Chapter 221 No. 22 Sugar Cane [-]
Song Shi beat them into the Yamen with his fists.

"These people followed me all the way until I got to a place where no one was around before they took action. They were very vicious. I suspected they wanted to kill me."

Complain to an adult confidently.

Qu Zhe has a good reputation and his own knowledge is also very good. It is very likely that he will pass the exam in the autumn.

The county magistrate attaches great importance to it.

Interrogated immediately.

Extremely harsh.

It was very easy to use the official's daily weapon-beating board.

It didn't take long for the results to come.

It's the Wangfu. Oh, now it's the Rongfu, taking action.

Want revenge.

The county magistrate: "."

This couple... no, not an unmarried couple, that's not right either. It's not easy for him to talk about the affairs between the former engaged couple.

Logically speaking, using marriage to ruin someone's reputation is unforgivable even if it is not intentional.But the special relationship between the two.
There is also a saying that real couples reunite after breaking up.

Household affairs are difficult to deal with and difficult to deal with.

To be honest, if it were him, he would also find someone to deal with the scumbag.

Song Shi nodded, "Really? Sure enough, they are taking revenge on me. I know it."

Go outside after speaking.

The county magistrate hurriedly shouted, "Qu Xiucai!" Just left like that?

Forget it?

Song Shi waved his hand and did not look back.

The county magistrate's face was tense, "If you dare to attack someone with a high reputation in broad daylight, please come and take them down and put them in jail."

Ignore the wailing and begging for mercy from those gangsters.

He sent someone to Rong Mansion again.

The matter was done by the Rong Mansion. As the head of the Rong Mansion, Rong Yao should restrain his son.

This time he didn't care too much, purely because the Rong family was a large taxpayer.

Rong Yao was stunned.

His face stiffened for a moment, "Isn't it a mistake?"

"He has already confessed. If the Rongdong family doesn't believe it, they can ask the Fourth Master to come out and confront him." The Yamen servant said with a straight face.

Of course Rong Yao wants to confront him.

The original owner’s wish was that his sons would live well and his grandchildren would be safe and healthy. Originally, everything was accomplished, but in the end
Just knocked speechless.

Fourth Young Master Wang was called over, waving his fan in a suave manner.

Hear the officer's question.

He refused to admit it and sneered, "The gangsters outside did bad things and got involved with me. If I admit it this time, anyone can bite me in the future!"

The yamen servant's face was expressionless: "If Mr. Wang is wronged, you can go to the county yamen to play drums. Your Excellency is fair and honest, and he will definitely give you justice."

You can never miss a bad guy wronging a good guy.

Fourth Young Master Wang snorted, "Young Master, I have my own opinions on matters."

The yamen servant left.

Rong Yao looked at the youngest son of the original owner and said in a deep voice, "What's going on!"

Fourth Young Master Wang turned to look at her, "Mother also suspects it's me?"

So what?

It's wrong for you, a mother-in-law, to doubt your own child no matter what!

You should stand by your son unconditionally!
It's so sad!
Rong Yao looked at her youngest son with aggrieved face, stubborn and stubborn, and sighed, "Mother said that she will handle it by herself, why do you have to do it yourself? If there are good and bad people, you are upright and fair, and mother can't I promise to keep you safe and sound."

This temperament was favored by everyone in the Wang family.

They have all become relatives.

She didn't think she could get it back.

Having raised many children, sometimes it’s really tiring to deal with naughty children.

This was the kind of task she was least willing to take on.

It's a pity that she can't choose the mission independently.

Without polishing, it cannot become a jade. If it is worn out, it only means that the material is not good.


It seems that we can consider dividing the family.

After Fourth Young Master Wang left, Rong Yao ordered the housekeeper to prepare a gift.

She planned to go to Qu's house in person.

After so much success in the world, the accident that day really caught her off guard.

A few days passed, and Qu Zhe never came to see her.

