Chapter 226 No. 27 Sugar Cane [-]
Dizziness of familiarity sets in.

Before Song Shi opened his eyes, he felt that Yuan Zhi's eyes were as affectionate as the sea for thousands of years.

The next second, he met a pair of smiling eyes.

The girl's eyebrows are curved and her face is delicate, and her still green face has already begun to show its beauty in the future.

There seems to be a kind of magic in her eyes, a magical magic that can make people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

Song Dynasty: .
It's very sad!
What are you going to do this time?
If you can't kill him with a chop at the food market, if you can't kill him with poison, if you can't kill him with nausea after getting married, why should you use the sour smell of love to stink him to death?

Can you have something new!
He really doesn't want to die!
Is it so difficult for him to live?
There are so many sheep in the world, don’t try to catch just one.

He's going bald.

Suppressing the frenzied joy in her heart, she moved her eyes expressionlessly, turned her face sideways, and said coldly, "Girl, you're blocking my way."

It can be said to be very ruthless.

Zhang Yao, who was still capturing his weak soul through the window of his soul:.
One eye widened.

What is it?

What happened?
After checking your eyes, you... why did you turn your head away? ! !
Zhelang, I am Ayao!
Where is the resonance between our souls?

Song Shi said that there was no resonance, and there had never been any, just Yuan Zhi's unilateral roar of pain.

He lifted up his robe and went out.

Passed by without looking back.

Zhang Yao was stunned.

"Hey! Hey!" Uncontrollable panic spread wildly in her heart, and she quickly chased after her, regardless of her daughter's restraint.

"This girl, please stay." He said with a serious face and righteous words, "There is no intimacy between men and women. Please respect yourself, girl."

Zhang Yao couldn't believe it.


He actually told me to respect myself!
Has he forgotten the many days and nights during the many missions in which the two of them made love in all kinds of ways?

Heart hurts!

The maid caught up with her and looked at her with hesitation.

Zhang Yao lost interest in shopping and returned home dejectedly. As soon as she returned, she was told by the housekeeper that the master had been robbed by bandits while passing through Black Tiger Mountain to buy goods. The other party sent a letter asking for a large ransom.

Zhang Yao:? ? !

Got it wrong?

Obviously he was killed directly in his previous life!

Song Dynasty didn't care whether unrelated people were annoying or not. In the last world, he almost became a married man in just one breath. This time, it was still the first time they met, and it was even more unlikely that anything would happen.

Whoever likes to be a shield should do so.

Anyway, he doesn't do it.


If a certain Yao woman is not married, she will act as a husband and a child-bearing machine to prevent the heroine from being urged to marry or forced to marry someone else. She will marry once in the world and change grooms again and again.

But if a certain Yao is already married and separated.
His role has changed.

A proper human-shaped corn cob of a certain unspeakable person should not only provide that person with perfect love, thoughtfulness and tenderness, but also provide colorful services.

It’s very useful!
Don’t care what others think!
As one of the parties involved, that is his most real feeling!
Shame, shame!

He has no control!
Really do not have!

But these are all superficial.

The surface beauty of the sea is incomparably stunning, but below the sea level, there are countless dangers lurking, a suffocating and terrifying darkness. A careless move can drag people to endless hell, never to be reincarnated.

Two months later, yellow sand wrapped in darkness came.

Rolling up Song Dynasty leads to another world.

The three thousand worlds are like countless smart and translucent mirrors, floating in the darkness, bright and dangerous, in which the joys and sorrows of the world are staged.

The mirror is as bright as new, with a shimmering light on it, full of temptation.

A force swept Song Shi across the sea of ​​mirrors.

Take him straight to the front.

Song Shi's dark eyes were brewing with a storm. The afterimage of a huge dark purple sugar cane flashed behind him, and the edges of the green leaves spread out in the center of his forehead were covered with sharp jagged edges.

"How dare you plot against me! You are looking for death!"

A very terrifying force followed the force dragging him away.

A scream sounded in the dark space.

Song Shi took advantage of the victory and gave the opponent two more punches before being thrown into the small world.

The other party was probably really annoyed.As soon as he entered, he felt countless fierce murderous auras attack him.

Now the two sides are at odds.

No need to hide anymore.

This is a world of immortality, and Song Dynasty itself came from the highest level of the world of immortality.

He is like a duck to water.

In a few moments, all the monks who attacked him were wiped out.

The sky tore apart, rivers poured in, and the earth shook.

In the Song Dynasty, it rushed straight to the top of the sky.


Through the thick white clouds, a huge sphere appeared in front of him.

The ball was all white, flickering like a light bulb with poor contact.Slender transparent pipes extend from the center of the ball and are tied to a dozen small balls around it.

Those little balls come in different sizes.

But there is ice blue liquid slowly flowing through the pipe to the big ball.

Like, suck blood.

What a disgusting thing he actually did when he looked so innocent!

In the Song Dynasty, he could cut with his sword.

That thing actually had cracks after just a few cuts!
The surrounding balls whined in agony, but the ice-blue liquid flowed faster and faster.

With a crisp sound.
"Don't chop! Don't chop!"

A clear and pleasant Lolita voice shouted urgently.

The big white ball disappeared, and a little fairy-like girl appeared wearing a white fairy skirt and a double bun with a red dot between her eyebrows.

The girl was angry and anxious, "What are you doing! You are sick!"

Get sick!
Song Shi: Aren’t labor and management here to treat illnesses?Treat the root cause.

Pointing to the tentacle-like pipes, "What is this?"

"It's none of your business! Do you, a little tool, have the right to know?"

Song Shi sneered: "The little girl is quite proud! It seems like she has never experienced any beating from society."

He raised his hand.

The person floating in the air was in the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye.

Fingers clenched.

That slender and beautiful neck seemed to be broken.

The little girl's eyes looked like she was going to die in the next second.

"Help help"

"Forgive me!"

"Don't tell me!" Song Shi said harshly.

Although this girl looks like a fairy child, she has actually lived for who knows how many years.

A proper old monster.

"Speak! I speak!"

"Those tentacles are actually used by me to collect merits in the world."

Song Shi: Damn, those things are really tentacles!
"say clearly!"

"I said I'll say it right away, please let go of your hands first! Let go!"

Song Shi also felt that this gesture was too violent, so he let go of his hand, directly transformed a rope to tie her up and threw her to the ground.

Little girl:
It moved like a caterpillar.

Can't move.

I had to accept my fate.

"I am actually a system."

Song Shi was stunned for a moment.


Did he hear it right?
Can the system become sophisticated these days?

(End of this chapter)

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