The three girls saw their father take out several oil paper bags from his arms and quickly open them under the dim tung oil lamp. There were white sugar cakes, mung bean cakes, sesame candy, meat cakes, and even half a roast chicken. .

The chicken has stopped steaming a long time ago.

I don’t know what kind of condiment was used to make the red sauce, but the red sauce and oil condensed on the surface.

I don't know who took a sip of saliva.

No one dared to move.

Da Ya was trembling all over, "Dad, what are you..." Grandma will beat you to death!

She is almost thirteen.

I no longer know my place in this family.

Grandma will never give them anything good.

Then the question arises. These are obviously...
Daya was about to cry.

"Dad! We're not hungry, please give these things back!"

It’s really not worth losing your life just for one bite!Not worth it!
This also shows from the side how harsh and evil Yuan Zha’s parents are towards Yuan Zha’s family.

Song Shi didn't like to hear her cry.

He tore off a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

Da Ya, who was still crying: "." She immediately stopped and chewed twice subconsciously. Her eyes lit up immediately. It was delicious, so delicious!What a delicacy this is!
It's a pity that I ate too quickly.

When I wanted to savor it slowly, I had already swallowed it.

Saliva secretion crazy.

Song Shi stuffed a large piece of meat into her hand, "Eat, hurry up!"

Another piece was given to Erya and Sanya.

The remaining chicken leg was wrapped and hidden in the arms for the two little ones.

"eat fast!"

Seeing three girls holding roast chicken, they didn't dare to eat.

He said in a calm voice, "I have taken everything, but if you don't eat it, your grandparents will take it away. Not only will you not get the delicious food, but you will also be punished. You will be punished anyway, so why not fill your stomach."

Do you still need to think about this?

His shameless thoughts really shocked the three honest daughters.


Da Ya Er Ya felt that something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what was wrong.

But Sanya is too young to care so much.

The delicious croak is in your hand, so there is nothing else to think about.

Just do the cooking.

Bite hard on the chicken.


It's so delicious that I'm about to shed tears!
When the other two girls saw this, they didn't hesitate and started chewing.

Song Shi also took a bite of the big meat pie.


Even though it's cold, it's still delicious hot.

Yuanzha usually gets up early, and sometimes he has to go hunting in the mountains and get up early in the morning. He occasionally smells the aroma of meat in the kitchen, but Song's mother never admits it and scolds him for going crazy for wanting to eat meat.

"Hurry up! This food only belongs to us when it's in your stomach, no one can take it out-"

Before he could finish speaking, the door was banged.

"Boss! Open the door for Labor and Management! You unfilial thing! What did you just say! Da Ya is already married, and Labor and Management will never allow her to come back no matter what! Are you going to piss me off to death!"

Old Man Song pounded the door until it shook, and yellow mud kept falling to the ground.

Song Dynasty ignored it.

Continue to urge, "Hurry up! The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing. Don't be distracted!"

Da Ya Er Ya San Ya:.
This is not a matter of distraction at all, okay?

But the hand is faster than the heart.

The movement of stuffing things into his mouth was not slow at all.

It's all like this, there's no room for turning around, unless we turn back time.

Mother Song also rushed out of the house and shouted, "Unfilial son! Unfilial son! My snack! My roast chicken!"

Just listening to that voice, Song Shi seemed to see Song's mother being so heartbroken that she was jumping in anger, and she wanted to die for the culprit.

The two of them were filming and scolding each other outside!
There was a huge noise.

Soon, the lights in the second and third bedrooms also turned on, and shouts and curses were heard.

Two rooms were left one after another.

Learning what Song Da did from Song's mother's mouth felt like listening to a book from heaven.

Especially when they heard that Song Da took advantage of the situation and took away all the delicious food from their parents' room, Song's second sister-in-law and Song's third sister-in-law were so angry that her heart ached. There was only one thought in her mind: her eldest brother had monopolized the things that belonged to their family.

"Big brother! Big brother!"

"You are so unkind! How could you do this!"

Interspersed with the cries of children.

The old Song family was extremely lively.The nearby neighbors' houses gradually turned on their lights and began to curse.

After finishing their food, the family calmly wiped their mouths clean.

Tell Da Ya and Er Ya to take good care of the small ones.

Just throw the chicken bones out of the window.

After destroying the evidence, he poured a large bowl of water into his mouth, and then slowly opened the door.

