Damn it, I know.

In order to live up to the title of father, I, my son, will definitely commit more sins in the future, and I will definitely deserve it.

Old Man Song was so angry that his head was spinning.

"Open the door! Open the door for labor and management!"

Mother Song was crying, fussing and threatening outside, "Boss, you have grown up now, your wings have stiffened and you are disobedient, right? No matter how old you are, I am still your mother. Believe it or not, I will go to the county magistrate and accuse you of being unfilial. Let him beat you to death and let everyone in the county know that you, Song Da, are a beast who does not respect filial piety and parents! Let all your daughters be cast aside and unable to get married!"

"If you don't send Da Ya back, I will sell the other girls tomorrow!"

No matter what, we can't delay our youngest son's examination as a scholar!
The second sister-in-law Song and the third sister-in-law Song just echoed this. They wanted to know what their eldest brother had taken from the in-laws' house. They were heart-wrenching, as if there were countless ants gnawing at them.

What is it?

Is it worth it?
Regardless of whether it's valuable or not, if it doesn't end up in their room, it's a loss.

Huge loss!

Sister-in-law Song poked the man Song Er in the arm and asked in a low voice: "What did you say that the eldest brother stole from your parents?" She pursed her lips in that direction, "You go and ask?"

Song Er glanced at her sideways, "You are not happy to call you stupid. You think you are very smart, right? My parents have more important things now, and they obviously have no time to care about anything else. I won't go anyway, if you If you want to be sent up as cannon fodder, go ahead and don’t drag me along.”

Labor and management don’t want to die, they just want to watch the show and take advantage.

Sister-in-law Song was so angry that she pinched him.

Unprepared for this, Song Er's waist hurt so much that his face twisted.

He raised his hand and slapped the mother-in-law on the face.

Sister-in-law Song was stunned.

Song Er was also confused.

The neighbors who were watching the excitement were also confused by this move.

Severe pain in cheek.

There is a fishy and salty taste spreading in the mouth.

Being treated so disrespectfully by her husband in front of her neighbors, and thinking that she had given birth to the eldest grandson of the old Song family, she, who had always been shameless in front of everyone, screamed and rushed towards her husband.

Scratching and scratching and howling.

Song Er is a man. If he is pressed down and beaten by his own woman, is he still a man?

Fight back immediately!

Fight back hard!
This woman won’t poop on his neck until she’s beaten so hard once!

Men and women fight, showing no mercy to anyone!

The third bedroom of the Song family was also overwhelmed by the two men's god-like operations.

No, no, second brother and second sister-in-law, did you two make a mistake?Wake up! Hey!Our focus now is the eldest brother’s family, this is not the time for internal strife!

Go and pull it quickly!

Each person pulls one!
However, because they lost face and got into a fight and were beaten so hard, the two of them felt even more embarrassed and completely irrational, which made the person who started the fight miserable.

It was the sister-in-law who suffered the unreasonable disaster, and there were usually many conflicts of interest.
This is definitely a brawl!
What's funny is that Old Man Song and his wife have no idea how it turned out like this.

The boss refused to open the door.

There was even a thunderous snoring sound coming from inside.

The second and third sons were all injured again.

Old Man Song felt infinitely tired, all the energy and energy in his body had been drained, and even his back was bent.

"Go back, go back first, get up early tomorrow!"

if not?
There is still a tough battle to fight tomorrow.

If Da Ya is not married, the fool's family will definitely come to ask for someone. At that time, as long as they insist that they have spent all their money and ask someone to pay off the debt, they will have no objection to the fool's side.

Old Man Song had a plan in mind.

When he returned to the house, his hands and feet felt cold, so he asked the old woman to go to the kitchen to boil water for him to wash his feet.

Mother Song was not happy.

But he didn’t dare to refuse the old man.

Then he walked to the window outside the boss's house and shouted in, "Da Ya, come out and boil water for your father!"

Da Ya heard the voice and subconsciously wanted to get up, but Song Shi shouted, "Lie down! Go to sleep!"

Da Ya's half-sitting body hesitated for a moment before lying down again.

Mother Song didn't get a response, so she called Erya and Sanya again.

The room fell silent.She was so angry that she kicked the wall hard. The wall didn't hurt, but her feet hurt from the kick.

He limped away cursing.

After tinkering in the kitchen for a long time, I became disgraced and scolded by the old man for being too slow. Finally, I poured water for my feet before lying down tiredly.

She is also wronged.

What can she do.

Ever since her daughters-in-law came into the house, she had been living the wonderful life of a mother-in-law. Not to mention lighting the fire, setting up firewood, cooking, and washing dishes, she had not even wiped the table. Her daily job was to collect food and share meals.

It took her a long time to light the fire for more than ten years.

Ran goose-

She just lay down on the bed and before she could feel comfortable, she jumped up as if there was a spring on her waist.

Old Man Song, who was just about to fall asleep, was startled awake by her.

The anger suddenly rose.

Pick up the palm and slap it away!

"If you want to sleep, sleep! If you don't want to sleep, get out!"

When he was young, he had a hot temper. Because his mother-in-law gave him several sons in succession, and the youngest son was blessed with a good life by a Taoist priest, he usually did not like to argue with his old wife.

I'm really angry today.

Mother Song covered her face and explained weakly, "I, I just want to see how much stuff the boss took away."

As soon as she said this, Old Man Song couldn't sleep even more.

He said angrily, "Then why are you still sitting there! Why don't you get up and take a look!"

Song Mu:.
Get up quickly.

Light the tung oil lamp.

here, here, there
After she finished counting, she turned back and complained to the old man through gritted teeth, "The meatloaf and roast chicken you like are gone!"

Old Man Song: Finished!He won't be able to close his eyes tonight!

"The boss looks honest, but in fact he is the most secretive among the children. I hide it so well that the boss and his family are not allowed to come in on weekdays. Even if they deal with me, they won't let the boss and the two girls in. I do it all by myself. , when did he know where I hid my things!"

One touch is accurate.

It’s only been a short time since I entered the house and I’ve already touched so much.

There is also her favorite sesame candy, which she has always been reluctant to eat.

evil creature!

Debt collector!

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

Of course, except Dafang's family.

We had a full meal last night and even ate roast chicken, so we slept until dawn.

In the middle of the night, Siya and Wuya woke up from hunger. Song Shi gave them sugar cakes. They gnawed them and drank water before going back to sleep.

I was smacking my lips in the dream, so it was obviously a good dream.

the other side.

Downhill village.

As soon as daybreak comes, the village becomes very lively.

The stupid mother went from house to house crying, begging the villagers to help her seek justice.

Another village chief spoke.

Early in the morning, the villagers from Xiashan Village walked towards Baishan Village in a mighty manner, with a strong momentum, and they looked like they were looking for trouble.

"Uncle Song! Uncle Song! A group of people from Xiashan Village are attacking our village!" A young man ran into the village chief's house with his face flushed.

Song Dachuan hadn't eaten yet and was sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette.

Hearing this, he quickly stood up and said, "What did you say? Make it clear!"

I asked as I walked towards the entrance of the village.

He also ordered his son to go to the village to call for help.

When the two villages confront each other, no matter who is right or wrong, they cannot lose in terms of momentum.

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