She was originally waiting for the other party's explanation.
She didn't care about the opinions of outsiders, they were just a group of NPCs, so why should she take it to heart? She just wanted to understand the reason for this incident.

The housekeeper came in and reported, "Old madam, everything is ready."

Rong Yao: "." Can you cancel that old character?

She is reminded of her age at all times.

So annoying!

"Let's go."

Walking in front with an expressionless face.

The housekeeper carefully looked at the old lady's face and couldn't tell whether she was angry or not.

It's hard to guess the master's thoughts.

The carriage is waiting at the door of the house.

Rong Yao wore an iris blue light cloud gauze skirt with exquisite embroidery, which made her skin particularly white and translucent, elegant and refined. She did not look like a grandmother at all. The calm temperament on her body gave her a more mature temperament.

Get in the car on a low stool.

Maid Xiaocui followed closely behind.

She totally disagreed with the fact that her master took the initiative to find the heartless man.


If only that scumbag had come to the door first to plead guilty, he would die to apologize!
Madam has done nothing wrong, why should she bow her head first?
In her opinion, whoever bows his head first will be inferior to others.

The Rongfu family has a great business, but the Qu family is so stupid, why take Qiao!
This is how the big and small merchants in Xuancheng will treat the old lady in the future!
Her eyes were red with anger.

The Qu family is in the outer city.

The carriage drove for more than half an hour before stopping at the entrance of a small courtyard.

Such luxurious carriages are rare in the outer city.

The car curtains are beautifully embroidered and seem to glow in the sunlight. They are materials that few outsiders can afford.

Many people in the alley secretly opened their doors and looked out.

The butler came up and knocked on the door.

"Who is it! Here we come!"

There were unhurried footsteps inside, and after a moment, the door creaked open, revealing Zhou's smiling face.

The smile on her face suddenly froze when she saw the people outside.

"Yes, it's Butler Rong."

Rong Yao supported the maid's hand and came down.

Zhou's face was so stiff that she was almost trembling, "Old, old lady is here too."

Stiff smile.

Rong Yao's face turned dark.

I was going to call you aunt, but you called me "old lady" and asked me to say hello.

In all these years, I have never felt that age is an issue.

Can only nod.

Consider it a greeting.

Mrs. Zhou stood in the middle of the door, "Old. Why is the old lady here?"

Xiao Cui exploded, "Can't my wife come? My wife——"

"Xiao Cui!" Rong Yao scolded, "Master, there is no place for you to interrupt when you are talking, and you still don't apologize to Mrs. Qu!"

Xiaocui felt extremely aggrieved, "It's true, madam, this is obviously something their family did wrong. Madam, you deigned to condescend to come here, but they actually asked you why you came. Don't they know why you came here? Come on, our house is so... So many benefits, no gratitude at all, they are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

"Xiao Cui!"


Xiaocui turned away.

Rong Yao looked at Mrs. Zhou apologetically, "Auntie, please don't be angry. Xiaocui is outspoken. I will punish her severely when I get back to my house."

Zhou asked for love symbolically.

No distractions.

It's not up to you to decide whether to fine or not.

Besides, how can I, a woman from an ordinary family, manage the house of a wealthy family?
If you really respect her, you won't stop this girl after she's done tearing her apart.

Not interesting.

Rong Yao: "Is Azhe at home? I have something to say to him."

Mrs. Zhou smiled and stepped aside, "Look at my memory. I'm so slow to treat you. Madam, please come in quickly. My son is studying in the room. I'll call him right away."

A group of people came in.

She closed the door and shouted, "Boss, the old lady is here, go and call your brother out."

He led Rong Yao to the main room and poured tea, "My family is poor and there is no good tea. The old lady can just drink it."

Rong Yao lowered his eyes and took it.


Is it necessary? One mouthful belongs to an old lady. No need to remind me. I know my age.


In modern times, it would be a large-scale social death scene!

(End of this chapter)

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