Song's mother beat her and scolded her.

The door was opened unexpectedly, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Boss, you—" His eyes suddenly saw Da Ya standing in the center of the room, and the panic on her face made her whole face distort.

"You!" She looked as if she wanted to eat someone, "Did you really bring Da Ya back?"

The neighbors who had just walked to the door of Song's house to watch the excitement said: "."

? !
Oh, it’s really exciting now!

Song Shi: "I told you just now!" So why are you so shocked?

Da Ya, who was supposed to be at Fool's house, showed up at Song's house.
This issue
Sister-in-law Song asked, "Brother, why did you open the door just now?"

She said, craning her neck to look inside.

It seems that the aroma of roast chicken can still be smelled in the air.

"Brother! You stole my mother's things!"

Song Shi frowned and looked at her, "Second brother and sister, I am your eldest brother after all. What do you mean by barging into a man's house indiscriminately? Your Wang family girl is so uncouth, and I, Song Dake, must be innocent." , we are also human beings, there is no reason why my innocence as a man should not be important."

"Also, stealing? What stealing? What stealing? What did I steal from my mother?"

"Speak clearly, or" he looked behind him, "I'll beat you up."

It is impossible to report to the official.

To whom should I report it?

Not to mention that it takes two days to walk from Baishan Village to the county. Even the county magistrate would not care about such trivial and trivial matters.

Not interesting.

Sister-in-law Song's eyes widened and she didn't react.

Sister-in-law Song rushed to say, "Mother said this! Mother said it!" She turned to look at Song's mother, "Mother, in front of everyone, please tell me clearly what the eldest brother took from your house, so much If someone is here, I will definitely be able to help you seek justice!"

She also smelled the aroma of roast chicken and pastries.

If you can get it back.

She could definitely dig some out of her mother's hand.

Song Mu:.

Is this a matter of that little thing, a short-sighted thing?

Old Man Song's crutch hit the ground heavily, "Boss, what on earth is going on!"

Song Shi covered his head and looked like he had a headache, "I was lying in the room today, and Si Ya and Wu Ya kept crying. It made my head hurt and buzzed because of the noise. Si Ya and San Ya were still young, so I couldn't coax them no matter what. No, I thought I still have to be coaxed by Da Ya, so I went to the fool’s house to pick him up.”

Song family:
Just. That's it?

I thought it was the reason why I had no choice but to suffer so much that my conscience found out.

As a result, just because the family lacked someone to take care of the children?

I'm speechless.

Da Ya hugged Xiao Ya tightly, lowered her head, and tried to reduce her sense of presence.

"Then, will the fool's family be willing?" someone asked curiously.

The key is, NPC Ya is really back!

Song Shi looked innocent, "Is that important? Anyway, I brought the person back."

That person: "."

"Confused!" Old Man Song said bitterly, "Boss, how could you do such a thing! When a woman marries someone, she becomes someone else's family. You should send Daya back to your employer immediately!"

Song Shi shook his head, "I don't!"

"Da Ya sent me away. I don't want anyone to wash my clothes or take care of my children!"

Old Man Song: "." I'm so angry!
"Why don't you just do the laundry and take care of the kids? Can't we do that for two girls and three girls? A few girls' movies, money-losing goods, need your attention!"

Old Man Song's words were recognized by many neighbors.

But Song Shi was surprised, "Dad! You obviously got five and a half taels of silver for marrying my Da Ya. Five taels, so much. How did my Da Ya lose money? She made a lot of money for the family. However, listen to Dad. The meaning behind the words was that I probably thought it was too little and I didn't like it. I happened to tell the fool's family to come and ask for the money tomorrow morning. Dad would be able to give the 'compensation' money happily and happily by then. "

After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Dad is very rich. I don't need to worry about these 'losers'. I don't have any use for them. I despise them."

Old Man Song: Labor and management dislike it, but it won’t delay labor and management’s selling money!

"Evil son! Evil son!"

Song Shi yawned, "Dad, is there anything else? I've been tired all day and I'm so sleepy. If nothing happens, I'll close the door." After eating and drinking, he felt sleepy.

Then he said to the neighbors who were watching the excitement and did not mind the trouble: "It's getting late. Let's go home and wash up and sleep."

After saying that, he closed the door.

He didn't even care about the Song family who were still at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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