Chapter 225 No. 26 Sugar Cane [-]
Not long after Song Shi arrived home, the county magistrate sent someone over and invited him to a banquet three days later.

He smiled and agreed.

Send the butler away.

Next, many large merchants in Xuancheng sent people over.

Posture very low.

They both mean making friends.

Immediately afterwards, another matchmaker came to the door, beaming with joy. The daughter of this family, Gang Jin and Ji Xianshu, were dignified and worthy of being married women. The girl from that family was as beautiful as a flower, gentle and willing to be by her side. It was no surprise that they were all good women from Xuancheng.

Either he is a poet or a scholar, or he is extremely rich.

In the past, a young scholar would never even think about this.

Also take concubines.
Do you have enough money to support me?
Mrs. Zhou was so happy that she couldn't help but think about what kind of worthy wife she would choose for her youngest son.

Qu Dafu also laughed.

Now that the family has changed, he is no longer an unknown person.

Song Shique shook his head, "The palace examination will be held in March next year. I must study carefully and not be distracted by any slack. The marriage is postponed."

"After the palace examination, if you can be ranked among the best, the choice of relatives will be different."

At that time, she must be the daughter of an official family.

Qu Dafu and Mr. Zhou were surprised and happy, and even broke out in a cold sweat.

They were dazzled by the prosperity in front of them. Fortunately, they did not agree to others in private, otherwise they would have missed their son's bright future.

A good in-law family can bring the family to a higher level.

"We understand. Your marriage will be subject to your wishes. If anyone comes to marry you, your mother and I will reject them all. Just read your book seriously."

Prepare well.

The whole family relies on you to enjoy the coolness.

If your big tree develops well, it can also provide shade for future generations.

Family, you must first be a family before you can have a clan.

"Thank you mom and dad."

The younger son can’t decide on his marriage, but the eldest son can definitely do it.

He is the only biological brother of the same mother and father, so it is a good relationship to have him.

Zhou let out the wind.

The younger son is focused on preparing for the imperial examination and will not talk about marriage for the time being. The older son is interested in marrying a gentle and virtuous woman as his wife.

All of a sudden, the matchmaker came to visit, and it was very lively.

Qu Feng was extremely anxious.

He had long been interested in the daughter who was drinking two blocks away. If he hadn't accompanied his younger brother to rush for the exam, he would have asked his parents to propose marriage, but now...
"Mom, I have someone I like!"

He gritted his teeth and pulled Mr. Zhou into the room and said.

Zhou asked.

"No! I don't agree!"

Let’s not talk about how our family is different now. As for the newly opened wine shop, really, the boss’s seven or eight daughters are all dressed up and charming, and word has spread that they sell wine. After welcoming the guests in, What he does is actually another business.

not clean.


"I will never allow a woman like that to come in under any circumstances. If you have the ability, go to your father and see if he can deal with you!"

Qu Feng: "."

Drooping his head.

Labor and management really don’t have the ability to hit a snake within a few inches!

But the lovely girl is really pretty
In response to this, Song Shi said that this was just a simple unrequited love.

"Mom, if the eldest brother wants someone good-looking, why don't you choose someone who is good-looking and good-tempered and can best control the eldest brother?"

He gave friendly advice.

Qu Feng retorted in a low voice, "I want her."

Mr. Zhou was shocked and said, "You are so grown up and your brother has to worry about you. Do you think you have the nerve to be the eldest brother?"

"Don't worry about the marriage. I promise to choose a good one for you!"

When she saw her eldest son and wanted to say something, she glared and said, "I am your mother, how can I still harm you!"

Qu Feng shrank his neck and said no more.

But he made up his mind to find a matchmaker privately to inquire about his sweetheart.

Song Dynasty refused all marriage proposals, but no one in Xuancheng dared to say anything.

What can I say.

That's a good thing!
It’s up to people!
I can count the entire 30 years in Xuancheng on two fingers!
It is equivalent to a living treasure.

Take the literal meaning, a living treasure, or a growing treasure.

Who wouldn't want to take this baby who can bring the whole family into his arms?Let’s look back at the time when Qu Xiucai ran away before getting married.

The Rongdong family had good eyesight, and they had spotted it early on. It was a pity that they figured it out at the critical moment. Otherwise, how could she be so virtuous and capable if an old lady was given to her as her husband?
Toad wants to eat!

Because of the serious internal strife in the family, no one in the Rong Mansion had the extra energy or time to trouble Song Shi. His entire process of passing the imperial examination was uneventful and smooth.

Rong Yao once saw Song Shi from a distance. When she came out of the shop, the students in the teahouse opposite were discussing history, and her face turned red. Song Shi stood in the center and talked about his self-confidence and elegance, which was absolutely impossible to appear in her lover. thing.

She turned away.

Winter passes quickly.

Before the ice melted on the road, Song Shi got up and headed to the capital.

no way.

Xuancheng is too remote.

To get from such a remote place to the most prosperous and concentrated place of power in Daning, it would take more than a month to travel by land and water.

Including the time spent sick and resting on the road, it would be two months short.

Some are in poor health and cannot even make it to the capital.

This time, of course, the eldest brother will be the book boy.

He just went to relax.

Ever since he learned the true identity of the wine shop's daughter, he had been depressed. He just wanted to find something to do to distract himself and leave that sad place for the time being.

Qu Feng followed his little brother away in confusion.

The journey is neither fast nor slow.

When we arrived in the capital, it was spring and flowers were blooming. Fortunately, neither of them got sick.

Still rented a quiet small courtyard.

Soon, the time for the palace examination came.

In Song Dynasty, he and many students from all over the world knelt in the Tai Chi Hall and shouted long live.

He couldn't help complaining that my straight sugar cane was broken after all.

And, hooray?
Long live labor and capital, okay?

Human beings are so vain, always fantasizing about things that are simply impossible to obtain.

The next step was to do the questions in front of the emperor and the civil and military officials.

He was in no hurry.

Even if the emperor stands behind him, he will not be affected.

The results of the palace examination came out very quickly.

He is in the middle of the pack again.

Since ancient times, only the first three flowers can be remembered.

pretty good.

This is not the real world. It's okay, but it won't get into Yuan Zhi's hands in the end.

Yellow sand will bury everything.

Including this world.

After passing the palace examination, in Song Dynasty he was assigned to serve as the county magistrate in a small county in the south of the Yangtze River. As usual, he returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and this time he held a big feast.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't agree.

Even the clan would not agree to the matter of honoring the ancestors.

All the famous gentry and merchants from Xuancheng came.

As a member of the Xuancheng Chamber of Commerce, Rongfu also came, but——

"Is that Rong Dong's family?"

He was surprised.

The boss who was chatting saw that he was interested and quickly replied, "Yes, it's Mr. Rong's family."

But, why are you so old?
He had to be helped away by the maids.

She was only in her 40s, she looked to be in her [-]s at least.

Seeing that he couldn't believe it, the man explained, "I heard that her sons were dissatisfied with her holding the Wang family's property tightly in her hands without letting go of her power, so they impulsively gave her something. That thing was brought by a businessman from the Western Regions." She came here because she didn't understand the language, so she couldn't figure out its function at all. Now her four sons have been kicked out of the house, and she has become like this."

He shook his head and said, "I don't know how many days I can live well."

Song Dynasty also sighed.

Within a few days, white flags were hung in front of the Rong Mansion.

The old lady of Rongfu passed away.

At this time, Mrs. Zhou was discussing the wedding date with the matchmaker. Song Shi stood in the yard, looking at the yellow sand rolling in the distance, and could only apologize to the cheap brother.

Just stay single.

(End of this chapter)

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