Song Shi could reveal any flaws, of course not.

In addition to eating, he stayed at home studying and practicing calligraphy. Occasionally he went out to visit his teacher at his home. He also went to the Yamen to report that he found someone lurking near his home, always following him, and suspected that someone was trying to do harm to him.

The exams are around the corner, and we always hear about students who are unable to attend due to various accidents.

The county magistrate also fought on the single-plank bridge of the imperial examination. It was even dark, so he sent people to investigate and quickly caught the people hiding in the dark.

Ordinary people would be frightened to death when they see an official.

Without asking a few questions, everything was explained.

County magistrate: "."

It’s Rongfu again!

What the hell are you doing!
This was something Qu Xiucai did wrong. If he wanted compensation or an apology, he could just raise it openly. No one could say anything to Rongfu.

But, there is always a negative side.
Then don’t reconcile!

She sighed in her heart, after all, this woman is not as good as a man. Rong Yao is good at doing business, but she can only teach her children in the management backyard.

The two scoundrels who followed Qu Xiucai were beaten ten times and put in a cell, and the government officials were asked to go to Rong Mansion.

This is the last chance he gives Rongfu. If he does it again, he will not let it go.

If Qu Xiucai was in high school this time, he would be a juren. If he was lucky enough to get a ranking in the palace examination, he would be a disciple of the emperor. Such people must be friends.

He comforted her and promised that this would never happen again.

Song Shi left the county government with satisfaction.

The Rong Mansion was given a stern warning, and the yamen officer was sent away with good words.

Rong Yao sighed.

That Qu Zhe is really not her lover.

Fourth Young Master Wang looked aggrieved, "Mom, can I go?"

It's really frustrating.

The time he was scolded before, he still figured out that it was him who did it.

But this time. This time it’s really not the case!
Blame it on him.

But his mother still believed him and scolded him.

Who the hell did he take the blame for?
Rong Yao waved his hand, "Go ahead."

Fourth Young Master Wang went out of the yard and went to find his three brothers.

Young Master Wang: "What? Is there anyone else in the government targeting Qu Xiucai?"

Second Young Master Wang: "I don't know."

Third Young Master Wang: "What did you do, Fourth? Is Mom angry?"

All three of them looked confused and said, "I've never done this before."

Fourth Young Master Wang said angrily, "Labour and management want to deal with Qu Naya, but they won't fall into the same pit twice!" As he spoke, he took a deep breath and looked at his three brothers, "My brother is the scapegoat. I have already carried it, but at least I want to let the younger brother know who he is carrying it for. Big brother, second brother, and third brother, just tell me who found someone to keep an eye on that kid."

He suffered a big loss for no apparent reason, so he must be given an explanation.

The three did not speak.

Wang Si saw the situation and said anxiously, "Brothers, this is not authentic. I just want to know the truth. I am also very angry with that scholar Qu, and I will never blame you."

"We are brothers, how could we turn against each other over such a trivial matter?"

The three looked at each other.

In the end, it was the boss who stood up first, "Fourth brother, you know, I never agree with this."

Since the death of my father and grandmother
He actually knew something inside.

The second child and the third child also said, "Do we still need to take action? The spittle and stars from the whole process can drown him."

Besides, aren't you still here, the fourth boy, you're such an awesome guy?Don't they enjoy watching the show?

What if my mother knows
Now, isn't this what you have been trained on?

Fourth Young Master Wang: "."

Did you ask for a result?
So angry!
But the four brothers still had some eyes and ears in the house. After careful investigation, they really found something.

Of course, this was also because Rong Yao temporarily forgot to tell her to keep her mouth shut.Fourth Young Master Wang: "So, I actually took the blame for my mother?!"

Pupil earthquake.

Third Young Master Wang comforted him, "At least it's my mother. You didn't do it for nothing. My mother will definitely compensate you from other places."

"For example, let's get back together with that guy named Qu and give me a younger brother and sister? It would be great to have someone else come in." Fourth Young Master Wang patted the third brother's hand on his shoulder and sneered.

When he said this, the other three fell silent.


The marriage was canceled, but my mother still found someone to keep an eye on the Qu family and watch his every move. Doesn't this mean that my mother is unwilling to let go?
They are men, and they understand this inevitable feeling.

Although my mother is a woman, she is almost like a man now.

Desperately wanting to get it.

The less you get, the more you want.

I can't sleep thinking about it.

The two people were already in love. Although I don't know why Qu Xiucai escaped from marriage, they have a deep emotional foundation. It only takes a little spark to rekindle the old relationship.

And they were miserable.

As a descendant of a father whose mother hated them so much, when a new father came in and a new child was born, they had no choice but to leave the house.

The property that the Wang family has worked hard for for generations has to be made cheaper by people with other surnames.

That is not only money, but also represents status in Xuancheng.

All four fell silent.

After a long while, the second child lowered his eyes, took back the fan and squeezed it tightly, "Mom is old, and she should take care of her grandchildren for the rest of her life, but now she is still running around for business, while those of us who are young are doing nothing at home. It's really inappropriate. It's necessary to shoulder the responsibilities of the family. If my mother really likes Qu Xiucai, there will always be a way for him to come into the house to accompany my mother to relieve her boredom. Otherwise, we won't even dare to go to the underworld. Facing the ancestors of the Wang family."

As soon as he said this, he immediately got the acquiescence of the other three people.

The old lady refuses to delegate power?
What's so difficult about that.

Just let her have no energy to worry about anything else.

Rong Yao was always in a bad mood during this period. Business matters were extremely complicated and brain-consuming, and he had not yet trained his manpower. He also had to think about his lover's affairs. By the time he noticed something was wrong, it was obvious that something was wrong with his body.

She was frightened and frightened.

He sent his confidants to conduct a thorough investigation.

Only then did she find out that a few cheap sons had taken advantage of her.

The four of them knew that she was well versed in pharmacology, and they bought unknown powder from traveling merchants in the Western Regions at a high price and mixed it into her spices.

It will become weak over time.

Naturally, there is nothing to do.

The world is full of surprises.

Rong Yao is good at medicine and medicine, but there are so many plants in the world, and she doesn't know all of them.

That’s it!
This was her first encounter with Waterloo in so many missions.

He prepared some medicine for himself and forced himself to deal with the four evil obstacles in the house.

Difficult to deal with.

The original owner's wish was to take revenge, and for his children to be well and not to die in misfortune or poverty like in his previous life.

She wanted to get rid of her cheap son, which was contrary to the original owner's wishes.

But if he doesn't deal with it, he won't be able to swallow it.

Very annoying.

I had no choice but to ban them first, take away the little power they had, and buy a batch of servants in the house.

It is not difficult for Fourth Young Master Wang and others.

All kinds of small movements continue.

The two parties maintained a situation of peace on the surface but undercurrents were surging. All it took was a needle to pierce the window paper.

On the other side, Song Shi embarked on the road to rush for the exam.

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