Rong Yao complained about "old lady", but she didn't take it to heart. In her opinion, she and Qu Zhe were destined in the past life. They had long transcended the worldly shackles of age and were above the world.

All the good things in this world are inferior to their love.

Soon, Xiaocui brought tea and snacks.

Rong Yao is eating.

The maid's voice came from outside the door, "Hello, young master."

"Mom is still settling accounts?"

Before the maid could say anything, Rong Yao shouted, "Is it the boss? Come in."

Young Master Wang lifted up his robe and stepped into the threshold.

He bowed slightly, lowered his head, and said in a respectful manner, "Mother."

"Here we come." Rong Yao pressed his head, "What's the matter?"

Young Master Wang: "."

How do you tell me to answer this?

Isn't it you, mother, who should be in trouble?How are you feeling at the moment?

He hesitated and said, "What does mother think of today's events?"

Rong Yao: "I will go to Azhe to get an answer. You don't need to worry about other things. Your wife is about to give birth, so please stay with her."

Worry less about things at home.

Besides, the son has nothing to do with his old mother's marriage.

Young Master Wang weakly agreed and then withdrew.

After a while, Fourth Young Master Wang came again. He was furious and his face was full of anger.


He brushed the maid away and rushed inside.

Rong Yao looked helpless and put down his pen, "What happened?"

Fourth Young Master Wang's eyes were red.

What happened?

What could happen, it’s not about your marriage!

What a shame!
He is the youngest among the sisters, and he has been favored since he was a child. He has never suffered any grievances. Even the master who dotes on his concubines and destroys his wives treats this youngest son best.

There was no detour.

"Mom! That Qu Xiucai bullied others too much, you must not let him go!"

Rong Yao frowned, "I have my own plan for this matter."

"Mom! This is not your problem alone, it is our Wang family's problem. He left Mom and ran away alone at the wedding hall, causing our family to lose such a big face. The outside world still doesn't know what to say about our Wang family. I We definitely won’t let it go!”

He gritted his teeth.

Obviously not just talk.

How could you let it go?

When his own mother fell in love with a man younger than him, he didn't agree. However, considering that his mother had been miserable for half of his life, and his father only doted on his concubine and ignored his wife, he thought that the scholar had no roots and no foundation anyway. I raised a toy to relieve my mother's boredom and make her happy.

Unexpectedly, Xiangniang wanted to marry him.

The one with the marriage certificate.

What a trough!
There are so many things to say!
Even if my father is not a thing, then you are not a young man who can be a labor father!

He disagreed!
I don’t know how many times I was fucked by my brothers outside.

Even his father-in-law’s family asked him several times.

What can he do.

There is nothing he can do!
He also wants someone to stop this!

However, no!

It's very sad.

The man also acted as if he was deeply in love and had no regrets.

Then, Qu Xiucai, who was deeply in love and had no regrets, actually ran away from the marriage on the spot.

To be honest, the surprise came so unexpectedly, it was so exciting!

But my mother seems unwilling to face reality.Rong Yao said with a cold face, "You don't need to worry about this matter. I will go to the Qu family to find out."

Qu Zhe must have had compelling reasons.

She thinks wildly.

From the business war to the civet cat changing the prince, I thought about it all and denied it.

The facts can only be determined by seeing people.

"Mom, why are you so stubborn? What else is there to say, what else is there to ask? That guy named Qu can run away from the marriage on the spot, which shows that he doesn't want you anymore. He tramples on our family like this, and I will never allow you to marry him again. Even the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the eldest sister and the second sister will not agree to it!" After saying that, he complained again and again, "Mom, do you know how the outside world views our family now? They all think that our Wang family is a joke. , It’s a big joke, those cheap,,, people are laughing at our family. You don’t know, my father-in-law and mother-in-law looked extremely embarrassed when they left just now. They didn’t even say hello. I heard that my second sister was even raped by my sister-in-law after she returned. Ridiculous"

He said a lot, with the purpose of making Rong Yao give up.

He really doesn't want to have a stepfather weighing down on him!

Human nature!

Rong Yao remained unmoved.

To put it bluntly, these are not her children. No matter what they think in their hearts, they have nothing to do with her hammer.


She has fulfilled the original owner's wish, and the remaining time is left to her own happiness.

No one can stop her from being with her true love.

Waving his hand, "This matter is non-negotiable. If you feel embarrassed, I agree to separate the family."

Give them all to my mother.

If you think I'm embarrassed, then don't enjoy the benefits I bring.

"Also," she looked at Fourth Young Master Wang, "this is not the Wang family, but the Rong family."

Fourth Young Master Wang:!

How did it come and go in the end.

Full of anger.

He felt unspeakably aggrieved and went back to the yard to complain to his wife. In the evening, the brothers drank some wine and complained again.

".Obviously it's the Wang family! What do you mean, mother! She only wants us brothers. If she doesn't leave the things in her hands to us, how can she leave them to others? Does she still want to give birth to a child for that man named Qu? She also Don’t look at how old you are.”

Second Young Master Wang pondered for a moment, "My brother, what you said is wrong. That Qu Xiucai married into his mother's wife, and when she gave birth to a child, her surname was Rong."

Third Young Master Wang sneered, "So this family property really doesn't deserve our surname Wang." As he said this, he looked at Young Master Wang who was drinking quietly at the side, "I just feel sorry for the eldest brother. The eldest brother is the eldest son of our Wang family. Sun, who has been taught business by his grandfather since he was a child, has also taken over several shops. He should have inherited [-]% of our family's property, but now he..."

He shook his head, poured a glass of wine, and drank one with Young Master Wang. He then looked at the other two brothers and said, "Come on, everyone, raise a glass to us who are so pitiful."

He drank it while talking.

Young Master Wang remained silent.

He didn't speak, and his face didn't look very pretty.

Fourth Young Master Wang's eyes were filled with fierceness, "Otherwise, I'll find someone to kill that Qu Xiucai!"

"Brother, you must not do this."

"I have made up my mind. I must teach him a lesson so that he will never dare to appear in front of my mother again!"

Second Young Master Wang: "Just give some punishment, but don't hurt people's lives."

"Second brother, don't worry, I still know the severity."

If nothing else, the scholar's reputation makes people fear him.

Fourth Young Master Wang quickly arranged the manpower.

His people were lurking outside Qu's courtyard, waiting for Qu Zhe to go to his classmate's appointment, and jumped out when he reached a remote alley.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

The leader sneered, "You don't need to know who we are. As long as you remember, stay away from Rongdong's house in the future, and it's best to leave Xuancheng. The labor and management can spare your life today, otherwise, hum! "

Song Shi's eyes widened, "So you are sent by Rong Mansion!"

"This is none of your business. Do you agree or not?" He neither admitted nor denied.

Song Shi: No. I have to ask my fist about this.

Fourth Young Master Wang's original intention was to use force to resolve his mother's bad love affair, but in the end he also used force.

Basically nothing wrong!

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