
Brother Yuanzha was very nervous, "Azhe, Rong Dong's family is here, what should we do?"

The power of capital can crush people to death!
The Qu family is an ordinary family. It doesn't matter if they don't have money, they can be reduced to scum!

He looked at his calm younger brother and once again lamented his father's sharp eyes. It was wise to leave the Qu family in his younger brother's hands.

Face your own shortcomings again.

Song Shi put down the book and said, "Brother, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Qu Feng: "...I'm still afraid."

That's Rong Mansion.

I can't afford it.

Song Shi: The kind of person who won't compromise even if you can't offend him.

He straightened his clothes and went out.

Rong Yao just took a sip of tea, and the bitterness in her mouth instantly spread.

Her expression didn't change.

This is nothing, she even chewed the bark of trees in some tasks.


Hearing the sound, she turned around quickly, but was stunned for a moment.

His eyes were staring straight at the young man opposite him, those eyes. Those eyes.

Not those eyes!

Those are not Qu Zhe's eyes!
Those eyes reflecting her figure were so unfamiliar.

Rong Yao was stunned.

It felt like even the air had stopped flowing.

Not only the eyes, but also the temperament has changed, and the tacit understanding of the previous soul has completely disappeared.

"Dong Rong's family."

Song Shi said a faint hello and looked at Mrs. Zhou, "Mom, if you have anything to do, go ahead and do your work. I'll just entertain Rong Dong's family."

"Xiao Cui, go out and wait for me."

Rong Yao also sent the maid out.

There were only two people left in the main room.

Xiaocui stood far away, stretching her head to look here from time to time, as if she was afraid that she would suffer a loss.

Song Dynasty was very magnanimous.

Rong Yao didn't know where to start.

After a long while, he asked with difficulty, "Why are you running away from your marriage?"

Song Shi: "I'm sorry."

But no regrets.

Rong Yao was not stupid, so he could naturally tell that there was no sincerity in his tone.


She had to get an answer.

Song Shi walked to the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it all in one gulp.

Why escape from marriage?

"Of course there is a reason why I cannot get married."

Rong Yao continued to ask.

Song Shi looked at her, from top to bottom, and finally his eyes fell on her face, "Dong Rong, you are beautiful and you look very young. If you don't say it, no one will think that you are old enough to be a grandmother. "Yeah, I'm an ordinary man who just wants to find a well-matched wife to spend my whole life with, but I really can't accept that my wife is two times older than me."

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and said, "You probably won't believe it. I clearly remember that I was practicing calligraphy in the study. I was too tired so I took a rest. Then I woke up and got married in the wedding hall. It scared me."

"I can't help it! I can't get married to a stranger!"

"Fortunately, there was still enough time, so it didn't lead to a big mistake."

"To be honest, if I hadn't experienced such an outrageous thing personally, I wouldn't believe it even to death. I'm only fifteen, I'm so young, and I have no intention of getting married at this time."

There was a bit of innocence in his eyes.

Rong Yao's heart kept sinking.

sink to the bottom of the pool.

"You mean, you don't know why you got married to me? Then, do you still remember how you met me?"

I don't want to believe it at all.

But seeing the young man in front of him who looked nothing like his old friend, he shook his head, "I don't know, I really can't figure it out."

"Rongdong's family is very nice, but they are not my type. Besides, you have been married and have so many children and grandchildren. I don't dislike women remarrying, but in fact, there is a big gap between you and me."

"We know each other. I don't remember knowing Rong Dong's family."

Rong Yao came out of Qu's house and sat on the carriage. Her whole body seemed to be drained, with no energy at all.The face that was finally picked out seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

"Old lady."

"Go back home!" She ordered tiredly.

Xiaocui wanted to say something else, but seeing that she was too tired, she had to shut up.

the next day.

A matchmaker came to the door.

It was Aunt Hong who was the matchmaker between the two.

She came to return the betrothal gift that Rong Yao had given when he proposed marriage. Song Shi also gave her the things that they had given each other when they got along before and asked her to return it.

Rong Yao accepted it.

As for the things Qu Zhe originally gave her, she didn't return them. Instead, she converted them into silver and said she couldn't find them.

Song Dynasty didn't care much.

The handover was clear and the matchmaker left.

This seemingly incompatible marriage was completely over.

As soon as the news came out.

Everyone in Xuancheng was talking a lot.

"Really quitting?"

"Then the Rongdong family didn't bother Qu Xiucai? That's impossible!"

"Do you think that Qu Xiucai is ill? It's him who wants to marry an old woman, and he's the one who runs away before marriage. Is he really being playful?"

"Anyway, whoever dares to play with my daughter like this will be exposed by labor and management!"

"If you ask me, Qu Xiucai is not clear-headed. He is a good scholar, but he went to become his son-in-law. Is he sick?"

"Rongdong's family is the same. They are already very old. Why don't they take care of their grandchildren? They want to marry a young man. She doesn't feel ashamed. She doesn't know that her sons suddenly have more than one son. I'm still a little kid, so I can't even shout out loud, hehe."

"Who knows then."

Not only did the people in Xuancheng find it incredible, Qu Dafu and the Zhou family were both dumbfounded.

Just, is it okay?
"Son, is everything okay? Did Rongdong's family ask us to move to another city? When will we move?" Ms. Zhou asked anxiously.

She doesn't want to move.

Her ancestors have been here for generations, where will she move?She doesn't want to go anywhere.

Qu Feng also looked at him eagerly.

He has recently fallen in love with a girl, the daughter of a newly moved wine shop two streets away. He is planning to tell his family and find someone to propose marriage.

If he moved elsewhere, he would kiss her with a hammer.

People in Xuancheng disdain to marry outside.

There is a place for baggage.

"Moving? Which house to move to? No need to move," Song Shi said.

"Then" what else does Zhou want to ask?

He was interrupted by Song Shi, "Mom, there are some things I can't tell you. I just want you to remember that there are dad and brother. The matter between me and the Rongdong family ends here. Marriage between a man and a woman has nothing to do with each other."

Strangers should behave like strangers.

"It was a unanimous decision that we made."

In this way, Qu Dafu, Zhou and Qu Feng will not be mentioned again.

As long as it doesn't bring any trouble to the family.

Qu Dafu nodded, "That's fine, that's fine. It's fine. Just read hard and concentrate on preparing for the exam."

Once you win the prize and your worth doubles, you will no longer dare to talk about these gossips.

People can be promoted to official positions.

In other words, slandering a court official is a serious crime.

You have to hold it back if you have anything to say!

Song Shi: "I listen to dad."

From that day on, he read at home and never went out.

If he goes out, he will be criticized and face other people's strange eyes. He is stupid to take the initiative to seek punishment.

Although Rong Yao knew the truth, she did not give up. Instead, she kept looking for someone to monitor every move of the Qu family.

She couldn't believe that her true love disappeared without even saying goodbye!

There must be something wrong.

And this Qu Zhe is not necessarily the original Qu Zhe.

She has rich experience in tasks and has her own standards for judgment.

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