Makes no sense!
It really doesn't make sense!
Otherwise, my mother would not have given up her intention to leave them and remarry.

Da Ya is nervous and scared. She got married today and was taken back. She still doesn’t know what her grandparents and aunts will do with her. Dad made this happen.
She bit her lip.

She couldn't say anything, her father was doing it for her.

The father and daughter walked in silence for more than half an hour at night, and finally arrived at the entrance of the village.

Da Ya slowed down and hesitated.

Song Shi turned to look at her and urged, "We don't even know what time it is, so hurry up."

Da Ya wanted to slap her forehead.

You really don't seem to be worried at all.

My elm-headed biological father!

Aren't you afraid that grandma will grab a carrying pole and drive our eldest son out of the house?
However, he quickened his pace.

By this time, the Song family had already rested, and the yard was dark.

Song Shi pushed open the wooden door and made a creaking sound, which was particularly harsh in the extremely silent night.

"who is it!"

Old Man Song's voice came from the room.


Song Shi responded.

Bian took the big girl in.

It had only been a day since she left this home, and she felt a sense of timidity in her hometown. Especially when she heard her father's voice, she shivered and didn't dare to lift her steps for a long time.

She dare not.

When she heard that it was her eldest son, Mother Song scolded her: "What have you done! I am your married daughter today. You did not clean up the house to help. You ran out to fool around. You came back in the middle of the night. I was so tired that my back ached. What did I do?" Damn it, if you give birth to a son and make me angry, if you can’t give birth to a son, I will help you raise your bunch of dead girls.”


A particularly unpleasant output.

These were Yuan Zhi's daily routine. He was numb when he heard them, and Song Shi didn't refute them.

Lead Da Ya back to the house.

Yes, several girls still live in the same room with him, which is very strange.

Erya and Sanya haven't slept yet.

Si Ya and Wu Ya were so hungry that they couldn't sleep and kept crying, but they didn't dare to let their grandparents and aunts hear. The last few of them bit their mouths and hugged each other and shed tears.

The two little ones were tired from crying and fell asleep.

But they couldn't sleep no matter what.

I miss my mother, my eldest sister, and the future.

Song Shi opened the door and came in.

Light the tung oil lamp.

Only then did the two of them see the person following their father, and their eyes widened instantly.

"Big sister"

Daya pursed her lips, "Erya, Sanya."

The two people's eyes were blank, they rubbed their eyes hurriedly, and looked again, they were really the eldest sister!
I was so happy that I rushed over.

Song Shi asked: "Have you eaten?"

Have a meal?

Erya and Sanya held their hands on their hungry, unconscious stomachs and lowered their heads, "Dad, we're not hungry."

Song Shi turned around and went out.

Eyes rolled wildly.

Can hunger be something that can still be controlled by others?Don't talk about cheap girls, he is already hungry.

Go straight to the kitchen.

It was really dark in the kitchen.

He went back to his room to get a tung oil lamp and searched around, but couldn't find a single hair.

The rice noodles were all locked in the cabinet by Song's mother.

Song Shi thought for a while.

Knocked on the door of Yuan Zha's parents' room.

As he gets older, it is difficult to sleep. Old Man Song finally stared in confusion, and was woken up by the knock on the door. He was still dreaming in a daze. His youngest son, who was the top pick in high school, was riding a horse through the streets. His father was sitting in the high hall and being fawned over by many wealthy men. , and as a result, he stepped on the air and fell down.

The fall made his heart skip a beat.

I couldn't regain my composure for a long time.

Song's mother had already scolded him, and the debt collector was beaten a thousand times. He changed his tricks.

The person outside the door continued to knock as if he had no eyesight at all.

"It's like urging me to die! It took me eight lifetimes of bad luck to give birth to such a son!" Mother Song put on her clothes and went to open the door at the man's impatient urging.

"You're up so late at night, why are you knocking?"

When she saw her eldest son standing outside the door, she scolded him.

Song Shi was not a person who liked to reason.

Doing too many tasks, he almost lost his own essence.

Sugar cane is straight forward, so why beat around the bush.

"Mom, I'm hungry, bring me something to eat." He interrupted Mother Song's curse loudly.Song’s mother: “.”

