age, and she happened to meet Qu Zhe
All I can say is that the fate is wonderful.

"Don't be angry. We are worthy of our honor. No matter what others say, we have to care about everyone. That's not exhausting." He said with a smile, "I'm hungry, go get me some food."


Xiaocui held her breath and retreated.

"Old madam, you just have such a good temper."

"go quickly."

"Old madam, don't be angry. My uncle has noticed all your good slaves. He must have something urgent to do before leaving. When he has taken care of it, he will definitely come and kowtow to you, old madam, to admit his mistake. Yes, the slaves will not let him off easily when the time comes!"

"Yes, yes, I understand, go quickly."

"The slaves retire."

Rong Yao laughed dumbly, the old lady.
Looking at it this way, she and Qu Zhe are really a generation apart.

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