"Are you hungry? Are you a starved ghost and reincarnated? You have just eaten and you want to eat again! Is there a mountain of gold and silver at home? If you are hungry, go back to sleep. You will not be hungry when you fall asleep!"

Close the door after speaking.

Song Shi pushed hard against the door panel.

Mother Song was unprepared. Of course, she never thought that her eldest son, who was always very obedient and like a mindless puppet, would behave like this. In addition, the room was extremely dark, until the severe pain in her forehead reached her nerves. , she was already squatting on the ground crying out in pain.

Song Shili ignored her, strode into the door and started rummaging for things.

Although the rice noodles are locked up, aren't there still snacks and pastries?

Don't look at what Yuanzha's parents say about how difficult the family is and how they are short of money. The soup on the table twice a day is either clear or watery. Not to mention the meat is fishy and the food is oily. There are only ten rice in a bowl of porridge. I can count them all on my fingers.

But they will not treat themselves badly.

Not only can Yuan Zha work, but he can also hunt. His hunting skills are very good. He sells the prey and the skins and turns them over without leaving a penny.

Song's mother always had food ready in her room.

Who can stand such a meal?

They are no longer able to resist hunger when they are old.

In fact, the same is true for two- and three-bedroom apartments.

The fourth child, Song Yu, never lacks these.

Only Yuan Zha's family was as hungry as the refugees fleeing the famine.

In my memory, Wuya was starved to death.

He moved quickly, his aim was precise, and the house was not big, so he collected a large bag in an instant.

Old Man Song heard the old woman crying out in pain and said sharply, "What's wrong! What happened! Boss, what did you do to your mother!"

Song Shi was very rogue: "Dad, you are so dark, how could I know what happened to your mother?"

"Why don't you light the lamp quickly!"

Song Shi: "That's not possible! Our family is very poor. How can we use such precious things? My younger brother still has to take the exam to be a scholar. Besides, it's already time to go to bed. Why should we light the lamp? You and my mother are in this room. I’ve lived here my whole life, and I won’t step into a pit even if it’s dark, so don’t waste tung oil.”

He didn't care.

The search for things didn’t stop.

Mother Song covered her forehead and roared: "It was obviously you who hit me with the door!"

I killed my mother!
Song Shi said in a tone of 'Mother, why are you so unreasonable and unreasonable?' "It was so dark, how could I have known that mother was going to close the door? If mother had to blame me, then fine, it's me, it's me, it's me ,I admit."

very casual.

Mother Song was speechless.

more angry.

"I told you, there is nothing to eat."

"I know, didn't I say anything else afterwards?"

Song Shi opened his eyes in confusion.

Did I say something that insisted on food?

I do not have it!

I remember that I didn’t have any nonsense, reasoning, or begging for help!
He remembered it clearly and he only said it once.

Mother Song: "." That's true.

She touched the bulge on her forehead and hissed in pain, "Then why did you come in here?"

Is this your filial piety as a son to break into your parents' house casually?
Song Shi snorted, "I have something else to talk to my parents." He chuckled, sounding a little silly, "I think the matter is quite important, and I can't talk about it outside the door. I think it’s better to come in and say it more seriously.”

Mother Song snorted coldly, "What important thing can you do?"

Song Shi was unhappy.

I don't have anything important?
Does this mean that I am a dispensable person in this family?

Only things about people who don't care are unimportant.

So angry.

If I remember correctly, I just sold my labor and capital to a girl in exchange for money.

This disrespectful attitude is so abominable!

But it doesn't matter.

He took his daughter back.

Hehe smiled and said, "As long as Mom doesn't think it's important, that's fine."

He said and quickly slipped out.

Song's mother saw a pocket in his arms and screamed, "Boss, what did you take!"

Song Shi immediately shook his head, "No, no, mother, you are wrong." He added, "By the way, mother, the fool's family is scheduled to come to the door tomorrow. Remember to return the five taels of bride price given by them."

"Since Mom said my affairs are not important, then our Daya's affairs must not be important either."

"I brought Da Ya back. Mom, please remember to return the unimportant money."

After saying that, he slipped into his room.

Bolt the door.

He said to several children on the floor, "Wake up my sister and get up to eat."

Three girls:

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